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Serbia refused, and this was followed by a declaration on the part of Russia that she would permit no trifling in the Balkans. Meanwhile England was doing her utmost to pour oil on the troubled waters. One of her suggestions was a conference. This was turned down by Austria, who, on July 28th, declared war on Serbia. Thus began the hostilities which led to Armageddon. The challenge was taken up by Russia; in turn Germany declared war on both Russia and France; and finally Great Britain, determined not to tolerate the invasion of neutral Belgium, and refusing to contemplate the harrying of the French north coast, declared war on Germany. The fateful step was taken at 11 p.m. on August 4th.

Germany’s preparedness for war gave her a tremendous advantage at the outset. The first blow was aimed at Paris, and in attempting this coup the Hun armies over-ran Belgium, destroying and plundering some of its greatest treasures and committing crimes which horrified the world. For a time the advancing army was irresistible, but eventually the forces of Sir John French and General Joffre put a stop to the enemy progress and at the first battle of the Marne, commenced on September 6th, caused the Germans to retreat in disorder.

After the first onrush had been checked trench warfare was introduced, the line extending through Belgium, the north-east corner of France, Lorraine and Alsace, and thence to the Swiss frontier. Meanwhile, Lord Kitchener, realizing that the war must of necessity be a long and exhausting one, had commenced his great task of building up an army fit to take its stand with those of Continental Powers. There was a noble response and thousands of recruits were quickly trained and drafted out to play their part in the great adventure.

Craven's Part in the Great War

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