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The potential that Randy Ubillos had unleashed with ReelTime then Premiere was profound and it did not go unnoticed. The 8th MacWorld Editors' Choice Award (Eddy) voting committee decided to make an exception in 1992 and award its Eddy statue in two categories.

The Lifetime achievement went to Adobe founders Chuck Geschke and John Warnock and at the other end of innovation, the Rising Star Award went to Randy Ubillos.

The focus of software development moved from print publishing to video publishing. MacWorld also recognized one of the key participants in the upcoming revolution.

Ubillos recalls:

I was at the reception for the awards and it was the first time that I met (Charles) Geschke and (John) Warnock. Although we were seated at the same table, it was all pretty overwhelming.

Programmer Nick Schlott recalls reading the Eddy announcement:

Here’s the thing, they had never awarded the Eddy to a person before, so it was obvious that Randy was a one in a million programmer but there is also the fact that there hasn’t been another individual award since!

I remember thinking, “That is very cool. He gets an award for being Randy Ubillos.”

Product manager Tim Myers recalls the next stages for Premiere.

Randy and I were left to ourselves with ReelTime for quite a while. We had some support people working for us on and off but other than that, two of us! There was little or no expectation on us to be the ‘next big thing’ necessarily but that was how Adobe was back then.

Nobody expected Photoshop to be as big as it is now, Adobe didn’t even acquire it the first time it was offered to them and so their expectation of ReelTime and Premiere was, I guess the same. If you look back at what was important at the time it was Raster Graphics or Bitmaps. Video was still to come.

For the senior executives at Adobe it was a nice way to round out the spread of products, but I honestly don’t think they took it as seriously, as say Illustrator.

Timeline Analog 5

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