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ОглавлениеAbracadabra. Abrakad'abra was a monotonous prayer, set in the form of a triangle, of short and disconnected sentences, so arranged that it was without beginning or ending, the which a person in might repeat over and over to induce, sleep or trance. Persons who practised casting themselves in trance by this method were called Abracadabras. following is a sample prayer:--
O Mighty One! Devoured am I with sin. Immerse me in Thee, O my Father in Heaven! Hide me, that I be no more forever! Death I covet, O All One! Sweet world in pain; Death in life! Mighty Creator! Blessed! Heavenly! Amen! Extinguish mine iniquities! Make me as nothing! I fain would be a saint. Talk to me, Then High Ruler, Who made me before I knew it! O Mighty, All Perceiving! Holy, Holy, above all else! What am I that I should call upon Thee? Then knowest. I am not hidden. My flesh is dead even while I live. Remove all that is foul in me! Come then near me, if only for once, O Mighty One! I could be destroyed by a stroke of Thy hand, O All One! I am but a waste particle in Thy members. Give me the obliterating stroke! Purify me, O Father, or blot me out! O Mighty One! Thou, never seen, though the print of Thy presence is all around me! Glory be to Thee, on high, O Mighty One! How fearfully madest Thou me! Take out that which is dead in me, and In I am not! Take out that which is life in me, and In I am not! Hallowed be Thy works, O Father! All Holy be Thy hidden name! Mighty and ever lasting! I dare not call Thee by Thy name, O Father! Holiness is in the thought of Thee; but words blot Thee. Take me into Thee, that I shall be lost forever! Now am I going! Hold me, O Father! My vision is clouding. O Then, All Creator! O Thou Mighty One! Swallow me up, that I be no more Immerse me in Thy Being! Make me all forgetfulness, forever! I rest in Thee, forever. Amen! O Thou Mighty One! Thou All Holy! One, and one only for ever! Amen! Blessed be Thy works! Blessed be my songs of Thee! Blessed be all Thy creation! Blessed be All Thy sons and daughters, forever! Amen! O Thou Mighty One!
Thou everlasting Creator! O Mighty One!
When the prayer of Abrakadabra, was given to a man, it was from mouth to ear, and never written. The receiver was told that on learning it he should forever keep it a secret, and only reveal it to one person just before his death. He was told also that it had power to induce the trance state in himself; and this he usually believed, hence it was universally effective. Persons who thus attained to the self-trance state became oblivious to pain and to all knowledge of things around about them for a certain period of time, which was generally marked out by themselves beforehand, In this trance, the person often worked what was then called miracles. When he applied himself to heal the sick, he made the sick one keep repeating the word "Abrakadabra." This of course also had its faith effect on the sick one, in which case a healing was sure to take place. The word is pronounced Abraka, as if written aub, rau, kau, and d'aub, rau, with the accents on kau, and on the final rau; or, in the English language as if written ob re kaw', do ob raw'.
The meaning of the word in the ancient tongue is: Ab: Something is, as the earth and sky. Things move. I am, and I move. My hand moveth. Life in me maketh my hand move. Therefore life is primus; motion cometh afterward. Life in me causing motion showeth that life moveth all the universe. It is the I AM, self-existent, everywhere. We now have corpor, motion and life, three in one. This is the foundation of the problem, and is called ab. Ra: Things move two ways, to life and from life. One is creating and coming together, and the other is going away from, as destruction or death. This is ra, the second part of the problem.
I cannot exist separate from thinking, nor can my life move even my hand without thinking. Therefore thinking is before life itself. I could not think if I had not inherited it from the I AM. Therefore He is the Knowledge pervading all life and all corporeal things. This thinking is ka. D'ab is the fourth proposition in the problem, signifying a creation corning out of the first and second. For as ab standeth for general creation, life and coming together, motion, etc., etc., so d'ab signifieth that that creates out of the evil creation, or lesser creation. As man sinneth against creation if he killeth. Thus he becometh a creator himself, but of death. This is d'ab.
Ra: the fifth part of the problem, which is evil in crossing conditions of earth. I may plan war, but of my own self kill not; but my soldiers do the killing. My thoughts, my life and my powers are directed to evil creation. I am the d'ab ra, or evil creator. Ra alone is sin, evil, destruction, death; but he that standeth behind as the inventive mind is the creator of sin, the d'ab ra. At least such was the doctrine of the ancients. They held that the word was the digest of all things into five simple problems. Moreover, they taught that to repeat the word over and over put man in conjunction with the I AM in all holiness.
A-du. Death.
Agni. Fire or light, especially without combustion, as Spirit Lights, a pillar of fire by clay, as the Israelites going out of Egypt, 593.17; 600.72; 32.4.
