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I want to dedicate this book to the power people have when they wake up, get excited and motivated. The story of TPM is the story of a firm without other advantages than its own people’s ideas and motivations, becoming the dominant player in its industry.

Times are tough for manufacturers and doubly tough for manufacturers not fully using their greatest asset. Many companies parrot the idea that their people are their greatest asset, but few act in a way that is consistent with that ideal. That is now the past.

The window of opportunity to change the paradigm of the worker and the manager won’t be open indefinitely. It’s possible that the greatest enemy is not labor or management but rather the marketplace and the tough realities of manufacturing. Terrible financial woes have made a quantum change not only possible but essential. The companies that wake themselves up and fully use the people at their disposal will be the ones that dominate the next business cycle.

On a more personal note, I dedicate this book to Nancy Boxer. Her love for reading and writing has been a motivator to me. I am lucky she has come into my life. I learn something from her every day.

Thank you, and I hope you enjoy this book

Joel Levitt

March 2010

TPM Reloaded

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