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8:1 And the Lord spake to Moses, and said,

8:2 Take thou Aaron with his sons, their clothes, and the oil of anointing, a calf for sin, and two rams, a basket with therf loaves; (Take thou Aaron and his sons, their clothes, the anointing oil, a calf for the sin offering, two rams, and a basket of unleavened bread;)

8:3 and thou shalt gather together all the company to the door of the tabernacle. (and gather together all the congregation at the entrance of the Tabernacle.)

8:4 Moses did as the Lord commanded; and when all the company was gathered before the gates of the tabernacle (and when all the congregation was gathered together at the entrance to the Tabernacle),

8:5 Moses said, This is the word which the Lord commanded to be done. (Moses said, This is what the Lord commanded to be done.)

8:6 And at once Moses offered, or presented to (the) priest's office, Aaron and his sons; and when he had washed them,

8:7 he clothed (Aaron,) the bishop, with a linen shirt, and girded him with a girdle, and clothed [him] with a coat of jacinth, and putted the cloak on the shoulders above, which cloak on the shoulders he bound with a girdle, (he clothed Aaron, the High Priest, with a linen shirt, or with a linen robe, and girded him with a sash, and clothed him with a robe, or with an alb, of jacinth, and put the ephod over it, which ephod he bound with a sash,)

8:8 and joined thereto the rational, wherein doctrine and truth was. (and joined the breast-piece to it, in which was the Urim and the Thummim.)

8:9 And Moses covered Aaron's head with a mitre, and upon the mitre, about the front, he put the golden plate, (made) sacred in the hallowing, as the Lord commanded to him. (And Moses covered Aaron's head with a turban, and on the turban, at the front, he put the gold plate, the sacred symbol of dedication, as the Lord commanded to him.)

8:10 And he took also the oil of anointing, with which he anointed the tabernacle with all his purtenance; and when he had hallowed (them), (And he took the anointing oil, and he anointed the Tabernacle, and all its purtenances; and when he had consecrated, or had dedicated, them,)

8:11 and had sprinkled the altar seven times, he anointed it, and hallowed with (the) oil all the vessels thereof, and the great washing vessel with his foundament (and the great washing vessel, and its foundation, or its base).

8:12 Which oil he shedded upon Aaron's head, and anointed him, and hallowed (him). (And then he poured some of the oil on Aaron's head, and anointed him, and consecrated him.)

8:13 And his sons offered, or presented, Moses clothed (them) with linen coats, and he girded them with girdles, and he set on their heads mitres, as the Lord commanded. (And then Aaron's sons were brought forth, and Moses clothed them with linen shirts, or with linen robes, and he girded them with sashes, and he put turbans, or caps, on their heads, as the Lord commanded.)

8:14 He offered also a calf for sin (And he brought forth the calf for the sin offering); and when Aaron and his sons had put their hands on the head of that calf,

8:15 he offered it, and drew up [the] blood; [and] when the finger was dipped in the blood thereof, he touched the corners of the altar by compass (he touched the horns all around the altar); (and) when the altar was cleansed and hallowed, Moses poured (out) the blood that was left at the altar's foot, (or at its base).

8:16 Soothly he burnt on the altar the inner fatness that was on the entrails, and the caul of the maw, and the two little reins with their little fatnesses;

8:17 and he burnt without the tents the calf, with the skin, the flesh, and the dung, as the Lord commanded. (and away from the tents, he burned the calf, and its skin, and its flesh, and its dung, as the Lord commanded.)

8:18 And he offered a ram into burnt sacrifice (And then he offered the ram for the burnt sacrifice); and when Aaron and his sons had set their hands upon the head thereof,

8:19 he offered it, and he poured the blood thereof by compass of the altar. (he offered it, and then he threw its blood against all the sides of the altar.)

8:20 And he cutted that ram into gobbets, and he burnt with fire the head thereof, and the members, and the inner fatness, (And he cut, or carved, that ram into pieces, and he burned its head, and its members, and the inner fat,)

8:21 when the entrails and the feet were washed before; and he burnt all the ram together upon the altar, for it was the burnt sacrifice of sweetest odour to the Lord, as the Lord commanded to him. (and when the entrails and the feet were washed in water, he burned the rest of the ram on the altar, for it was the burnt sacrifice to make the sweetest odour to the Lord, as the Lord commanded to him.)

