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xvTopical List of Entries

African Americans. See also Slavery/Abolitionist Controversy

Africana Movement

Douglass, Frederick

Garnet, Henry Highland (Address to Congress, 1865)

Garnet, Henry Highland (“An Address to the Slaves of the United States,” 1843)

Jackson, Jesse

King, Martin Luther, Jr.


Obama, Barack

Reparations for Slavery and Segregation


Segregation and Anti-miscegenation Laws

Walker, David

Alternate Scriptures

Alternate Scriptures

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Course in Miracles, A (Schucman)

Ethan Allen Bible

Jefferson Bible

Woman’s Bible (Stanton)

American Secular Leaders and Reformers. See also Presidents; Court Justices and Opinions

Adams, Samuel

Ashcroft, John

Beveridge, Albert J.

Booker, Cory

Borowicz, Stephanie

Boudinot, Elias

Bryan, William Jennings

Buttigieg, Pete

Carson, Ben

Chavez, Cesar

Clark, Champ

Danforth, John

Dulles, John Foster

Franklin, Benjamin

Frelinghuysen, Theodore

Garrison, William Lloyd


George, Henry

Greenleaf, Simon

Hatfield, Mark

Henry, Patrick

Huckabee, Mike

Jackson, Thomas (Stonewall)

Jay, John

Kasich, John

Koop, C. Everett

Lieberman, Joseph

Mann, Horace

Moore, Roy S.

Nation, Carry A.

Patrick, Deval

Pence, Mike

Perry, Rick

Pompeo, Mike

Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr.

Romney, Mitt

Rush, Benjamin

Sanders, Bernie

Sasse, Ben

Sessions, Jeff

Sherman, Roger

Sojourner Truth

Stephens, Alexander H.

Stewart, Maria W.

Stowe, Harriet Beecher

Walker, David

Wallace, Henry A.

Washington, Booker T.

Webster, Noah

Bible Editions, Issues, and Publishers

Aitken Bible

Alternate Scriptures

American Patriot’s Bible

Carey, Matthew

Conservative Bible Project

Founders’ Bible

Geneva Bible

Green Bible

Harlan Bible

King James Version of the Bible

Leeser, Isaac

Lincoln Inaugural Bible

Poverty and Justice Bible

Presidential Inaugural Bibles


Presidential Inaugural Bible Verses

Smith, Julia E. (Bible Translation)

Washington Inaugural Bible

Bible-Named and Related Events and Groups

Bible Burnings

Bible Signings

Bible Study Groups among Governmental Officials

National Bible Week

National Prayer Breakfast

Official State Book

Year of the Bible

Bibles in Schools and Public Places

Abington v. Schempp (1963)

Cincinnati Bible War of 1869

Commonwealth v. Cooke (MA, 1859)

New York School Controversy, 1840–1842

Philadelphia Bible Riots of 1844

Biblical Symbols

America as New Israel

American Exceptionalism


City upon a Hill

Errand into the Wilderness

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse


Under God

Commentators on Church and State Issues

Adams, Jasper

Davies, Samuel

Ely, Ezra Stiles

Findley/Wylie Debate over “The Two Sons of Oil”

Ward, Nathaniel

Williams, Elisha


Christian Amendment

Congressional Oaths of Office

Congressional Resolution on the Ten Commandments (1997)

Days of Humiliation, Fasting, and Thanksgiving

First Continental Congress

Court Justices and Opinions

Abington v. Schempp (1963)

Black, Hugo L.


Bradley, Joseph P.

Brewer, David J.

Edwards v. Aguillard (1987)

Epperson v. Arkansas (1968)

Judicial References

Scalia, Antonin

Scopes Trial

Sewall, Samuel

Stone v. Graham (1980)

Updegraph v. Commonwealth (1824)

Van Orden v. Perry (2005)

Vidal v. Girard’s Executors (1844)

Denominations and Religious Groups


Christian Reconstructionism

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints




Jehovah’s Witnesses



Prosperity Gospel



Roman Catholics


Common Sense (Thomas Paine)

Covenants, Compacts, Contracts, and Constitutions

Declaration of Independence

Election Day Sermons

Execution Day Sermons

Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian Conscience

Mayflower Compact

Model of Christian Charity (Winthrop)

New Haven Constitution of 1639

Pennsylvania Charter of Liberties and Frame of Government (1682)


Articles of Confederation

Confederate States of America

Constitutional Interpretation

Covenants, Compacts, Contracts, and Constitutions

Forms of Government



Articles, Laws, and Orders, Divine, Political, and Martial for the Colony in Virginia (1610)

