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This book is dedicated to the Game of making your product with as few inputs (of all types) as possible, which is part of a bigger game to make your industry sustainable and your organization responsible in the new world of limited resources.

Dedication to fewer inputs is a similarity between this approach to Lean maintenance and other, older approaches. The difference is the reason or driver for the effort. Traditionally the driver is higher profit. Our endeavor is to reduce the use of all resources used to make a product or provide a service. The end result might be the same, but the intention is very different. Higher profits and lower costs of goods sold are the gravy from this process. The meat is being able to produce products with lower and lower levels of inputs, which means consuming fewer resources.

Industry all over the world is getting the message. We want it all! We want wood to build houses and we want forests to visit. We want coal for power and we want clean air; we want low carbon emissions and we want recreational areas after the coal is gone.

In the South African gold fields, a major gold mine is reprocessing their tailings piles because new processes have been developed that can extract gold from the discards of only 10 years ago. Think of the energy and labor savings of not having to mine the ore, or even not having to carry it up the 8700-foot shaft.

A Pacific Northwest saw mill that makes dimensional lumber is getting better yields. After the tree is debarked it is scanned by a laser. A computer calculates the maximum yield from each tree given its shape, size, and length. Yields are up, and we have to cut down fewer trees to provide the same amount of lumber. They even accept the lumber brought down in storms and process it into good 2 X 4s.

Not far from the saw mill is the center of French fry production in the US. A typical plant might process a million and a half pounds of spuds a day. Their imaging systems can see a bad fry as it whizzes by at 30 miles an hour. The bad section gets punched out and fed to the (very happy) local cattle. The French fry producers have managed to use fewer potatoes to make better fries at lower costs. We want it all.

Has maintenance kept up with these improvements? Is maintenance producing the equivalent outcomes by mining the tailings pile, getting out more useful products per tree, or eliminating, even small, imperfections? I think not. I think that maintenance has lagged behind manufacturing in contributing to the efficient and Lean enterprise.

History of Lean maintenance

Lean maintenance was first distinguished as a unique program by observers of the Toyota Production System (TPS) in the early 1980s. The phrase Lean Manufacturing was never used by Toyota but was coined by James Womack in his ground-breaking 1990 book titled The Machine That Changed the World.

TPS concepts include: waste elimination (Lean Manufacturing), standardized work practices, just-in-time manufacturing scheduling, and a focus on quality. Shigeo Shingo is generally credited with originating lean manufacturing as part of TPS. He was a brilliant observer of manufacturing processes, and could see the waste in almost every process. Lean was named from that time, but the philosophy has been around for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Womack and Jones in their 2005 book Lean Solutions defined lean thinking. The two men were discussing manufacturing a product, but the conclusion completely applies to maintenance. It is said that the process should provide for something actually desired by the customer—in other words, a product that the customer wants or needs. In our business, the products are the services that repair breakdowns, efforts that provide reliability and uptime, and anything we do to assure consistent quality output.

In an interview, Geoff Green, an expert and facilitator of Lean manufacturing practices for SIRF Round Table in Australia, and Joanne Law, marketing head of the Lean Roundtable, described some of the history and attitudes important in Lean approaches. First Geoff explained that Lean came from automobile assembly plants where machines are small, operators are extremely well paid, and high-end (skill-intensive) maintenance may be outsourced anyway. This history explained why all the programs that evolved from TPS were operator-oriented and not maintenance-oriented (such as TPM).

Green and Law went on to explain that the tools they use for Lean are just tools and they are not ‘it’; the tools are not the program. What is ‘It’ is to have the employees engaged in their jobs, aware of the process around them, and concerned with waste. Employees can expose problems and have the power to resolve the problems. Lean maintenance would have the goal of having the maintenance workers be conscious of and concerned about waste.

One of the powerful exercises commonly used to show where waste exists in Lean manufacturing is to draw a circle on the floor from which the Lean team members can see the operation, and park them there for a few hours so that they can look at what is going on, ask themselves questions, and begin to see waste. This same technique can be applied by drawing the circle anywhere that maintenance people congregate (stores, tool crib, or the maintenance shop).

It is stressed that Lean is a tactical tool not a strategic tool. It is not designed for long-term change but rather toward immediate waste elimination. There is a tendency to push Lean toward a strategy for long term review of the maintenance process. There is a question to answer: What would my customer not be willing to pay for, if they knew about it?

