Читать книгу A Mother For His Twins - Jill Weatherholt - Страница 10


Dear Reader,

Thank you for once again paying a visit to Whispering Slopes...my favorite fictional town nestled in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. I hope you enjoyed reading the reunion story of Nick and Joy. Two wounded hearts who struggled with the “if only” when it came to their pasts.

If and only—two words that can start a person down the road of self-doubt. Questioning things we should have done, or something we shouldn’t have done. Choices. We all make them each day of our life. Some take us down the right path while others might send us spiraling into a world of regret.

But what is past is done. We don’t get a redo, but we don’t have to let our past define who we are today. That was the challenge both Nick and Joy faced, but thankfully they realized God’s forgiveness isn’t only available to a selected few. It’s there for the taking, if we step out in faith and ask.

Remember, nothing surprises God, so let it go! Don’t live a life burdened with guilt and regret. He has bigger plans for you, so don’t waste another minute.

I love connecting with readers and getting to know you. Please visit my website, jillweatherholt.com, and follow my blog. You can also find me at www.facebook.com/jillweatherholtauthor or email me at authorjillweatherholt@gmail.com. I’d love to chat with you.


A Mother For His Twins

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