Benefit of Clergy

Blasphemy Laws

Criminal Law

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

Massachusetts Body of Liberties

Old Deluder Satan Act (1647)

Sunday Closing Laws

Ten Commandments

Tort Law

U.S. Constitution


Bible Balloon Project


Columbus, Christopher

Curse of Meroz

Curses on Cain, Ham, and the Canaanites


Heaven and Hell

Iran–Contra Affair


Manifest Destiny

Natural Law

Prophets and Jeremiads


Psalm 137

Swords into Plowshares

U.S. Constitutional Convention of 1787

What Doth the Lord Require? (Micah 6:8)


Native Americans and Related Issues

Apess, William

Cherokee Removal


Land Ownership

Native American Indians


American Bible Society

National Association of Evangelicals (For the Health of the Nation)

Space Program

Sunday School Movement


Political and Social Movements and Organizations

Africana Movement

Political Hebraism

Salvation Army

Social Gospel

Political and Social Issues


Capital Punishment


Civil Disobedience

Climate Change

Communism and Anti-Communism

Corporal Punishment

Creationism and Evolution

French and Indian War


Land Ownership



Natural Disasters

Political Engagement



Reparations for Slavery and Segregation

Revolutionary War

Same-Sex Marriage

Segregation and Anti-miscegenation Laws



Sunday Closing Laws

Sunday Mail Delivery

Tax Exemption for Bible Materials

Temperance Movement


Political Archetypes

Ahasuerus as Political Archetype

America as New Israel

Cyrus as Political Archetype

David as Political Archetype

Esther as Political Archetype

Ethiopia as Political Archetype

Gideon as Political Archetype


Jezebel as Political Archetype

Moses as Political Archetype


Preachers and Religious Leaders

Backus, Isaac

Benezet, Anthony

Boucher, Jonathan

Brown, John

Colson, Chuck

Dobson, James

Dow, Lorenzo

Dwight, Timothy

Edwards, Jonathan

Falwell, Jerry

Graham, Billy

Hagee, John

Heschel, Abraham Joshua

Hooker, Thomas

Jackson, Jesse

Jones, Absalom

Keteltas, Abraham

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Koresh, David

Leland, John

Marshall, Peter

Mather, Cotton

Mayhew, Jonathan

Muhammad, Elijah

Muhlenberg, Peter

Niebuhr, Reinhold

Robertson, Pat

Schaeffer, Francis

Sherwood, Samuel

Smith, Joseph

Stiles, Ezra

Stringfellow, Thornton

Sunday, Billy

Weld, Theodore Dwight

Williams, Roger

Witherspoon, John

Wright, Jeremiah

Presidents, U.S. See also Speeches

Adams, John

Adams, John Quincy

Bush, George W.

Carter, Jimmy

Clinton, Bill (New Covenant)

Clinton, Bill (Speech of Contrition at National Prayer Breakfast)

Garfield, James


Harrison, Benjamin

Kennedy, John F.

Lincoln, Abraham

Madison, James

McKinley, William

Obama, Barack

Reagan, Ronald

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Roosevelt, Theodore

Truman, Harry S.

Trump, Donald J.

Washington, George

Wilson, Woodrow

Revolutionary Figures

Brown, John

Turner, Nat

Vesey, Denmark

Slavery/Abolitionist Controversy

Beecher, Catharine E.

Beecher, Henry Ward

Douglass, Frederick

Fuller (Richard) and Wayland (Francis) Correspondence on Slavery

Furman, Richard

Garnet, Henry Highland (Address to Congress, 1865)

Garnet, Henry Highland (“An Address to the Slaves of the United States,” 1843)

Grimke, Angelina

Grimke, Sarah M. (An Epistle to the Clergy of the Southern States)

Reparations for Slavery and Segregation

Segregation and Anti-miscegenation Laws



Clinton, Bill (New Covenant)

Clinton, Bill (Speech of Contrition at National Prayer Breakfast)

Douglass, Frederick

Lincoln, Abraham (Gettysburg Address)

Lincoln, Abraham (House Divided Speech)

Lincoln, Abraham (Second Inaugural Address)

Obama, Barack (A Call to Renewal)

Obama, Barack (Eulogy for Senator Clementa Pinckney)


Battle Hymn of the Republic

Eagle as American Symbol


Great Seal of the United States

Liberty Bell

Redeemer Nation

U.S. Flag

Women’s Rights

Crocker, Hannah Mather

Grimke, Sarah M. (Letters on the Equality of the Sexes)

Hutchinson, Anne

Woman’s Bible (Stanton)

The Bible in American Law and Politics

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