In any program, or in any part of life, there are people who go too far and include everything under the banner of Lean (or in whatever else their passion is centered). Green and Law’s last comment in the interview was to beware of the lean fundamentalist.

What is it?

“Well what is lean?” you might ask. Lean is what people have always done. If you owned a factory you would practice Lean. In your household, don’t you try to run a lean operation? Aren’t you always telling the kids to turn the lights off, and to not use so much water?

Shingo’s definition of lean is an all-out war against waste from both manufacturing efficiencies and under-utilization of people. That is a pretty good starting point. Let’s get more specific.

Lean Maintenance: Is defined as delivery of maintenance services to customers with as little waste as possible, or producing a desirable maintenance outcome with the fewest inputs possible. In this discussion we will investigate ways of providing excellent services while minimizing the 10 inputs:

1.Labor (any kind including labor from the operator, mechanic, clerk, staff, and contractor)

2.Management effort (reduce headaches, or non-standard conditions requiring special management inputs)

3.Maintenance parts, materials, supplies


5.Equipment rental

6.Service contracts of all types

7.Raw materials




And/or ways of maximizing the outputs:

1.Improved reliability (uptime)

2.Improved output quantity

3.Improved repeatability of process (less variation)

4.Improved safety for the employees, the public, and the environment

The challenge is to produce these lean outcomes while maintaining a long-term, safe, environment, and conforming to governmental statutes and company policies.

IFS is a consultancy in the related area of Lean Manufacturing. They make some promises in their White Paper on Lean Manufacturing (to be found at their web site www.Ifsworld.com). The savings are likely to be similar to the ones that can be found in Lean Maintenance.

•A 90% reduction in lead time (cycle time)

•A 50% increase in productivity

•An 80% reduction in work-in-process inventory

•An 80% improvement in quality

•A 75% reduction in space utilization

In formal definitions, Lean is defined as the elimination of everything in the value stream that does not provide added value to the customer or to the product. Another way to approach this subject is to ask the question introduced above: “If the customer knew about this, would he/she be willing to pay for it?” So the customer might be willing for an effective permitting system to promote safety, but might also be unwilling to pay for the hours of waiting for the operator. Anything not contributing value is waste. So waste-free is the same as Lean. Of course waste has many forms that we will be looking at throughout this work.

Lean has four dimensions, or operates in four zones:

Practices: Lean Maintenance can be thought of as a set of practices and attitudes toward maintenance. These practices (like never sending someone to repair something without a plan, bill of material, and tool list) are like exercising, eating right, or self improvement. The improvement from the practice comes from its application over a long period of time. The good Lean Maintenance practices will carry you along, with gradual improvements over several years.

Attitude: Having the right attitude is related to practices. We are trying to produce our product or service with the least input possible because it makes sense from a profit motive and because it is the right thing to do for our environment and for our world. Like someone exercising, even if your attitude flags (I don’t want to exercise today), the habit of the practice will carry you over (you don’t have to like it—just do it!)

Technology: Breakthroughs in technology can happen at any time. Innovation is either continuous (incremental improvement) or discontinuous (giant leap in improvement involving shift to new approaches). Maintenance professionals who want Lean Maintenance will have to be in a constant search for new technology. The key to using technology is to wait for others (who like living on the bleeding edge of technology) to do the initial “beta” testing and to have a program in place to try some of the successes. Testing new technology in a scientific way (that is with rigorous testing and a control) is essential to know if a new technology is indeed better than the old.

Duration: Savings (of resources or money) from Lean projects are like little rivulets of water flowing back to the company. Over time and with ongoing attention they gather together into massive streams and then rivers of savings. The key is time or duration. One project will not make much difference, but dozens of projects over a few years can make a substantial, quantifiable difference in the picture, as shown by the diagram below.

Levels to Lean: Lean Maintenance can be seen in levels. Each level includes the levels below. Each level expresses a higher level of knowledge, investment, and commitment.

Level one—Looks lean superficially: Lean Maintenance efforts start with ‘Looks Lean’ projects. It is likely that there are easy savings or what is called ‘Low Hanging Fruit’. You could just reach out and grab the savings. Savings of this type include re-lamping with compact florescent lamps, or plugging steam and compressed-air leaks. There are great, quick, and low-cost actions that can be taken in this domain. Many organizations are satisfied to operate in level one, and never go to the higher levels.

