Читать книгу Finding Love at Hedgehog Hollow - Jessica Redland - Страница 14
ОглавлениеGlancing at my watch, my stomach churned as I dashed across the car park at Aversford Manor some time later, clutching that damn plant. Four hours. I’d missed four hours of the reception and here I was turning up in a dress and shoes caked in mud, with dishevelled hair, and handing back a car that looked like it had been off-roading in a mudslide. Yet I’d hopefully saved someone’s life. And I’d delivered the plant intact. Would Chloe be able to focus on those positives and not be too mad that her only bridesmaid had gone missing in action?
He was pacing up and down in the hotel reception. I’d discovered a mobile signal in a corner of the farmyard so had been able to ring him just before setting off.
Dad opened his arms and I rushed into them gratefully, holding the plant out to the side.
‘Sounds like you’ve had quite an ordeal,’ he said, when I pulled away.
‘You could say that. I’ll tell you all about it over a large drink.’
‘You might want to clean up a bit first,’ he suggested, wrinkling his nose.
I reached up and touched my hair which was rapidly escaping from the beautifully styled up-do. ‘I can probably salvage the hair.’ I looked down at my dress and shoes. ‘Not so sure about the outfit. Chloe’s going to go mad, isn’t she? I bet she’s livid with me already.’
Dad’s grimace told me the answer to that. ‘I’m sure she’ll understand when she hears it from you. Besides, it was her fault. What was she thinking, sending her only bridesmaid back for a plant, of all things?’
My natural reaction was always one of being protective towards my cousin. ‘She wasn’t to know that the sat nav would mess things up and get me hopelessly lost.’
‘Even so, any of the other guests could have done it. What were we saying earlier about you being too kind for your own good?’ Dad sighed. ‘You go and get yourself ready. I’ll find Chloe, let her know you’re here, give her the plant then meet you in the bar with a large glass of wine.’ He reached into his pocket and handed me a key card. ‘I’ve already checked you into your room and taken your bag up.’
I accepted the card in exchange for the plant. ‘Thanks, Dad. What would I do without you?’ Blowing him a kiss, I headed up the stairs towards the bedrooms.
‘Did Chloe tell you who the plant was for?’ he called.
‘No. Who?’
‘Who insisted on organising the flowers?’ he asked, ruefully.
‘No! So I went through all that for Great-Aunt Agnes?’
‘But you saved someone’s life. That’s an amazing thing.’
I sighed and shook my head. ‘I’ll be back down soon.’
The mirror in my hotel room revealed a sorry sight. My hair was sticking out in all directions, with large chunks hanging limply round my shoulders. There was a smear of mud on my left cheek, mascara smudges below my eyes, and my cheeks were red and blotchy. As for my dress? Disaster. There was mud and grime smeared across the bodice and on other parts of the skirt – not just the bottom as I’d originally thought – and was that blood? I deliberately hadn’t cleaned up the man’s wounds because I hadn’t wanted to leave him alone while I found a cloth, but I must have brushed against him.
I had nothing else to wear. All I’d brought was jeans and a T-shirt for the morning and I could hardly join the evening do at a posh country hotel wearing those. I’d have to sort out my hair and make-up and leave the dress as it was. If nothing else, it would be a talking point and anything to steer the conversation away from, ‘Wasn’t James your boyfriend, dear?’ was most welcome. Plus, there was a disco so it would be dark. I might be able to get away with it. Hopefully nobody would spot the blood.
Fifteen minutes later, with my hair and make-up sorted and some of the mud sponged off my shoes, I was about to go downstairs when my phone beeped with a message:
✉︎ From Rich
Thomas came to earlier and they think he’s had a mild stroke but he has low blood pressure so he’s definitely in overnight, maybe longer. Would you like me to let you know if I find anything else out? Rich
His name was Thomas, was it? He looked like a Thomas.
✉︎ To Rich
Thank you so much. Yes please to keeping me posted. I found a gorgeous tabby cat. There was a spare key so I’ll feed her again tomorrow on my way home. I didn’t get a chance to say earlier but I’m starting a teaching job at Reddfield TEC next month so will be moving to the area. Any local knowledge gratefully received
✉︎ From Rich
Great news about the cat and congrats on the new job! You’ll love it here … once you find your way round. I’d invest in a better sat nav, if I was you! If you need a tour guide, just shout. My partner, Dave, and I have lived here all our lives so we know all the back roads … and the best pubs
I smiled at his comment about his partner. Rich obviously liked to get his cards on the table from the very start. It had crossed my mind that he was attractive – athletic build with broad shoulders and dark hair – but I hadn’t been remotely attracted to him. How could I be when James still held my heart tightly?
