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About the Author

Since 1980 Joel Levitt has been the President of Springfield Resources, maintenance consultants in a wide variety of industries including pharmaceuticals, oil, airports, hospitals, high tech manufacturing, school systems, government, etc. He has worked in both highly regulated (such as FDA, DOT) and unregulated environments, and in both union and non-union environments.

Mr. Levitt is a leading maintenance trainer throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia. He has trained over 15,000 maintenance professionals from 20 countries in more than 500 classes and workshops, including TPM seminars and projects for the U.S. Mint, MPI (precision stamping), and others. Surveys of his students show that 98 percent rated the training very good or excellent.

Previously, Mr. Levitt was a senior consultant at Computer Cost Control Corp, where he designed and implemented computerized maintenance management systems for organizations such as FedEx, United Airlines, JFK Airport, and BFI. He designed, installed, and serviced a complete automation system with rack control, accounting, and inventory control for BP North America’s 30,000-barrel/day-oil terminal. He designed the railroad fuel security and accounting system that was adopted by the American Railroad Association as their recommended standard.

Mr. Levitt has written seven books on maintenance management and contributed chapters to two other books. He has written over six dozen articles for trade publications on maintenance topics.

TPM Reloaded

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