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List of Illustrations


1 Chapter 1FIGURE 1.1 The 10‐point pain scale (Harvard Men’s Health Watch, 2018)....

2 Chapter 2FIGURE 2.1 Single arm experiment.FIGURE 2.2 Twin arm experiment.FIGURE 2.3 Triadic design with yoked controls.FIGURE 2.4 Max Joseph von Pettenkoffer.FIGURE 2.5 Shuttlebox design.

3 Chapter 3FIGURE 3.1 John Snow – being very smart and learned.FIGURE 3.2 Postoperative treatment with narcotics (Means for each day + Stan...FIGURE 3.3 Egbert et al.'s research design.

4 Chapter 5FIGURE 5.1 RCT experimental design.FIGURE 5.2 RCT experimental design showing double blinding.FIGURE 5.3 Majeed et al. – twin sets of dressings used in ‘blinding’.FIGURE 5.4 Sihvonen et al.: RCT design.FIGURE 5.5 Flowchart of four phases (enrollment, allocation, intervention, f...

5 Chapter 7FIGURE 7.1 Doll and Bradford‐Hill’s BMJ article.FIGURE 7.2 Outline of the case‐control method.

6 Chapter 8FIGURE 8.1 Essential research equipment 1970 – clockwise from left: slide ru...FIGURE 8.2 The first interview: Bethnal Green to northwest England.FIGURE 8.3 The interviews progress …FIGURE 8.4 A solution!

7 Chapter 10FIGURE 10.1 Bronisław Malinowski.FIGURE 10.2 Malinowski comparing gourds with Trobriand Islanders, 1918.FIGURE 10.3 William Foote Whyte.FIGURE 10.4 A street corner.FIGURE 10.5 Howard Becker.FIGURE 10.6 David Rosenhan.

8 Chapter 11FIGURE 11.1 Map of states in Nigeria – Imo state is in the south of the coun...FIGURE 11.2 Transpirates (foam‐like discharge from plants) – ‘Cucoo Spit’ – ...FIGURE 11.3 A magic shop in Glastonbury high street.FIGURE 11.4 Another magic shop in Glastonbury.

9 Chapter 12FIGURE 12.1 The drama triangle.

10 Chapter 13FIGURE 13.1 Edmund Husserl – looking descriptive.FIGURE 13.2 Martin Heidegger – looking interpretive.FIGURE 13.3 Cheryl T. Beck – being descriptive.FIGURE 13.4 Seb – being interpretive.

11 Chapter 19FIGURE 19.1 HRA approvals processes.FIGURE 19.2 The PG student dissertation approvals process within DME, BSMS....

12 Appendix BFIGURE B.1 Aalya’s PRISMA diagram/flowchart.

13 Appendix CFIGURE C.1 An example of a lab safety poster.

14 Appendix EFIGURE E.1 ‘Can I contribute?’FIGURE E.2 ‘Yes, you can say something.’FIGURE E.3 ‘No – wait.’FIGURE E.4 ‘HELP! Please take over.’FIGURE E.5 ‘Please say something.’FIGURE E.6 ‘Look at her/him over there.’FIGURE E.7 ‘Look at her/him over there.’

15 Appendix FFIGURE F.1 Debbie Sharman's presentation of her data.

Demystifying Research for Medical and Healthcare Students

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