✉︎ To Rich
I’ll take you both up on that! Thanks. Better haul my muddy backside down to this wedding and throw some shapes on the dance floor … if my cousin is still speaking to me, that is!
There were several missed calls showing on my phone from Chloe, Dad and Hannah, alongside a dozen or so ‘where are you’ texts from Chloe and Dad. Hannah had also sent a longer text:
✉︎ From Hannah
You’ve either bottled it or you’ve got hideously lost. Whichever it is, I’m hoping you’re OK. Chloe had a scary bridezilla moment when you weren’t here for the photos. She was convinced I knew where you were but I pleaded ignorance and, of course, didn’t say anything about our earlier conversation and never will. My back is killing me and I’m shattered so I drove home after the meal. Toby’s getting a taxi home later. You know where I am if you want to talk. Big hugs xx
I wasn’t surprised to hear about Chloe’s reaction. She was prone to being overly dramatic in high-stress situations and I completely understood why my absence would not have been appreciated.
✉︎ To Hannah
Got hideously lost. Arrived safely now but covered in mud! Long story which I’ll tell you tomorrow. Thanks for the concern. Hope you’re feeling better after putting your feet up xx
My heart raced as I made my way down the stairs and my legs actually felt quite wobbly. Grabbing the handrail to steady myself, I took a deep breath, pushed back my shoulders and continued my descent. It was fine. Everything was fine. My dress was muddy but it wasn’t ripped. The love of my life was now my cousin-in-law, if such a title existed, but he made Chloe happy which made me happy. I’d get over him eventually and a little physical distance would help that. Once I’d settled into my new role, I’d find somewhere to rent and fully start afresh.
‘Where’s the wedding reception, please?’ I asked the woman behind the check-in desk.
‘Go down that long corridor and you’ll find the lounge and bar on your left
and The Arundel Room on your right a little further down.’
Thanking her, I headed down a dark, wide, stone-flagged corridor, the sounds of laughter and the baseline of the music hitting me as I got closer to the end. You can do this. You’re only late and muddy. It’s not the end of the world.
I peeked into the bar as I passed. It was busy but there was no sign of the bride or groom. I needed to seek out Chloe first, apologise for missing everything, then I’d find Dad and down that much-needed glass of wine.
I’d almost reached the end of the corridor when Great-Aunt Agnes’s voice pierced through me. ‘Not so fast, young lady.’ Damn! She must have been in the bar and seen me sneaking past.
Turning to face her, I braced myself for a lecture.
‘Where do you think you’ve been all afternoon?’
‘I got a bit lost and—’
‘A bit lost? A bit? We left the church five hours ago, Samantha. Where on earth did you go? Via Manchester?’ Her shrill tone cut through me.
‘I really need to find Chloe and explain it to her.’ I started to turn.
‘I hope it’s a good excuse. You’ve certainly had plenty of time to dream one up.’
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ I turned back to fully face her, hands planted on my hips.
‘You know exactly what it means. Can’t say I blame you for running out, though.’
‘I didn’t run out. I was sent to get something – for you, as it happens – and I got lost on my way here. Several times.’
‘Probably because you were so distracted. Can’t be easy pretending to be the doting bridesmaid while your cousin marries the man you love.’ She raised her voice on that last sentence and, from the way she nodded her head as she looked past me, I knew why. What a cow.
‘You’re in love with James?’ Chloe cried.
Heart thudding, legs shaking, I turned round to face the bride, standing near the entrance to the function room. Her eyes were wide and her mouth open.
‘Of course not.’ I hoped I sounded convincing.
Great-Aunt Agnes sidled past me and stood next to her favourite great-niece. They both stared at me and I could feel my burning cheeks betraying me. I couldn’t keep eye contact and my hands seemed to have taken on a life of their own, plucking imaginary threads from my dress.
Chloe took a few steps closer to me. ‘Look me in the eye and tell me that you’re not in love with my husband.’
