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U ndertaking this book would have been inconceivable without relying on the scholarship and dedication to antique firearms of Norm Flayderman. His Guide to Antique Firearms, now in its ninth edition, is unsurpassed for accuracy in both identification and pricing. It was inconceivable to me that my publisher would ask me to assemble a book that would ever come close to the scope of Norm’s work. With trepidation, I approached him for assistance. Always the consummate gentleman, Norm respectfully declined, explaining that he was going through his own authorship struggles as he completed the proofs of his current edition of the Guide. He did, however, express his good wishes and expedience with the research. Having obtained his “blessing,” I felt as though I could proceed. My thanks—or that of the hobby—to Norm cannot be measured.

I wish to thank Thomas Kailbourn for his hours and hours of research. I have known Tom for more than 20 years and through all that time, I have had nothing but the very highest regard for his scholarship, thoroughness and professionalism. I count him among my closest friends, in addition to being a fine colleague.

The accumulation of information included in this book has occurred over nearly 40 years, so an accurate listing of those who aided is nearly impossible. Indeed, many who have contributed to this work are no longer around to see the results. This saddens me. However, I do want to thank the following: Alya Alberico, Jeff Anderson, Bill Brewster, Weldon Brudlos, William K. Combs, Joseph S. Covais, David Doyle, Jason Devine, David Fagan, Paul Goodwin, Larry Hicklin, Patrick F. Hogan, Randy Jackson, James D. Julia, Turner Kirkland, H. Michael Madaus, Anna McCoy, Denise Moss, John M. Murphy, Steve Osman, Patrick Quinn, Robert M. Reilly, Celine Robertson, Frank Reile, Harold St. Mary, Thomas Shaw, Jefferson Shrader, Perk Steffen, Donald L. Ware, Bill Weber, and Jaime M. Wood.

I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the strength I receive from my family. First, and foremost, I must thank my parents, John Milton and Helen Graf. Without their accepting my fascination with the Civil War as a young boy, and then helping me to discover the possibilities that scholarship, study, and perseverance provide, I could never have followed my passion for history and the Civil War. When I was 12, they gave me my first gun: A reproduction Model 1863 Remington rifle.

I am blessed with the finest brothers and sister: Tom, Joe, Jim, and Celine. Even though I am now old and gray-haired, I will always be their baby brother. The number of times they let me tag along to go shooting, borrow books, or explain history to me are countless. All I can say is, “Thank you.”

And finally, there are two women who stand out: My partner, Diane Adams-Graf, and my daughter, Trisha Lynn Graf. You were both so patient and supportive as I worked on this book. I am, indeed, a fortunate man.

Standard Catalog of Civil War Firearms

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