Level two—Studies to make lean: Once the ‘Low Hanging Fruit’ is picked you will have to conduct studies and do some research into Lean practices and products. The effort and knowledge required for success is higher. Savings potentials here might include high-efficiency motors, more-efficient starters, or more-slippery lubricants. Improved inspection technology such as infrared cameras also fit in here.

Level three—Lean potential limit given existing technology: At the top of the totem pole is the investigation and adoption of new, different, and more-efficient manufacturing processes. These processes might offer better yields, higher quality, increased up time, lower energy usage, and fewer maintenance-intensive processes. Included would be maintenance process re-engineering, using some kind of hybrid or fuel cell technology, integrating technologies to make all systems work together, and major changes to new technologies for efficiency and improvement.

The nature of Fat Maintenance

There are important questions that could help big organization attack their tendency to get fat. Why is it that people, institutions, and especially big institutions, always seem to go toward fat (with few exceptions) as they age? Is there any relationship between human middle age and organization middle age? Is this preordained? Is this entropy (the tendency for systems to go toward disorder)? These are particularly important philosophical questions. If there is any way around this stage it would be important to know.

Another useful inquiry: is the goal of Lean Maintenance to be totally lean or is a little fat ok. Is a basketball court or gym in the plant against Lean? If a company has the resources, can it put in day care for the employees’ kids or build an outdoor picnic area? Can some fat be good?

The issue is how we define fat. It is perfectly OK to have a gym because it does not impact the leanness of the basic operation (except using a few hundred square feet). In our definition, giving a little back to the employees for their health or enjoyment is not fat at all. It is by removing the fat that resources are made available for return to the employees and shareholders. Of course, the Lean fundamentalists disagree, saying that any square footage not dedicated to making product is fat. So a garden with picnic tables, or a daycare center, is fat for them but not for me.

So, what is fatness? At a survival level, fat is stored resources. Fat is stock stored against a famine. At emotional levels fat is satisfaction of phantom hunger. At a sensory level, fat is enjoyment of the fine things in life at levels and in amounts well above sustenance levels. The fat in organizations is all this and the inflexibility, lack of insight and feeling of struggle to get things done that goes with it.

Many great companies that were known in the last few generations as Lean have become bloated. In companies, fatness may come about when, for that time and place, survival and competition have been handled. However, survival and competition are never completely handled. but they can be handled for a time and in a place. The practices and attitudes that developed during the growth phase still continue to work reasonably well in the fat phase. Once the outside facts change enough (the marketplace, the technology), the company can fail, or be forced to reinvent itself to survive.

The best company example of this life cycle is IBM, once the pre-eminent computer manufacturer in the world with a market share over 70%. There was the ‘IBM way,’ which worked well for decades and set the stage for today’s computer culture. Then the computer world changed.

Companies introduced small personal computers. In fact, IBM was an accelerator of the change with the introduction of their IBM PC. That introduction itself was a break from the past because it used standardized instead of (its usual) proprietary parts. The short version of the story was that IBM’s fortunes fell dramatically and the company encountered hard times (for IBM). The company looked fat and without the ability to reach to the marketplace.

Just before the Internet boom, IBM had successfully reinvented itself as global integrators, consultants, and middleware suppliers (software that sits between the operating system and the user applications). The company is now re-invigorated and it looks entirely different from how it did in 1980.It is now a faster, leaner, and extremely effective force in the computer field for large businesses.

We associate fat with laziness. Fat organizations tend to be bureaucratic and inflexible. IBM filled this definition to a ‘T’ before its re-invention. In these organizations it is hard to get stuff done. The focus is more internal (rules, procedures, power) than external (toward customers and market needs). Lean organizations tend to be in action, and have less baggage to carry around, so getting things done is the expression of the company.

Consider the stories of John D Rockefeller and Standard Oil. In the early days, Rockefeller’s Standard Oil was known as a Lean producer. Its rapid growth was not all due to his abuses of size and power that caused the government to break up the company. Initially he paid enormous attention to the cost and consequence of every decision. In one story he counted the number of drops of solder it took to seal a barrel. He realized he could get by with fewer drops. Now that is Lean!

