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Minding the Machines provides insights into how to structure and lead a successful analytics practice. Establishing this practice requires a significant up-front investment in understanding and contextualizing the initiative in contrast to better-understood functions such as IT or HR. Many organizations have attempted to use operating models and templates from these other functions, showing a fundamental misunderstanding of where analytics fits within an organization and leading to visible failures. These failures have set back the analytical maturity of many organizations. Business leaders need to hire or develop data-centric talent who can step back from analysis and project management to view their work through a lens of value creation.
Readers will understand how organizations and practitioners need to structure, build, and lead a successful analytics team—to bridge the gap between business leaders and the analytical function. The analytics job market is booming, and the talent pool has swelled with other professionals upskilling and rebranding themselves as data scientists. While this influx of highly technical specialists with limited leadership experience has had negative consequences for the practice, it also provides an opportunity for personal differentiation.
Minding the Machines is organized in three key pillars: strategy, process, and people.
Strategy—How to assess organizational readiness, identify gaps, establish an attainable roadmap, and properly articulate a value proposition and case for change.
Process—How to select and manage projects across their life cycle, including design thinking, risk assessment, governance, and operationalization.
People—How to structure and engage a team, establish productive and parsimonious conventions, and lead a distinct practice with unique requirements.
Minding the Machines is intended for analytics practitioners seeking career progression, business leaders who wish to understand how to manage this unique practice, and students who want to differentiate themselves against their technical peers.
There is a significant need for leaders who can bridge the gap between the business and the data science and analytics functions. Minding the Machines fills this need, helping data science professionals to successfully leverage this powerful practice to unlock value in their organizations.
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How to Contact the Author
I would love to connect and hear what you thought of this book or to discuss opportunities to collaborate. You can reach me via:
Website: www.rjeremyadamson.com
Email: jeremy@rjeremyadamson.com
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/rjeremyadamson/
Twitter: @r2b7e
Instagram: r2b7e