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13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. (Matthew 7:13-14)

I hope to impart to you the importance of a proper relationship between the Unnamable Father, the Mother - (the Holy Spirit), and their begotten Son - (Jesus).

Most professing Christians today believe in what they call God or Father in Heaven. Atheists also have beliefs. However, it is not in an all-powerful God or Father in Heaven.

You can find in any Christian bookstore books covering every conceivable topic. You will also find a section on different Bible versions, ranging from the King James Version, The Catholic Bible, The Book of Mormon, The New International Version and others as well a plethora of commentaries. There will also be a section on reference literature such as Strong's Concordance, Vines Dictionary of Bible words or phrases and their meaning among others.

With the electronic media, video, software downloads etc. the Christian today has a vast storehouse of knowledge to draw from. With this plethora of information available to the Christian and non-Christian alike in print, on TV and on audio, what do we do with this overload of information?

In Jesus’ own words:

39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. 40 And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life. (John 5:39, 40)

Christianity is founded on the premise that the Bible is the absolute and infallible Word of God. They claim if God permitted the Bible to be altered, then today’s church cannot be genuine.

The claim of Christian Church Authority that either the church or the scriptures must be preserved in order for man to be saved only demonstrates a total inability to perceive the essence of the Gospel message and has already been historically disproven and demonstrated to be in error. However, modern Christians cling to this doctrine -- ignoring overwhelming evidence to the contrary that shows conclusively that our Bible has been severely altered and edited.

They do not understand the foundational principles of the New Covenant itself -- principles that are not historical, but spiritual. The Bible is only a road-map that leads us to the Gate of the Kingdom – not through it - and the Word that is written in our minds. It is not a final revelation from God to man. Jesus brought the New Covenant. He was the New Covenant. They do not understand that we are able to come to terms with the Spiritual Gospel of Christ that can never be corrupted.

When the disciples of Constantine altered the scriptures to say: "in thee I am well pleased", instead of "today I have begotten thee"; this, and many other such scriptural revisions, altered the very mindset and thinking of the Christian faith.

If the foundation of not only your perception of the Bible, but also life itself is based upon a "vain and baseless" vision of both the very nature and destiny of mankind, and you are searching for the answers to life under a great cloud of misconception, then regardless of your effort your results will not only be limited, but you can never rise to any height because of the weight of the great obstacle that you are attempting to carry with you.

Among the million self-help books on the market, there is only one that will tell you exactly what it is God wants to do with you on the inside to change you for the better – and that is the Holy Bible, corrupt as it is. No other book will tell you the specifics that God is looking to target to make this transformation occur in the way that He would really like.

From a New Covenant perspective, each and every person is seen as the offspring of the One God, and it is their innate ability to open a direct channel of communication to the One Source of Knowledge and Being. With the Paganization of the gospel, the mindset of the flock of believers was changed from that of a sovereign and free divinely ordained people, to that of subjects in a monarchy type of governing reality.

By hearing and obeying His voice, you will be able to discern the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth that is scattered throughout the “Paganized” bible.

Two patterns of resistance can be identified for our sinful condition.

1 Man elevates himself above God and does not submit to His will, and

2 Lies to himself about number 1.

Are you truly a Christian?

Or are you like most of the professing Christians that practice Churchianity?

Do you truly want to know the truth?

If you earnestly pray and truly hunger with a burning passion to embrace the Gospel in its fullness, then you cannot ignore this great stumbling block that has the capacity to inhibit every aspect of your genuine walk the Lord.

The Origins of Thought

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