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(For fuller information than is given below. see Index.)

ZARATHUSTRA (Zoa-raaster) (page 174). erroneously called Zoraaster, a Persian lawgiver who lived in the, cycle of Fragapatti, eight thousand nine hundred years ago, the farthest back of all historical characters. Both Buddhist and Christian religions are said to be made up chiefly from the history and miracles of Zarathustra. It was to obliterate such history that Coatulus, a Christian priest, burned the Alexandrian Library in the year 390. And for the same purpose, and more effectually, did three Christian monks again burn it in the year 640. Zarathustra was of enormous size, and of neither sex, being an i-e-su.

PO (page 312), of Jaffeth (afterward called China), was also an i-e-su. He was a lawgiver cotemporaneous with Abram of Persia, living about five thousand eight hundred years ago, and in the cycle of Cpenta-armij. He also taught, like Zarathustra, the doctrine of one Great Spirit, which doctrine he re-established in Jaffeth (China).

ABRAM (page 324), afterward called Abraham an I'huan, large and red, like new copper, and had. black hair and long beard, fierce to look upon, but his soul was gentle as a woman's. He was a Persian, and the founder of the ancient Hebrews or Iz'zerlites, and also the founder of migration for religion's sake. He took his followers into Egupt (Egypt).

BRAHMA (page 339), an East Indian lawgiver, cotemporaneous with Po and Abram. He was a large man of great strength, and ranked the highest spiritually of all mortals. He re-established the Zarathustrian religion in India.

YU-TIV, fairest of women, wife of Brahma.

EA-WAH-TAH (page 362), a North American, cotemporaneous with Po, Abram, and Brahma. He was taller than any other man, with a bright shining face of copper. He established amongst the North Americans of his time the worship of the Great Spirit, and his doctrines are still held by most of the tribes of North American Indians, who refuse to accept any other God or Saviour. Ea-wah-tah established the United States of America, but called by the name O-pah-e-go-quim or Algonquin. The model of his independent nations, united in one, was that which was adopted in the formation of the present United States of America by the whites.

THOTHMA (Hojax) (page 442), the builder of the great pyramid in Egypt, and one of the greatest adepts that ever lived. He could hear the Gods and talk with them understandingly, and could cast himself in the death trance and go spiritually into the lower heavens and return at will. He was under the inspiration of the false God Osiris through his great angel servant Gods Baal and Egupt. He laboured to establish immortality in the flesh; that is, to make the mortal body incorruptible so that it would never die. But with all the forces of his will and by his great learning he could Dot stay the withering of the flesh, and he died on the day he was one hundred years old.

CAPILYA (page 458), of India, an i-e-su, living three thousand four hundred years ago in the cycle of Lika, a lawgiver who restored the believers in one Great Spirit to hold property, and to have the same rights as the worshippers of Gods and Lords. He was to India very similar to what Moses was to the ancient Jews. As Moses was a foster-child of the king of Egypt so was Capilya a foster-child of the king of India, both receiving a profound education.

MOSES (page 495), an Egyptian lawgiver. He was cotemporaneous with Capilya of India, and Chine of China, living two thousand four hundred years after Abram (3400 B.K.). Moses was a large man, a pure I'huan, copper coloured, and of great strength educated as a prince by his foster-father Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and master of many languages. He rebuilt what had been lost since Abram's time, and also taught the Zarathustrian doctrine of one Great Spirit, Whom they worshipped secretly under the Name Jehovih. But in public worship, and to avoid persecution, they called him God or Lord. The name Jehovih was maintained by Moses as too sacred to be spoken Save in whisper and with month to ear. He taught that spirits who ministered to mortal nations and empires were titled God or Lord.

CHINE (page 523), a lawgiver cotemporaneous with Capilya and Moses. He was an i-e-su, and like Moses was of copper colour and very large, but his hair was red like a fox. He was the founder of China, and restored the rights of the believers in Jehovih throughout that great country. Through him was established so firmly the doctrine of one Great Spirit that all China to this day accepts it to such an extent that God or Lord worship cannot get a foothold amongst them worth mentioning. Some of his miracles have never been excelled.

SAKAYA (page 685), sometimes erroneously called Buddha. He lived about twenty-five hundred Years ago, and was an East Indian by birth. holding to the doctrine of one Great Spirit only. He was of sub-cycle rank. The term Buddha was wrongly attached to him by his followers something over a thousand years after his death. He also made no account of God or Lord worship. He taught that man's highest attainment was to live for sake of others, and not for one's self. He established convents, nunneries, and monasteries in many places in India, from which country the Christians adopted them, and made them a prominent feature in Europe.

KA'YU (page 692), erroneously called Confucius an i-e-su, a lawgiver of sub-cycle rank, of China, living twenty-five hundred years ago. He was one of the most learned men that ever lived, and has to-day more followers than any other lawgiver on earth, being over three hundred million people. He taught the doctrine of one Great Spirit, and to worship Him only. He abridged eighteen thousand books of the ancients, taking the cream of all of them, and condensed them into about twenty books.

JOSHU (page 707), like Ka'yu and Sakaya, was a law giver of sub-cycle rank. He was of Jewish birth, and also an i-e-su, born near Jerusalem, something less than two thousand years ago. His predecessors were of the tribe called Esseneans, or non-resistants. He laboured to bring the Jews back to their pristine purity. He was a severe preacher, denounced by the people as a blasphemer, and was stoned to death in Jerusalem. He also taught the doctrine of one Great Spirit only. In the Christian New Testament it has been supposed that the so-called Sermon on the Mount is a plagiarism on Joshu's teachings, gotten up by the Ecumenical Council under the direction of the Emperor Constantine.

Oahspe: A New Bible

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