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Carla’s Divine Meat Pie


This pie is usually made with the leftovers of Thanksgiving dinner.

For the pastry:

1 cup (120g) self-raising flour, plus extra for dusting

1 cup (100g) oat flakes

½ tsp salt

120g butter, cut into pieces, plus extra for greasing

For the filling:

3 eggs, at room temperature

5 tbsp crème fraîche or cottage cheese

½ cup (125ml) gravy

sea salt, ground black pepper and grated nutmeg

250g cooked boneless turkey or chicken, cut into cubes

2 cups (200g) cooked stuffing (any kind)

½ cup (80g) raisins (optional)

1½ cups (175g) cooked fresh spinach or other greens

½ cup (60g) grated mature Cheddar cheese

Old Bay Seasoning or paprika

1. Mix the flour, oat flakes and salt in a large bowl and rub in the butter until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add teaspoons of cold water until the mixture comes together to form a soft dough. Leave to rest at room temperature, covered, for at least 30 mins.

2. Preheat the oven to 190°C/375°F/Gas 5. Beat the eggs in a large bowl. Add the crème fraîche or cottage cheese, the gravy, a dash of salt, pepper and nutmeg and stir until combined.

3. Grease and lightly flour a 9½ in (24cm) pie dish. Roll out the pastry on a floured surface and use to line the dish. Lightly prick the base all over with a fork. Sprinkle in the turkey or chicken meat, stuffing, raisins and cooked spinach or greens, then spread over the egg mixture and sprinkle with grated Cheddar and Old Bay Seasoning or paprika, to taste. Bake for 40 mins, until golden. Serve hot.

Freedom Fries and Cafe Creme

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