Once Rockefeller became powerful and began to use his power to force his competition out of business, history has said, his behavior was unacceptable. He broke the law. “In 1911, the Supreme Court upheld the lower court judgment, and forced Standard Oil to separate into thirty-four companies” (Wikipedia). These companies became the leading oil companies in the world including Exxon-Mobile, Conoco-Phillips, Amoco and Sohio (now part of BP) and others.

The important conclusion is how the successors are oriented toward efficiency and Lean. In fact, none of the 34 companies would be known now as a Lean producer. So from the Lean roots and John D. Rockefeller we have inherited some very fat companies. Their Lean roots aren’t even part of their advertising or identity.

No such thing as Lean

Almost every organization that watched its pennies while they were growing now has trouble in watching its millions. Part of the issue is that there is no such thing as a Lean company. What does this mean? There is no magical place called Lean where you can arrive. There is only a Lean company here and now. More properly, companies move toward or away from Lean operations every day.

There is no permanence, just process and direction. Any company that considers itself lean (just like any company that thinks it is world class), is engaged in self deception. In a moment the leaders in the industry will fall and the followers will lead (or people who just entered the industry and didn’t exist a few years ago will lead everyone). Complacency is the enemy of a truly Lean enterprise. Simple changes in technology tomorrow can open avenues not contemplated by any expert today.

There are hundreds of examples of Fat maintenance. For example, organizations can have too much PM. We remember the words of John Wanamaker (a Philadelphia, PA department store founder in the early 20th century) when he said that he knew that half his advertising was wasted. He said his problem was that he didn’t know which half.

Half of a good PM effort is wasted. Nine tenths of a bad effort is wasted. One thing to consider is, what if you have a machine with a low consequence of failure? Let’s also say the PM cost exceeds the cost of the avoided failure. Is it Fat to PM it, and is it Lean to let it run to failure? For some people, choosing a breakdown strategy would be a scary thought (though it might be the Leanest choice).

Lean is both a continuous and a discontinuous process in that you can develop and improve your leanness by doing training and projects. Lean is discontinuous because as lean as your racks of relays are, they might be the height of fat in comparison to the solid-state world.

There’s a series of steps that make any service or product. Each step adds a little value to the product. This sequence is called the value stream, and it is comprised of all the steps from the identification of the need to the satisfaction of the need. In maintenance, the stream includes the work request or notification, the work order, job planning, coordination, scheduling, execution, and communications. All the subsidiary streams, such as material management, are value streams that flow into the main stream.

Within the value stream there’s a flow from step to step. Our goal is to provide maintenance services without waste or waiting. We want to eliminate both wasted execution and waiting time, and all excess materials. The waiting includes time expended by both the customer and the tradesperson. Let the customer pull value from the provider; customers say when they want the product and what product they want. In the maintenance world, customers define the uptime needed and the quality requirement. Then they schedule windows where maintenance can be provided.

Ideally, lean manufacturing seeks perfection in providing the product with no waste and full value for the manufacturing investment, thus defining lean manufacturing. This definition will be shifted here to suit maintenance.

What are some of the barriers to Lean?

There is resistance to Lean Maintenance. This resistance can be seen in any of the four dimensions (Practices, Attitudes, Technology, and Duration).

1.Reluctance to adopt new technology to solve old problems with known solutions (such as replacing incandescent lamps with compact fluorescent lamps).

2.Concentrating on initial costs and not realizing the cost or time impacts of the waste (such as extended drain intervals of newer oils).

3.Being ignorant in areas where an expert would know of a better product or process (using stabilizer in swimming pools to reduce the use of chlorine).

4.Being complacent.

5.Not being concerned with the efficiency of the process or with the waste produced (particularly when profit margins are high).

6.Resistance when producing waste is cheaper than re-use, re-purpose, or re-cycle.

7.Having all the attention on other targets such as production level, quality, or safety.

8.Having an aesthetic that requires waste (such as an architect wanting a vaulting atrium with glass roof in Arizona).

9.Having an aesthetic that requires obscure products (like lamps that emit certain colors not available in florescent) and not accepting something close.

10.Fun (like having a 300-HP car rather than a 200-HP car).

11.Waste requires less attention and it may be easier to manage than Lean.

12.Unusual quality requirements where useable, almost-good, components are scrapped.

13.Where consumption makes a statement (such as the lagoon in the middle of the desert at the company headquarters).

14.Marketing might drive waste by super-sizing products, which people then throw away in larger amounts.

