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Jembington Wacco


Matty first met Jembington Wacco at an off campus party thrown by one of their mutual friends. By early 1963, they were going steady and eventually planned to marry. Jembington was from Pinebark in Winston County in the northwestern part of Alabama. Winston County was famous for its efforts to secede from Alabama during the Civil War, though the Alabama State Legislature did not recognize it. Some residents of the county had decided if the state of Alabama could secede from the Union, then Winston County could separate from Alabama. Jembington’s family and friends called him Jembo. His parents were Argus and Bessie Wacco. Argus had a hardware store in Pinebark, Alabama and was the leader of northwest Alabama’s Ku Klux Klan. Winston County was certainly suited as an ideal location for Klan headquarters because of its immense, thick pine forests and numerous caves that served as hiding places. Argus’ ambition was for his son to follow in his footsteps. After college, Jembo was expected to return to Winston County and take over the hardware business. Argus also assumed Jembo would become a leader in the Klan. During the early days of integration at the University, Jembo and Matty were a suspicious couple. Unknown to them, their activities, friends, and whereabouts were being monitored.

Jembo lived in Paty Hall. In the summer of 1963, he was told that his roommate would be Gilbert West, supposedly from Toomsuba, Mississippi who was transferring from East Mississippi Junior College. Gilbert was determined to be friends with Jembo. As summer school and fall term unfolded, Gil became for Jembo, what Cupcake was to Matty. Wherever Jembo went, Gil followed.

Matty and Jembo introduced Gil to Cupcake, but Gil wasn’t the least bit interested. His eyes were on Winifred Dodd. Winifred was cautious around Gil. He was attractive enough but she didn’t like his friendship with Jembo and Matty. However, Angie encouraged Winifred to give Gil a chance. Since Winifred was not dating anyone in particular at the time, she agreed and on weekends when she didn’t have anything else to do, she would go out with Gil. But soon she was irritated by Gil’s insistence they double date with Matty and Jembo. Sometimes she could get Gil to take her out alone, but most of the time he wanted the other couple along. When Winifred and Gil were a duo, she genuinely liked him. When they were out with Jembo and Matty, Winfred hated the way Gil kowtowed to Jembo.

Worst of all was the way Jembo had treated James Hood. Although James had protection like Vivian, the Guardsmen could not prevent some of the residents from dropping and bouncing golf balls in the room above James’. The golf balls bounced, echoed, and reverberated in James’ room, keeping him from sleeping most of the night. Jembo was in charge of this assault. Matty bragged about this in the dining room and Winifred was suspicious that Gil had participated in this charade. After two months, James Hood withdrew from the University. Winifred was sure that Jembo and his accomplices had caused James to leave. She decided to stop dating Gil, but Angie insisted Winifred give Gil the benefit of the doubt. After all, Matty had never mentioned that Gil had participated in the harassment of James. Still, Winifred suspected he had. Angie’s persistence was somewhat baffling. Why would she care who Winifred dated? Besides, Angie was always busy studying and did not usually go out. Nevertheless, this made Winifred wonder.

The Evolution of Crimson

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