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Mr. Crumb was making the morning announcements. Dorian tried to pay attention to them, but Clarissa Simmons kept whispering to Serena Vincent right behind him, so he couldn’t hear a thing.

He liked it better last year in Ms. Gruber’s homeroom. Now there was a fun teacher.

Suddenly, the front door opened. This startled Dorian.

It apparently startled Mr. Crumb too; since he dropped the clipboard he was reading the announcements from. It hit the floor with a clatter that made Dorian jump a second time.

He grabbed his Spider-Man lunchbox. His mother had given him the lunchbox for the first day of school. Dorian liked Spider-Man because he always won in the end even when he wasn’t supposed to or when bad things happened to him. His mother said when she gave it to him that she got it because he was her little hero.

So when the two men in the black suits walked into the classroom, the first thing he did was go for the lunchbox.

“I’m sorry, sir,” one of the men in black said, “but I’m afraid I need to take Dorian out of class.”

“Whadja do, Dorie?” David Harrison asked. He stretched out the word “do” so it sounded like a dirty word.

A bunch of other kids laughed.

Dorian really hated David Harrison.

He was also scared that something had happened at home.


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Dorian Gray

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