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80. 5. Sylvicola castanea, Wils. Bay-breasted Wood-Warbler. – Bay-breasted Warbler


Plate LXIX. Male and Female.

Outer three quills almost equal, fourth considerably shorter; tail slightly emarginate. Male with the upper part of the head, the fore neck, and the sides, chestnut-red; forehead and cheeks, including a small space over the eye, deep black, behind which is a transverse patch of yellowish-white on the sides of the neck; back bluish ash-grey, streaked with black; tips of the secondary coverts and first row of small coverts white; quills and tail-feathers brownish-black edged with grey, the outer three of the latter with a white patch on the inner web near the end; middle of breast, abdomen, and lower tail-coverts, white, tinged with reddish. Female similar to the male, but with the tints fainter, especially the chestnut of the head and throat, which are converged into light brownish-red.

Male, 51/4, 11.

From Texas northward. Rather common. Migratory.

Bay-breasted Warbler, Sylvia castanea, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. ii. p. 97.

Sylvia castanea, Bonap. Syn. p. 80.

Bay-breasted Warbler, Sylvia castanea, Nutt. Man. v. i. p. 382.

Bay-breasted Warbler, Sylvia castanea, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. i. p. 358.

A Synopsis of the Birds of North America

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