Читать книгу Oahspe: A New Bible - John Ballou Newbrough - Страница 132

Chapter IV


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1. GOD said: Without evil preserved I the I'hin race, as the foundation of my light, wherefrom I could reach forth to the tribes of darkness.

2. For I fore-ordained not to go within darkness to battle it, but to stand without, and give an example of righteousness for man to look upon.

3. Neither planned I from the beginning that my chosen should labor without examples of cities and kingdoms of righteousness.

4. The evil man and evil priest, who are subjects to satan and his hosts, remain in evil, preaching righteousness without a city or kingdom of example. But my chosen go away by themselves and build their cities, as a testimony of their faith in the Father.

5. And they practice the fullness of my commandments by their lives toward one another.

6. To him who saith: THIS IS MINE, I have not spoken. To him who saith: MY HOUSE, MY LANDS, I have not spoken.

7. For inasmuch as these things belong to them, such men belong to such things, and not to me.

8. For illustration of which truth, I raised up separate from the world's people, the I'hins, who were my living examples of righteousness.

9. Think not, however, that the I'hins were the perfection of manhood and womanhood. They were not a developed race, nor righteous because of their own knowledge.

10. By the constant presence of my exalted angels, they were obsessed to righteousness, being restrained away from evil. They were my sermon before the tribes of druks and cannibals that covered the earth over; and, by virtue of signs and miracles, and by non-resistance, preserved I them.

11. For man of himself evolveth only to power in evil; wherefore, O man, thou shalt behold my dominion over the races of men, to work righteousness and good-will.

12. And my examples reached into the souls of the barbarians, so that, in after ages, I should prepare them to hear my voice, and to comprehend my commandments.

13. For it is the fullness of light amongst men, when, without my presence or the presence of my hosts, they shall understand virtue and knowledge, practicing them of their own accord. In which time men shall perceive that righteousness, and peace, and love toward one another, are the foundation of the happiness of the spirit, and the only light of its resurrection.

14. The Lord said: Think not that I came to one nation alone, leaving the others in darkness; I came not to one alone, but unto all the divisions of the earth. According to what was required for them at times, so held I my hand over them, and they accomplished that which was designed from the beginning.

15. It being not the will of Jehovih that man should be forever led, because, forsooth, his Lord saith; but that man should ultimately have the light of practicing good works organically, from infancy up.

16. The Lord said: A teacher that doeth all things for his pupil, also sacrificeth his pupil; he who teacheth his pupil wrongly, sinneth against the Father; he who teacheth his pupil not at all, is accessory to evil. So standeth the Lord, your God, over the children of men.

17. Behold, I have demonstrated that my chosen can maintain themselves unharmed amongst barbarians; also that by unrestrained marriages a sacred people is quickly lost amongst barbarians.

18. For man, witnessing terrible conflicts, should rather desire sons of strong limbs and arms and crafty minds, to do murderous work abundantly; from which condition he had no incentive to rise in gentleness and love, for the glory of the Spirit.

19. That I, your Lord, might show after-generations, first, that without my hand in the work, no good nor peace could come amongst men; and, second, that only by a race of I'hins, as examples of my power, through signs and miracles, could the barbarians be reached for their own good.

20. Not only did I leave the ruins of my cities which had no gates of entrance, and houses without doors of entrance, that ye might have testimony of the race of I'hins, but I have shown you that only by such procedure could the barbarians be induced to a higher evolution.

21. Think not, O man, that I did not foresee the time when men should question whether the Great Spirit ever placed a Lord over the earth; and that man should say: Behold, there is no Lord and no God. For I foresaw these times, and provided angels to go in advance, to show, first, the evolution of the races of men from out of the lowest darkness; and, second, that the cause of the evolution came from the Great Spirit, and was directed unto righteousness; but had not been so, but for the Lord, your God.

22. For I left sufficient tribes unto this day, who dwell in darkness, even cannibals, as a testimony, that of themselves they possess nothing to cause a desire for evolution into knowledge, and peace, and industry, and love, and good works unto one another.

23. Will not man say: One people is raised up in consequence of the presence of their neighbor, and without a Lord or God, and the angels of heaven.

24. Now, behold, I have left savages at your door, and ye raise them not up, but destroy them. Showing you, that even your wisest and most learned have no power in resurrection. Neither have I left any way open for the resurrection of barbarians, save by examples of Faithists (I'hins), who shall practice righteousness and miracles.

25. And there shall rise up those who will do these things, and they shall succeed; and because of their success, they shall also be testimony of the I'hin race, in whom I laid the foundation for the redemption of the whole earth.

Oahspe: A New Bible

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