15.Lack of production planning (like the bakery that over-produces and then has excessive leftovers).


There is a problem with the notion of Lean Maintenance. The problem is that, if you follow Lean Maintenance through to its logical conclusion, Lean Maintenance really means no maintenance. Or rather, it means no need for maintenance. It means a factory with equipment that doesn’t need to be maintained. Wouldn’t that be the Leanest Maintenance of all? If we could build a manufacturing process that would reliably make a product that didn’t require any maintenance, wouldn’t that be interesting to top management?

After all, maintenance itself (unless you do some interesting manipulations with semantics and logic) does not directly add value to a product. This value adding proposition is part of the definition of lean maintenance. So, we have a little bit of a dilemma.

The solution to this dilemma is that as yet there are no truly maintenance-free factories. Until there are, we have to make maintenance lean. When there are maintenance-free designs, we will have to reconsider this position. So, on the way to having maintenance-free systems, you can take on the fat in maintenance.

Some of you may watch Star Trek (one of my favorite series that I think has captured many issues of maintenance management over time). I tell people that if you ever want to know something about maintenance, just watch Star Trek and see how maintenance issues are treated. Everything you need to know about maintenance has been in a Star Trek episode.

In the first Star Trek series, back in the late 60s, Scotty was the chief engineer and Scotty would fix things. Scotty would get down underneath this thing and he would wriggle around some complicated-looking tool and he would fix things. He’d actually get dirty.

And in the second series Star Trek, the Next Generation, Geordi La Forge was the chief engineer. In a hundred episodes or so, Geordi rarely fixed anything. He would have a problem (there was almost one in every episode); he’d walk over to a computer console and would reconfigure the warp couplings or something like that, by punching a bunch of weird-looking symbols.

And then in Voyager, it’s even better. Participants in the Voyager series didn’t even discuss breakdowns because the ship was biological and fixed itself. B’Elanna Troy was the chief engineer and her whole mission was getting more power. She spent her time getting more power out of the warp engine (the reason why is beyond the scope of this discussion).

And these items illustrate exactly what are the three recent generations of maintenance. The first generation, in the mid 1960s, was the super fix-it guy who could fix anything. He was an older person (compared to the rest of the crew) but up-to-date with all the technology. The second generation in the 1990s was the young, smart, computer guy. And in the third generation in the 2000s, the ship was biological, and could just grow new circuits.

Machines that can fix themselves are what your bosses dream about, by the way.

These are battles that have been fought for years

Many of us have been fighting these lean battles for years. In a recent training session on Planning in an ore processing facility, I was amazed that, without prompting about waste and the value stream of maintenance, or any preparation to set up the discussion, the maintenance workers and plant operators came up with a great collection of ideas about where the waste was located.

You can see that waste is foremost in the workers’ minds because unlike managers, the waste is in the workers’ faces. Logically, the list of ideas can be divided into a few areas. These few areas could be used to start the lean discussions within the plant. If you embark on a Lean journey, always ask yourself the question: where is the lowest-hanging fruit in each of the areas? Nothing beats having success on your first few projects.

Waste discussion from Alcoa, Point Comfort, Texas July 2007,

•The biggest waste is searching for and ordering parts. It seems wrong parts are constantly ordered or received. The whole process around parts is a huge waste of time.

•Getting refurbished components from outside vendors with incorrect specifications. And inadequate follow-up on outsourced rebuilding.

•Parts that are pulled for a job and not used are thrown away because it is too much trouble to return them.

•Long-lead-time parts are not set up on the system or stocked (the plant is 50 years old).

•Time wasted going to jobs unprepared. The maintenance people frequently don’t have the materials or tools, and then have to leave the jobs to collect the stuff.

•Planners do not have job knowledge or know the job requirements.

•Starting jobs before you have all the parts and equipment (this is a daily problem).

•Showing up on jobs and not being able to get access to equipment because it’s not locked out, cleaned, or ready for maintenance.

•Not having the right tools in the tool room and having to improvise.

•When you get tools from the crib, they frequently don’t work.

•Lifting gear (cranes, Broderson, etc) break down too often. Mobile equipment takes too long to get back from the garage.

•The biggest waste is sharing large equipment. When ever a mobile crane is needed it seems like someone else has it. It then becomes necessary to steal one from another unit.

•Craftspeople do not get ready to use the crane when they order it (because they know they will not get it right away anyway. When they do get it they might even hide it).

