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Footnote 1 Dinner was eaten at ten, or at the furthest eleven o'clock.

Footnote 2 Gaston of Foix, Duke of Nemours.

Footnote 3 The Mincio.

Footnote 4 Over the Oglio.

Footnote 5 He confounds it with the Adda, which empties into the Po.

Footnote 6 Again a change of names. The Ticino is meant.

Footnote 7 Even in representations designed for the people such malevolent charges are found. These exaggerations are to be corrected not by concealment, but by a candid statement of the facts.

Footnote 8 This could scarcely have taken place, as may be supposed, during his ministry at Einsiedeln.

Footnote 9 He seems to have made his first open attack on the whole system of pilgrimages in the year 1522, when at the invitation of Geroldseck, he preached once more at Einsiedeln, since, in this year, the 14 September fell on a Sunday, the time of the greater festival of the Consecration of the Angels. The government of Schwyz, which had hitherto favored it, now first opened its eyes.

The Life and Times of Ulric Zwingli

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