Читать книгу Dorian Gray - John Garavaglia - Страница 39


“When is she coming back?”

George’s lower lip was quivering. Dorian had never seen a grown-up cry, and the feeling made his stomach queasy. He didn’t think it was something that grown-ups did.

George coughed loudly, took a deep breath, and said, “She’s not coming back, Dorian.”

“I want to talk to her.”

“You can’t. She…she went away…”

“I want to talk to her. Make her come back.”



The sound and agony that ripped from Dorian’s throat terrified the child himself, because he couldn’t believe that it was his own voice sounding like that. His eyes went wide, pupils tiny and swimming in a sea of white, and without another word he turned and bolted through the hall.

George turned to Lori and sighed dryly. “Well, that went well.”


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Dorian Gray

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