A crowd had gathered round us, no doubt drawn out of the bar and function room by the raised voices. I could feel everyone staring at me as though they were watching a real-life soap opera unfold. And among them was my hero: my dad.
‘Chloe, sweetheart,’ he said, moving to my side. ‘What sort of question is that to be asking on your wedding day?’
‘A question I want to hear the answer to,’ she said through gritted teeth. ‘So, I’ll ask you again. Samantha Wishaw, are you in love with my husband?’
A wave of nausea rising in me, I gulped. Why couldn’t I just look her in the eye and say: No, Chloe, I do not love your husband.
‘And I want you to swear it on our Gramps’s life,’ she added.
Never good with confrontation, my legs were shaking so much, I feared they might give way. ‘Chloe, let’s not do this now.’
A shocked murmur rippled round the growing audience.
‘So you lied when you told me it wasn’t serious between you both.’ Her voice was loud and pitchy.
‘Not exactly.’
‘Stop lying,’ she cried, stamping her foot.
‘I’m not lying.’ I took a step closer to her and lowered my voice. ‘You want the truth? The truth is that it wasn’t serious between us because…’
‘Because what?’ she demanded when I tailed off and lowered my eyes.
‘Because James wasn’t serious about me,’ I muttered.
‘Which means you were serious about him.’
‘Does it matter? He’s with you. He loves you, not me. Never me.’ I could hear the desperation in my voice.
Chloe looked at me with big, sad eyes and, for a moment, I thought she was going to hug me and maybe say sorry that I was hurting. But then she straightened up, narrowed her eyes and shook her head at me. ‘I think you should leave,’ she hissed.
‘You heard me. Go. Now.’ She hitched up her skirts and turned away.
‘Chloe!’ I dived forward and grabbed her arm but she snatched it away and spun round again.
‘I mean it. You’re not welcome at our wedding and, given that you’re in love with my husband, I’m not sure you’re welcome in our lives either.’
‘You can’t mean that.’
‘I can and I do. Goodbye, Samantha.’
Picking up her skirts again, she flounced back down the corridor and into The Arundel Room, the crowd turning and following her like rats being led by the Pied Piper. Great-Aunt Agnes looked me up and down, an unmistakable sneer on her face.
‘What?’ I cried. ‘What did I ever do to make you hate me so much?’
‘Ask your father,’ she snarled, then turned and strutted away.
Dad put his arm round me. ‘Come on. Let’s get you back to your room,’ he whispered, and I let him lead me back towards reception, the murmurs and giggles of the wedding guests becoming more muffled with each step.
But we didn’t get far. ‘Samantha!’
I turned to see Mum marching down the corridor towards us.
‘What the hell are you playing at?’ she snapped, her face flushed with anger.
‘I’ve done nothing wrong.’
She planted her hands on her hips and glared at me. ‘Have you heard yourself? Being in love with Chloe’s husband is hardly nothing.’
‘Debs, I don’t—’ Dad began.
‘Did I ask your opinion?’ she shouted, turning on him. ‘I should have known you’d be on her side, as always.’
‘It’s not about taking sides,’ Dad muttered.
‘No, it’s about your precious daughter being up to her usual tricks.’
I winced. ‘What tricks?’
‘You’ve always been jealous of Chloe and you’ll do anything to stop her being happy. Sabotaging her wedding day is a new low, even for you.’
‘I love Chloe,’ I cried, astonished at Mum’s accusations. ‘I walked away from James for her.’
‘And now you resent her for it and you’re trying to get him back.’
‘I’m not.’
‘Could have fooled me.’ With a final filthy look at both of us, she flounced back down the corridor towards the party.
I turned to Dad. He was staring after her, his brow furrowed, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.
‘Why does she hate me so much?’ I whispered, tears pooling in my eyes.
Dad turned back to me and his expression softened. ‘She doesn’t hate you, poppet.’
‘We both know she does.’
‘Your mum is very…’ He paused as though searching for the right word. ‘Complex,’ he added eventually.
Complex? I could think of a few other choice words for what Mum was but, right now, I had more pressing matters to deal with than yet another confrontation with her.
Taking a deep breath and wiping at my eyes to prevent the tears from falling, I straightened up. ‘I’m going to order a taxi then get out of here. You might as well go back to the party. There’s no point in you falling out with everyone as well.’
Dad put his arms out and pulled me into a hug. ‘I’m not going anywhere.’