Algonquin. The United States of the North American Indians before their destruction by the Christians, O-pah-Egoquim, 369.48.
Angel. A spirit man or woman. (The word "spirit" does not define whether man or animal, but is often erroneously used instead of angel.)
Apollo. The God to whom was assigned the duty of beautifying mortals in form and figure. See Index. He had many names, as Soodhga, So Gow, Choo-Choo, Sudghda, and so on; but the meaning is the same, whether in Chinese, Hindoo, Greek, Latin or English.
Apostrophy, Something emitted, but which in this history is of no importance.
Archangels. Angels next in rank to Gods, who dwell in certain arcs in etherea. They generally come in the dawn of a new cycle to give new inspiration to mortals.
Avon lights. Such as are adapted to the company.
Beast. The animal man. The earthly part of man. Anything that is enforced, as a religion, pp. 1 and 2; 554. chap. viii.; 193.5 L.B.
Che'-ba. The desire that comes of inspiration.
Corpor. Whatever has length and. breadth and thickness, and is perceptible to sight, hearing and feeling. Ethe is the solvent of it, 572.1.
Corporean. A man of the earth in contradistinction from an angel, who is a man of Es, 7. chap. ii., v. 1.
Crucify. To melt; to test by fire; to test by binding. The, original form of testing a su'is or sar'gis, (medium) was by binding him on a wheel. See Index, Wheel of Uh'ga; also 229. chap xxiii.
C'Vorkum. The road-way of the Solar Phalanx, 603,110; also map between pp. 68, 69.
Egisi. Volunteers who may have previously registered themselves for such an excursion.
Emun. Choking atmosphere.
Emuts. Some of the high-raised officers in etherea devote their labours mostly to affairs in etherea, seldom dealing with the affairs of corporeal Worlds. Others deal largely with the affairs of corporeal worlds; these latter are called Emuts.
Eon. Travellers (in the surveys of magnitudes, 220.8) who notify the Oe'tans of the available places for new worlds, and the time for dissipating old ones. See 460.16.
Eoptian Age. From the time man comes into being, on the earth until his race becomes extinct, is the eoptian age of the earth..
Es'enauers. Heavenly musicians, composed of singers and instrument players.
Es-pa. Spiritual food carried up from the earth.
Es-pe. Spiritual history.
E-spe. Spiritual record.
Es-tu. Spiritual centre.
Golgotha. A temple of skulls, 628 and face page: 629.
Grade and Ingrade. are, Grade, that that now is; and Ingrade, that that is coming.
Hada. Atmospherea, the heavens of the earth.
Haniv. The prow of a vessel.
Heine. Etherean food.
Hi-dan. Highest light.
Hidan Sun. North Star.
Hidan Vortex. The vortex of the North Star, 443.26.
Hirom. The Ahamic word for red hat.
Homa. Refreshing perfume, more delicate than Haoma.
Ho-tu. Barrenness.
Imbrael. Poison worms materialised.
Isaah. A Chinese prophet. The word "Isaiah" is of modern Hebrew.
Iz-Zerlites. (442.12; 612, 613) Isaerites.
Nirvanian. One of a council who and appoint the Orians their places,
Oe'tan. An angel who has attained to wisdom and power to make worlds'
Orian. A ruler over etherean worlds:
Sar'gis. Both a materialised angel, or a person in whose presence, the angels can take on the semblance of mortal forms, 589.12.
Satan. The chief of the seven tetracts, the captain of the selfish passions. Selfishness per se. Self.
Schood of Hein. A negative place comparable with a calm on earth or a calm at sea.
Spe-oke. Spirit house; that is, prior to this time the angels from the earth had not grown sufficiently to desire homesteads, neither had the heavens of the earth been prepared with plateaux sufficient or such spirits. Prior to this period angels of low grade were kept with mortals, and taught subjectively.
Shrevars are to a new earth what guardian angels are to mortals.
Spirit. Synonymous (but not correctly) with angel. When we Say angel, we mean a spirit; but when we say spirit, we may not mean an angel.
Su-be. Nectar; S'pe-a, heavenly place on earth, Eden, 408.4.
Su'is, Clairaudience and clairvoyance. A person who can see with the eyes closed, or one who can hear angel voices, 295.20; 354.3.
Tau. Bull, force. Opposite from cow, receptivity, 598.54.
Ughs. Foul air from dead people.
Uh'ga. 593.13. See Wheel, Index.
Umbræ. Great darkness occasioned by the falling of nebulæ.
Vesperes. Administration.
Vocent. Perpetual roaring of the atmospherean elements.