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One of the most tragic events of the war occurred on June 5th, 1916, Lord Kitchener being drowned while on his way to Russia. Politically there were happenings of great importance, one of the principal being the resignation of Mr. Asquith as Prime Minister and the acceptance of office by Mr. Lloyd George, whose work as Minister of Munitions had brought him into much prominence in matters relative to the conduct of the war.

Early in 1917 the United States, after long deliberation, threw in her lot with the Allied cause, followed by Central and South America. Later Greece, chiefly through the influence of Venezelos, compelled King Constantine, the friend of Germany, to abdicate and enter the war on the side of the Allies; while China and Siam followed the example of Japan and protested practically against German lust for world power. Throughout the year there was heavy fighting on the Western front. In April the British captured Vimy Ridge, in June they annexed Messines Ridge, and in November took part in a magnificent episode at Passchendaele. By these operations they became masters of commanding positions, and for the first time the feeling was encouraged that the Allies were on the way to victory.

Craven's Part in the Great War

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