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Martha Parham Hall


September 15, 1963

Winifred survived her first week of classes. She was taking more fashion merchandising courses this semester and looked forward to getting involved in classes she was actually interested in. She was taking Fashion Retailing, Clothing and Textiles, and Apparel in International Trade, but her favorite class was History of Costume. That first week of fall semester, she’d learned about fashion in ancient Egypt, including what the pharaoh’s wore and the portrayal of clothing worn by the Egyptian goddess Isis.

That weekend she and Angie had attended the football rally for the upcoming game with University of Georgia on September 21st. Alabama had claimed the national championship in 1961 and nothing was more important on campus than football. Bear Bryant was already nationally known for his coaching ability and Joe Namath was the football hero on campus. A pep rally was held on Friday night and Saturday the cheerleaders held a fundraising dance at Foster Auditorium. Winifred and Angie were present at both events. Winifred enjoyed these football social events more than the actual games. Angie seemed preoccupied at both events, scanning the environment continually as if she were an anthropologist or a visitor from another planet.

On Sunday afternoon, Winifred went to McLure Library to check out books for her History of Costume class. Winifred arrived late at the dining hall that evening and suddenly realized the presence of the National Guard throughout the University, including Martha Parham Hall, had not diminished at all. In fact, if anything, there was even more security patrolling the campus. When she sat down at her table, Angie, Matty, and Cupcake were having dinner and deep into conversation. When Winifred sat down, Matty turned to her and asked, “So you’re from Birmingham, right?”

“Homewood, but it’s the same thing. Why?”

“You haven’t heard?” Cupcake chimed in.

“Heard what?”

“A Colored church was bombed in Birmingham today,” said Matty. “Serves them right. They were all involved in that stupid Civil Rights movement and quite frankly, they had it comin’.”

Winifred was stunned. She had a puzzled look when she asked, “Had what comin’?”

“The bombin’, girl! What else?” quipped Matty.

“Was anybody hurt?” Winifred inquired.

“Do you care? It was a Colored church run by agitators!” Matty explained in defiance.

Winifred looked over at Angie and noticed her body language. At that point the oddest thought came to Winifred’s head. She thought, “Oh God! I must be psychic. Angie is telling me with her body to keep my mouth shut. Don’t discuss this with Matty. She is already belligerent enough!” Matty’s boisterous, booming voice carried all over the dining hall. Winifred glanced across the room where two guard were standing over the table where Vivian Malone was seated. At that moment, Vivian looked across the hall and stared directly into Winifred’s eyes. Winifred blushed and looked away.

The Evolution of Crimson

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