8:22 He offered also the second ram, into the hallowing of (the) priests; and Aaron and his sons putted their hands upon the head thereof. (And then he offered the second ram, for the installation, or the ordination, of the priests; and Aaron and his sons put their hands on its head.)

8:23 And when Moses had offered that ram, he took of the blood, and touched therewith the last part of the right ear of Aaron, and the thumb of his right hand, and in like manner of his foot. (And when Moses had killed that ram, he took some of the blood, and touched with it the lobe of Aaron's right ear, and the thumb of his right hand, and the great toe of his right foot.)

8:24 He offered also the sons of Aaron. And when he had touched of the blood of the ram offered the last part of the right ears of all, and the thumbs of the right hand and foot, he poured the blood that was left upon the altar by compass. (And then he brought forth Aaron's sons. And when he had touched with the blood of the offered ram the lobes of their right ears, and the thumbs of their right hands, and the great toes of their right feet, he threw the rest of the blood against all the sides of the altar.)

8:25 Soothly he separated the inner fatness, and the tail, and all the fatness that covereth the entrails, and the caul of the maw, and the two reins with their fatnesses, and with the right shoulder (and the right shoulder).

8:26 Forsooth he took of the pannier of therf loaves, that was before the Lord, loaves without sourdough, and a cake sprinkled with oil, and he putted (those) loaves first sodden in water, and afterward fried in oil, on the inner fatness, and the right shoulder; (Then from the basket of unleavened bread, that was before the Lord, he took out a loaf made without yeast, and a cake sprinkled with oil, and a wafer, which was first boiled in water, and then fried in oil, and he put them on the inner fat, and on the right shoulder;)

8:27 and he betook all these things together to Aaron, and to his sons. And after that they [had] raised (up) those (things as a special gift) before the Lord,

8:28 again he took them of their hands, and burnt them upon the altar of burnt sacrifice, for it was the offering of hallowing, into the odour of sweetness of sacrifice, into his part to the Lord. (he took them out of their hands, and burned them on the altar on top of the burnt sacrifice, for it was an installation, or an ordination, offering, to make the sweetest aroma to the Lord.)

8:29 He took also the breast of the ram of consecration into his part, and raised it (up as a special gift) before the Lord, as the Lord commanded to him. (And he took the breast of the ram of installation, or of ordination, and raised it up as a special gift before the Lord, as the Lord commanded to him.)

8:30 And he took the ointment, and the blood that was in the altar, and he sprinkled them upon Aaron, and on his clothes, and upon his sons, and on their clothes. And when Moses had hallowed them in their clothing, (And he took some of the anointing oil, and some of the blood that was on the altar, and he sprinkled it on Aaron, and on his clothes, and on his sons, and on their clothes. And when Moses had consecrated them, and their clothing,)

8:31 he commanded to them, and said, Seethe ye the flesh before the tabernacle gates, and there eat ye it; also eat ye the loaves of hallowing, that be put in the basket, as God commanded to me, and said, Aaron and his sons shall eat those loaves; (he commanded to them, and said, Boil ye the flesh at the entrance to the Tabernacle, and eat ye it there; also eat ye the installation, or the ordination, loaves, that be put in the basket, as God commanded to me, and said, Aaron and his sons shall eat those loaves;)

8:32 soothly whatever thing is left of the flesh and of the loaves, [the] fire shall waste it.

8:33 Also ye shall not go out of the door of the tabernacle in seven days, till to the day in which the time of your hallowing shall be fulfilled; for the hallowing is ended in seven days, (And ye shall not go out of the entrance to the Tabernacle for seven days, until the day in which the time of your ordination is fulfilled; for the installation rites shall last for seven days,)

8:34 as it is done now in this present time, that the rightfulness of the sacrifice were fulfilled. (as it is done now at this present time, so that your sin is taken away.)

8:35 Ye shall dwell day and night in the tabernacle, and ye shall keep the keepings of the Lord (and ye shall do the commands of the Lord), (so) that ye die not; for so it is commanded to me.

8:36 And Aaron and his sons did all things, which the Lord spake by the hand of Moses.

Wycliffe's Bible

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