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87. 12. Sylvicola Blackburniæ, Lath. Blackburnian Wood-Warbler. – Blackburnian Warbler
ОглавлениеPlate CXXXV. Male. Plate CCCXCIX. Fig. 3. Female.
Outer three quills nearly equal, first generally longest; tail slightly emarginate. Male black above, streaked with white; a small patch on the top of the head, a band from the base of the upper mandible over the eye, passing down the neck and curving forwards, and a small band under the eye, orange-yellow; lore and a patch behind the eye black; quills black, the outer margined with grey, the inner with white, of which there is a large patch on the wing, including the inner secondary coverts, and the tips of the outer, with those of the first row of small coverts; three outer tail-feathers on each side white, excepting an oblong portion toward the end, the next also partially white; throat and fore part of breast rich reddish-orange; breast dull yellow, the rest white; the sides of the neck and body streaked with black. Female with the upper parts light olivaceous, each feather dusky in the centre, the other parts as in the male, but the tints much paler, the spot on the top of the head greenish-yellow, the feathers tipped with dusky, the band over the eye pale yellow, that on the lore and ear-coverts brown, the fore part of the neck yellow, and the sides less strongly streaked than black.
Male, 43/4, 73/4. Female, 48/12, wing 27½/12.
From Texas northward. Rather rare. Migratory.
Blackburnian Warbler, Sylvia Blackburniæ, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. iii. p. 67.
Sylvia Blackburniæ, Bonap. Syn. p. 80.
Blackburnian Warbler, Sylvia Blackburniæ, Nutt. Man. v. i. p. 379.
Blackburnian Warbler, Sylvia Blackburniæ, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. ii. p. 208; v. v. p. 78.