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2 2 McKerracher, C. (2019). https://www.bloomberg.com/professional/blog/transition‐energy‐transport‐predictions‐2019 (Accessed 28 August 2019).

3 3 IEA (2019). https://www.iea.org/statistics/electricity (Accessed 28 August 2019).

4 4 Mints, P. (2019). Photovoltaic Manufacturer Capacity, Shipments, Price & Revenues 2018/2019. SPV Market Research, Report SPV‐Supply7.

5 5 Williams, R. (1960). Becquerel photovoltaic effect in binary compounds. The Journal of Chemical Physics 32 (5): 1505–1514.

6 6 All Nobel Prizes in Physics. https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/lists/all‐nobel‐prizes‐in‐physics (Accessed 28 August 2019).

7 7 Chapin, D.M., Fuller, C.S., and Pearson, G.L. (1954). A new silicon p‐n junction photocell for converting solar radiation into electrical power. Journal of Applied Physics 25: 676.

8 8 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraft/display.action?id=1958‐002B (Accessed 28 August 2019).

9 9 FSA. https://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/adv_tech/photovol/summary_overview.htm (Accessed 28 August 2019).

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11 11 Varadi, P.F. (2017). Sun Towards High Noon. Pan Sanford Publishing.

12 12 Wohlgemuth, J. Photovoltaic cells. Kirk‐Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology https://doi.org/10.1002/0471238961.16081520070125.a01.pub3.

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17 17 NREL. https://www.nrel.gov/pv/module‐efficiency.html (Accessed 28 August 2019).

18 18 Panasonic. https://na.panasonic.com/us/energy‐solutions/solar/solar‐panels/n330‐photovoltaic‐module‐hitr‐40mm (Accessed 28 August 2019).

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21 21 Carlson, D. (2002). Accelerated Corrosion Testing of Tin Oxide Coated Glass. Proceedings of NREL Thin Film Module Reliability National Team Meeting, Colorado, USA (6–10 May 2002).

22 22 First Solar (2019). http://www.firstsolar.com/‐/media/First‐Solar/Technical‐Documents/Series‐6‐Datasheets/Series‐6‐Datasheet.ashx (Accessed 28 August 2019).

23 23 Solar Frontier. http://www.solar‐frontier.com/eng/solutions/products/index.html (Accessed 28 August 2019).

Photovoltaic Module Reliability

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