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Chapter VI


Table of Contents

1. GOD said: In the time of Osiris, thy Lord provided for the light and knowledge, that had been with the I'hins, to be merged into the new races, the Ghans and I'huans. By the Lord and his angels was such foundation laid.

2. Before this time, the I'hins could not inspire the barbarians to make leather and cloth; nor could they inspire them to industries of any kind in the way of virtue and peace.

3. The Lord provided unto the inhabitants of the earth, oracle houses, wherein the Lord could speak face to face with mortals; through his angels, chosen for this purpose, did the Lord thus teach mortals.

4. Persuading them to industries, and peace and righteousness, after the manner of the I'hins.

5. Teaching them of the stars and sun and moon; showing them how to find the times and seasons of the earth.

6. Inspiring them to observe the stars, and to name them, which names are preserved to this day.

7. I have established landmarks, saith the Lord. What I do, man cannot do. I lift the barbarian up; he giveth over his cruel practices by my command.

8. I call him to the observation of the stars, and he heedeth my voice.

9. Behold, O all ye that say there is no Lord, I have left a remnant of the barbarians. Go try your hand. Let them that find the cause of the progress of man, to come of the earth, go raise up the barbarian.

10. I say to man: Go commune with the spirits of the dead, and man doeth it. I say: Come away from such worship, and fall down before the stars, and man doeth it.

11. Jehovih said: My Lord, My God, go thou; call man to one thing to-day, and let him worship it. And to-morrow call him to another, and let him worship it. For man shall fall down and worship everything in heaven and earth. By trying them shall man know them. For in the day of my glory, kosmon, man shall put away all worshipful things, save Me, his Creator.

12. The Lord God said: Through the worshipful talents man can be raised up. Even as to great learning, man will not pursue it till he first worshippeth it.

13. In the time of Osiris, the Lord named the stars in heaven after the legendary names of Gods and Lords. And the Lord taught not that man should worship them, but that he should learn their glory and majesty in the firmament.

14. But man forgot the Creator because of the wonder of His works. Even to this day man inclineth to view as substantial and real, things that are seen, and to reject the All Potent, which is Unseen.

15. This was the command of God (Osiris), for man should learn corporeal things as well as spiritual. And I, the Lord, carried away the spirits of the dead, not suffering man and angels to commune together. For heretofore they had done this, and so had, both, rejected the higher heavens.

16. Jehovih saith: It is not the plan of My heavens for the spirits of the dead to remain on the earth forever, engaging in mortal servitude and practices.

17. Behold, the way of My kingdom, is upward; rather shall man on the earth seek to rise upward, than that the angels of heaven go downward.

18. Hence the Lord carried away the spirits of the dead, and he turned man's judgment to learning the glories of the lower kingdoms (corpor).

19. And man advanced in great learning; both of the sun, moon and stars, and of all things on the face of the earth.

20. The Lord said: These signs have I given to man, that he may comprehend the cycles of his Creator. When spiritual research is chief amongst men, they advance not in science, nor art, nor inventions, that belong to the earth. But, when man is bereft of spiritual aspiration, he advanceth in corporeal knowledge, and inventions, and investigations.

21. These signs foreshow the changes being wrought on mortals by the hand of the Almighty, through His Gods and Lords.

22. God said: Behold, I raised up great kings and queens on the earth; and I gave them pageantry, and rites and ceremonies, after the manner of heavenly things. And these I made as an aspiration to the multitude, that they might learn to provide themselves with the luxuries of all created things.

23. For I desired not that man should become spiritual until the earth and all manner of savage beasts and serpents were subdued. Otherwise man had descended into impotence, and failed on the earth.

24. These testimonies have I left before thee to this day; that the spiritual man inclineth to shut himself up in seclusion and prayer; but that the Osirians go forth to work manfully.

25. The Lord established reciprocities between kings and queens in those days. And this was the manner thereof:

26. The central kingdom was called the sun-kingdom, and the others were called satellites. And the chief ruler was called THE SUN-KING, or KING OF THE SUN.

27. And the king maintained an observatory, for determining the times and seasons of the sun, moon, earth and stars. The name of the observatory was TEMPLE OF THE STARS (OKE'I'GIT'HI).

28. The Lord said unto man: Build thou a chamber unto God within the temple of the stars.

29. And man so built it. And the Lord chose seers, one for every STAR CHAMBER; and the seer sat therein, with a table before him, on which table sand was sprinkled. And the Lord wrote in the sand, with his finger, the laws of heaven and earth.

30. Thus gave God to man the names of the stars, and their seasons; and the seasons of the sun and moon and earth.

31. And the seer gave it to the king; and the king proclaimed the words thereof. And God gave man sacred days, for feasts and rites and ceremonies; according to the times of the moon and stars gave he them.

32. And the king, by command of God, caused the people to watch the stars and moon and sun, so they would know the sacred days.

33. The Lord said: I have days for planting, and days for reaping, and days for sailing of ships, and days for males and females. By the stars in the firmament, and by the moon's changes, shall man learn to know my times and seasons.

34. So man took to learning from the stars and moon and sun, to ascertain the will of God.

35. And nowhere in all the world prospered man in the Osirian philosophy as in Parsi'e, and in Jaffeth (China), and chief of all were the shepherd kings.

Oahspe: A New Bible

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