•The issue of cross training of the General Mechanics (GMs). There is a wide variation in skill sets among the GMs. Some can weld plate but not pipe, some can align pumps. These deficiencies cripple the crews, create inefficiency and put a lot of pressure on the GMs with more skills.

•A huge amount of time is wasted in re-inventing the wheel. We have a 50-year old plant, yet we have to invent ways of doing things that have been done successfully before.

•Only patching and not fixing the root cause of the problem due to cost, budget or production concerns wastes a lot of time.

•Poor PMs (not well-directed, personnel skills, often not equal to the task).

•Inflexible break and meal times.

•The Work Requested is incorrectly scoped or defined, leading to the wrong job being done.

•Lack of coherent priorities means workers are pulled off scheduled jobs to work on emergencies, which causes lost time and interferes with the timely completion of PMs (which in turn causes more emergencies). Jobs sometimes come up that are called emergencies but they are not really emergencies.

•Excessive emergencies interrupt scheduled work. Maintenance seldom seems to have a chance to finish what is started in one go.

•Too many managers and not enough workers to do the work. On a valve change, too many supervisors standing around trying to rush the job.

•Supervisors have no idea whether the job is ready.

•Problems with scaffolding. Only contracting for two crews to cover the entire plant so that maintenance frequently has to wait excessive amounts of time. Using a contractor is often a waste of money and causes more problems than it solves.

It might be apparent that some of these items describe waste that is easily accessible or “low hanging fruit” and some items require significant change. As the processes for Lean Maintenance projects are described, you can revisit this list and see even more project opportunities.

Lean Maintenance projects are fun!

The truth is Lean Maintenance is fun. These investigations and projects are going to be the fun stuff, and are the part of maintenance that, if any of you have ever come up through the maintenance ranks, are maintenance engineers, or have hands-on experience designing stuff; this may be the most fun part of what you do.

You’ll soon start to see some of the things we’re going to address. The exercises in this work can be done with the people in the crafts. This work has been done in a wide range of organizations with a very wide variety of participants.

In a school (described in detail in a later chapter), we worked with the groundskeepers, who didn’t understand English. I would give instructions and then one of them would translate it for everyone at the table. And the workers would do these projects, and you could feel the energy. So even though fun is against the grain in maintenance circles, we’re going to shoot for that as part of these projects.

Sometimes the negative result is positive

The groundskeepers I just mentioned did a project on edging blades. They felt that a more-expensive edging blade would be Leaner (cheaper per foot of edging and less effort to use). So we bought the expensive cutting blade, but it turned out that their old cheap blade performed about the same as the expensive blade. To compound the problem the cheap one could be sharpened but the expensive one had special steel alloys and a shape that couldn’t be sharpened. So it was clearly Leaner and cheaper to use the cheaper blade.

The team felt really bad. They felt bad because their project had failed. I said that I considered it to be a completely successful project, because it gave us information about the process or product that we didn’t have before, and we now had a new basis for thinking about things. People were much more conscious of the whole blade issue after that than they were before. So, a good project might be successful even if it has a negative result. The next time a new blade comes out, they can give it a try and test it against their benchmark.

What does waste look like?

Is it non-added value? Actually, that’s what waste doesn’t look like. What does waste look like? This is not a high-level question; I’m asking a kindergarten question here. Waste looks like garbage, a spill on the floor, extra parts in the scrap bins, personnel standing around.

When you take on Lean you get sensitivity to what waste looks like. You can walk into your place and see waste when you couldn’t see it before. Once you start to think this way, you walk through the storeroom and when the dust is really thick on something you start to think of questions. Is the part there for a really good reason (I don’t want to minimize that in the maintenance world)?

It may be what we call an insurance-policy spare, which you expressly have on the shelf to not use. But there’s stuff in the stock room that you won’t use, which is different from “not use”.

In the stock room at a large coal-fired power plant they had this large part, it looked like the head of a cylinder. It was covered with a thick coat of grease and dust (so it had been there a while). I asked, “What is that?” The stock room manager answered “Well, I don’t really know what it is. And neither do any of my people. And, in fact, I invited the old maintenance guys in here that would have been around when this was used before, and they don’t know what it is either.” Now that will qualify to me as some kind of waste, although we don’t know what kind of waste because we don’t know what it is. And, of course, what everybody is afraid of is making a mistake and getting rid of it (and finding it is needed the next day).

