Читать книгу Standard Catalog of Civil War Firearms - John F. Graf - Страница 8



B etween the bombardment of Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861, and the final surrender of Confederate troops on May 26, 1865, the way wars were fought and the tools soldiers used changed irrevocably. When troops first formed lines of battle to face each other near Bull Run Creek in Virginia on June 21, 1861, they were dressed in a widely disparate assemblage of uniforms. They carried state-issued, federally-supplied, or brought-from-home weapons, some of which dated back to before the War of 1812. They marched to the orders and rhythms of tactics that had served land forces for at least the previous 100 years. Four short years later, the generals and soldiers had perfected the art of warfare on the North American continent, having developed such leaps as the use of the repeating rifle and widely dispersed infantry formations.

This change levied a toll on the nation, however, in the form of more than one million casualties (over 620,000 war-related deaths). At that rate, nearly one in four soldiers experienced the pains of war firsthand. It was impossible for the war to not impact every one of the 34.3 million residents of the United States and former Confederate States. Over the ensuing years, the pain—for most—subsided, but the memory remained strong. Families still pay homage to their veteran ancestors, grade school students memorize the Gettysburg address, we bow our heads on Memorial Day, and many hold dear the original sentiments represented by the Confederate battle flag.


Many Americans satisfy their desire to feel connected with the Civil War by exploring battlefields or cemeteries or researching their own family ancestors who served. Some people even read countless biographies, regimental histories, or battle accounts, even joining Civil War study groups or “Round Tables.” For many, these very private explorations are enough to satiate their need to learn about the conflict and the lives of its participants.

For some though, simply memorializing the war isn’t sufficient to satisfy that need to remain connected to the events of 1861-1865. Some will painstakingly recreate uniforms and equipment to don on weekend campaigns and refight battles, this time firing at their fellow countrymen with muskets and cannons charged with powder and paper instead of canisters of grape shot or loads of buckshot. For these “reenactors,” such events help them come close to experiencing the daily work, inconveniences, and feelings of Civil War soldiers. Of course, at the end of the weekend, these modern “Sessesh” and “Billy Yanks,” return to their twenty-first-century lives, leaving the recreated image of maimed fellow soldiers, dysentery, and lice-infested clothing behind.

And finally, for another group of Civil War enthusiasts, the best medium for understanding the heritage and role of thousands who served is by collecting war firearms. For these collectors, holding an 1861 Taunton-produced Springfield rifled musket, studying the detail of a Tarpley carbine, or feeling the heft of a Spiller & Burr revolver are connectors to the Civil War. The pistols, revolvers, rifles, muskets, and carbines represent direct links to a comprehensive understanding of the depth of commitment, sacrifice, and engagement that the soldiers felt.


Collecting firearms from the Civil War is not a new hobby. Even before the war ended, people were already picking up weapons dropped on the battlefield. The first collectors, as with any period of warfare, were the participants themselves. Soldiers sent home “captured” or “liberated” guns. When the war ended, many were given the opportunity to buy their weapon upon mustering out of the service.

After the war, the passion for owning a piece of it did not subside; early collectors gathered representative weapons. Simultaneously, and not unlike the time following any major conflict, a grand scale of surplus sales emerged. This was the heyday of Civil War collecting. Dealers such as Francis Bannerman made hundreds of Civil War weapons available to the general public. For as little as $3.50, a person could buy a Springfield musket. Ten dollars would secure a Confederate Richmond-made version. Though a lot of sales were made to early collectors, much of the surplus was sold in bulk to other governments, outdoors enthusiasts, and a lot was sold simply for its scrap value.

Following World War II, a new wave of collecting emerged. Reveling in the victories in Japan and in Europe, Americans were charged with a renewed sense of patriotism and heritage. At the same time, the newspapers started to track the passing of the last few veterans of Civil War. As the nation paid tribute to the few survivors of the Rebellion, it acknowledged that the 100-year anniversary of the war was fast upon them. In an effort to capture a sense of the heritage, Civil War buffs began to collect in earnest. With the high profile of the Civil War Centennial in the 1960s, thousands of outstanding relics seemingly emerged from closets, attics, and long-forgotten chests. Collectors eagerly bought and sold firearms, swords, and uniforms.

By the end of the twentieth century, Civil War collecting had peaked. Some thought, “all the good stuff is gone!” Little did these skeptics realize, collectors are not the end user. Rather, a collector is merely the caretaker who provides a good home for an object until that time when they choose, or no longer are able, to care for the item. Then, these relics, thought to be gone, suddenly reemerge on the market. And it is this era of Civil War relic reemergence in which we currently live.

