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Bill short, wide at the base, much compressed toward the end; upper mandible with the dorsal line decurved from the base, the sides slightly convex, the edges with a slight festoon, the tip narrow and acute; lower mandible with the angle very wide, the dorsal line straightish, the tip rounded and declinate. Nostrils round, with a central papilla. Head rather large, roundish, flattened; neck short; body compact. Feet short; tarsus very short, thick, scaly all round; toes scutellate above, scabrous beneath, with pointed papillæ; claws rather long, curved, acuminate. Plumage blended, glossy. Wings extremely long, pointed, the third quill longest; secondaries short. Tail extremely long, very deeply forked.

18. 1. Nauclerus furcatus, Linn. Common Swallow-tailed Hawk

Plate LXXII. Male.

Head, neck all round, and lower parts white; back, wings, and tail black, glossed with blue and purple; feet light blue, tinged with green; claws flesh-coloured.

Male, 22, 47. Female, 25, 511/2.

From Texas to North Carolina. Rather abundant. Up the Mississippi and Ohio to Louisville. Accidental in Pennsylvania. Migratory.

Swallow-tailed Hawk, Falco furcatus, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. vi. p. 70.

Falco furcatus, Bonap. Syn. p. 31.

Swallow-tailed Hawk, Falco furcatus, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. i. p. 368. v. v. p. 371.

A Synopsis of the Birds of North America

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