An automated assembly operation had a $25,000 power supply for a robot that was never supposed to break. The company bought it because it had a six months lead time. We call that an insurance policy part. It’s a well-established strategy that there are certain things that are so onerous to not have, that you have them. These parts are not waste. The question is, what about everything else? What about the SKU (stock keeping unit—single part number) that is not an insurance policy spare. That’s what we want to attack.

Once we start to eliminate waste we start to see what waste looks like. Consider the US Mint. They blank out 11 coins at a time—quarters in this instance. The job is run on a 200-stroke per minute Shuler press. The blanks are cut from the clad metal coil like cookies being cut by a cookie cutter. The blanks (round disks before they are coins) pass through the press and fall on to a conveyer belt. The belt takes the blanks to the coining operation.

US Coins are blanked and coined in separate operations. Under the Shuler press there’s a big pile of blanks on the floor. Every blank on the floor cost the Mint $0.06–0.07.The manager said, “Well, what happens is, the blanks hit the conveyer belt and a few roll off.” We decided to modify the chute underneath the press to better control the blanks falling on to the conveyer belt. To test the idea we designed an extension to the chute with cardboard and duct tape. We cut up a cardboard box and wrapped it around the chute so that the space was just more than the thickness of the coin.

When the blanks came out on the conveyer belt, any that were standing up were knocked over by the edge of the new cardboard chute. The blanks no longer fell off the belt onto the floor. The number of blanks that fell off dropped to 1 or 2 a shift. The savings was in the thousands of dollars. The impact on maintenance was that the maintenance effort was divided up among more shippable units. An hour a day cleaning up the blanks was also saved.

You have to have an idea where to start to look for Fat. This book will spend several chapters on this issue of where to look. A certain kind of vision is needed that allows you to walk into your plant or any plant and get the tempo of the place.

Look around and see the cleanliness of a “5S” shop (to be discussed in its own chapter). If everything is really tidy you can immediately see problem areas. You can tell when a place is well organized or not well organized, when there’s debris under the tables or not. You can see that kind of waste. That is the obvious stuff. There is also wasted effort, time, wasted energy, wasted spares, etc. that you can’t easily see.

Not every organization should undertake an effort of this type.

This is a tough conversation. If a company is driven by short-term goals exclusively, then Lean Maintenance programs might not be appropriate. It is almost as if the profit-making corporation is designed to be intrinsically against good long-term maintenance practices.

We are not talking about greed here. But we are talking about having a game called business, where one of the rules is to look at the profit numbers for each short interval. If we look only at short term economics, the Future Value (FV) of the maintenance effort discounted to today, never seems to equal the Present Value (PV) of the investment.

This is a pure devil’s advocate position. But keep in mind that this view is held by many smart people. In a later chapter we will discuss the leaks in the pipeline in Alaska. As an example, place the savings over 30 years by not doing all the maintenance necessary to avoid the leaks on one side of the equation. On the other side, place the costs to fix the leaks 30 years later. If you do the math, small amounts of money saved over 30 years (this is a mortgage payment type of problem) can justify huge spending on leaks now. Of course these money calculations ignore the impact on the environment, but that impact is not built into the structure of the typical corporation. We have to fight that position with all the tools available. But if the company is dedicated to only short term gains, we may lose the argument.

Given all the kudos given to Lean maintenance it might be a surprise to know it is not always a good idea. Lean Maintenance can be a demotivator unless there are several things that are committed to and present. Some of the attitudes needed for success are:

1.Commitment that efficiencies gained will not result in layoffs.

2.Commitment to follow through on at least 50% or more of the projects if the engineering and economics work (the more projects you follow through on the better). The president of Sony, in its heyday, spent a good deal of effort following through on ideas from employees, even those of marginal value. He said that every project done was a motivator to the entire workforce and was well worth it, even if it in itself didn’t make money.

3.Ability to commit the resources to the effort, including time off from regular duties to work on projects, small amounts of money to purchase experimental materials, and management/staff coaching time.

4.Ability to allow flexibility in purchasing non-standard items from new vendors on a rush basis.

5.Ability to allow people to cross functional and trade lines, and to encourage workers to talk directly to the appropriate experts in the accounting, purchasing, legal, and engineering departments.

Lean Maintenance

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