The fabulous collections of firearms that were assembled in the late 1940s and early 1950s are reappearing. Granted, the prices have increased considerably. Nevertheless, Civil War firearms (and relics in general!) like no one has seen available for fifty years are suddenly appearing at auctions, shows, and on private dealer’s lists.

Today, we benefit from the many years of research that has resulted from the earlier collecting frenzies. Books that the first generation of collectors could only have dreamed of are now available on specialized topics such as Gwyn & Campbell carbines, Sharps carbine and rifles, or the weapons of the Palmetto Armory. At no moment in time since the Civil War has so much information and material been available at a single instant.

As we enter this “glory period” of Civil War collecting, though, many lessons need to be relearned. Whereas an old-time collector could look at a saber and recognize off handedly that it was the product of the Griswold factory or quantify the variations of percussion conversion done to flintlock muskets at Federal arsenals, many of these outstanding artifacts have not been available for study for years. Collectors are learning many of the nuances that affect desirability and value for the first time (often at the expense of the old-timer’s patience!).


This book is organized into nine chapters representing different types of Civil War firearms. Today, so many weapons are sold as “Civil War” that never saw the American continent until at least a hundred years after the war concluded. The weapons represented in this book are those can be documented as having been purchased and carried between 1860 and 1865 by Union or Confederate troops. Though many indiduals carried exotic weapons during the war, some collectors may be disappointed to not see them listed in this book. Generally, production and issue of a weapon had to exceed 75 to be included in this work.

To make the best use of this book, it is important to understand just a few basic terms:

MUSKET: A muzzle-loading, smooth bore long arm that is equipped to support a bayonet.

RIFLED MUSKET: A musket originally built as a smoothbore but later rifled and fitted with long range sights.

RIFLE-MUSKET: A muzzle-loading long arm that was originally built with a rifled barrel in approximately .58 caliber and was equipped to support an triangular bayonet.

RIFLE: A two-banded, rifled weapon (or of similar length to a two-banded weapon) equipped to support a saber bayonet.

CARBINE: A breech or muzzle-loading shoulder arm having a smooth or rifled bore, using externally primed ammunition. Originally designed for horse-mounted troops.

MUSKETOON: A muzzle-loading shoulder arm having a smooth or rifled bore and a maximum barrel length of 26.5 inches.


Pricing in this book follows the standard set forth by Norm Flaydermann in his groundbreaking and essential Guide to Antique American Firearms. Only two ratings are listed for each weapon that most represents what is available. These ratings are part of the 7-step system adopted by the National Rifle Association.

The values printed within this work are simply representative of the prices paid at auction during the past eight years. As all collectors know, price values are just a guide and are never intended to be the final word on the price of a particular piece. Many factors, foremost of which is condition followed by provenance, will drastically change the value of a weapon. The values here are for a weapon assumed to be as issued with no known provenance, alterations. or additional markings

Comparing prices of similar items, the reader will discover that known provenance will almost always dramatically affect the price of a Civil War firearm. Both dealers and collectors like to refer to such items as “identified,” meaning that the name of the original Civil War soldier who owned the firearm t is still known. Although it has always been important to collectors to know who carried or used what items during the war, now, more than ever, premium prices are being paid today for an item with a “proven history.” Not only are guns being touted as to who originally used them during the war, dealers are attempting to add value by making claims as to what prominent collectors have previously owned the artifacts as well! Pieces that once sat in a prominent collection have gained a degree of legitimacy (and value) greater than an identical object with no known history.

Provenance has probably affected price more than any other factor in recent years, so it stands to reason that many items have “acquired” a provenance. When you are paying for an item and its history, be careful. It is easy for a seller to tell a story when handing over an object, but it is a lot more difficult to verify or prove it. The best provenance will be in the form of period inscriptions or written notes attributing an object to a particular soldier.


Finally, it is the goal of this book to help the collector understand the context of the firearm. Depending on how it is viewed, the context can be varied. For example, a Model 1861 Springfield rifle in average condition is, in the most base of contexts, an item worth about $900. Stepping up the ladder, it represents the strides in rifled firearms development made in a few short years of the Civil War. Even higher up the ladder of consciousness, it might represent the need of a modern society to feel connected with its past.

Context is, obviously, a very personal consideration. Feelings and emotions aside, however, it is factually correct that these firearms represent a time in the United States’s history when a pervasive feeling of states rights and isolation from its government caused a people to sever themselves from the nation. What ensued was the overwhelming willingness of the masses to die to protect that right or to protect the integrity of the Union. This is the context that we, as collectors of firearms of this great struggle, can never forget.

Standard Catalog of Civil War Firearms

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