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28:1 Also apply thou to thee, or bring to thy presence, Aaron, thy brother, with his sons, from the midst of the sons of Israel, that Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar, be set in priesthood to me. (And bring thou into thy presence, Aaron, thy brother, and his sons, from the midst of the Israelites, so that Aaron, and Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar, can serve as my priests.)

28:2 And thou shalt make an holy cloth to Aaron, thy brother, into glory and fairness. (And thou shalt make holy clothes for thy brother Aaron, for his glory and beauty, or for his glory and grandeur.)

28:3 And thou shalt speak to all [the] wise men in heart, which I have filled with the spirit of prudence, that they make clothes to Aaron (so that they make clothes for Aaron), in which he shall be hallowed, and shall minister to me.

28:4 Forsooth these shall be the clothes, which they shall make; they shall make a rational, that is, an ouch upon the breast, in which doom and truth shall be written, and a cloak on the shoulders, a coat, and a strait linen cloth, a mitre, and a girdle; holy clothes to Aaron, thy brother, and to his sons, that they be set in priesthood to me. (And these shall be the clothes, which they shall make; they shall make a breast-piece, that is, a pouch, or a pocket, upon the breast, in which shall be carried the Urim and the Thummim, and an ephod, a robe, and an embroidered linen shirt, or tunic, a turban, and a sash; these shall be the holy clothes for thy brother Aaron, and for his sons, when they serve as my priests.)

28:5 And they shall take gold, and jacinth, and purple, and red silk twice-dyed, and bis (and fine linen);

28:6 forsooth they shall make the cloak on the shoulders of gold, and of jacinth, and of purple, and of red silk twice-dyed, and of bis folded again, by embroidery work of diverse colours [with needlework of diverse colours]. (and they shall make the ephod out of gold, and jacinth, and purple, red silk twice-dyed, and finely woven linen, and embroider it with diverse colours.)

28:7 It shall have two hems joined to ever either side of [the] highness, that they go into one. (It shall have two shoulder straps, fastened to its top edges in the front, and behind, to secure the ephod in place.)

28:8 That (the) weaving, and all [the] diversity of the work shall be of gold, and of jacinth, and of purple, and of red silk twice-dyed, and of bis folded again. (And its waistband shall also be made out of gold, and jacinth, and purple, and red silk twice-dyed, and finely woven linen, and it shall be joined to the ephod to form one piece.)

28:9 And thou shalt take two stones of onyx, and thou shalt grave in them the names of the sons of Israel, (And thou shalt take two onyx stones, and thou shalt engrave on them the names of the sons of Israel,)

28:10 six names in one stone, and six others in the tother stone, by the order of their birth; (six names on one stone, and six names on the other stone, in their birth order;)

28:11 by the work of a graver, and by the painting of a man that adorneth with gems, thou shalt grave those stones with the names of the sons of Israel; and thou shalt enclose and compass with gold. (by the work of an engraver, and by the painting of a man who adorneth with gems, thou shalt engrave those stones with the names of the sons of Israel; and thou shalt enclose and encompass them with gold.)

28:12 And thou shalt set those stones in ever either side of the cloak on the shoulders, (as) a memorial to the sons of Israel; and Aaron shall bear the names of them before the Lord on ever either shoulder, for remembering. (And thou shalt fasten those stones on the two shoulder straps of the ephod, as a reminder of the twelve tribes of Israel; Aaron shall carry their names before the Lord on both shoulders, so that I shall remember them.)

28:13 And thou shalt make (two) hooks (out) of (pure) gold,

28:14 and two little chains of cleanest gold, cleaving to themselves together, which little chains thou shalt set in the hooks. (and two little chains out of pure gold, which shall be twisted like ropes, and which thou shalt fasten to the hooks.)

28:15 Also thou shalt make the rational of doom by work of diverse colours, after the weaving of the cloak on the shoulder(s), of gold, jacinth, and purple, of red silk twice-dyed, and of bis folded again. (And thou shalt make the breast-piece of judgement like the weaving of the ephod, out of gold, and jacinth, and purple, and red silk twice-dyed, and finely woven linen, and embroider it.)

28:16 It shall be four-cornered, and double; it shall have the measure of a palm of an hand, as well in the length, as in breadth. (It shall be square, and folded over double; its measurements, the length as well as the breadth, shall be the palm of a hand.)

28:17 And thou shalt set therein four orders of stones; in the first order shall be the stone sardius, topaz, and smaragdus; (And thou shalt fasten to it four rows of stones; in the first row shall be stones of sardius, topaz, and emerald;)

28:18 in the second order shall be carbuncle, sapphire, and jasper; (in the second row shall be carbuncle, sapphire, and jasper;)

28:19 in the third order shall be ligure, agate, and amethyst; (in the third row shall be ligure, agate, and amethyst;)

28:20 and in the fourth order shall by crystallite, onyx, and beryl; these shall be closed in gold, by their orders, (and in the fourth row shall by crystallite, onyx, and beryl; they shall all be enclosed in gold, and in their proper order,)

28:21 and shall have the names of the sons of Israel; these shall be graved with twelve names; all the stones by themselves, with the names of all the sons by themselves, by [the] twelve lineages. (and shall have on them the names of the sons of Israel; yea, they shall be engraved with their twelve names; each of the stones shall have the name of one of the sons, to represent the twelve tribes of Israel.)

28:22 Thou shalt make in the rational chains cleaving to themselves together of purest gold, (Thou shalt make chains for the breast-piece out of pure gold, which shall be twisted like ropes,)

28:23 and thou shalt make two golden rings, which thou shalt set in ever either highness of the rational. (and thou shalt make two gold rings, which thou shalt fasten to the upper corners of the breast-piece.)

28:24 And thou shalt join the golden chains with the rings that be in the margins thereof, (And thou shalt join these gold chains to the rings that be fastened to the corners of the breast-piece,)

28:25 and thou shalt couple the ends of the chains to the two hooks in ever either side of the cloak on the shoulder(s), that beholdeth the rational. (and the other ends of these chains shall be joined to the two hooks, that shall be fastened to the upper part of the front of the two shoulder straps of the ephod.)

28:26 And thou shalt make two golden rings, which thou shalt set in the highness of the rational, and in the hems of the cloak on the shoulder(s), that be even against, and behold the latter things thereof. (And thou shalt make two gold rings, which thou shalt fasten to the lower corners of the breast-piece, by the hem of the ephod, so that they be opposite each other.)

28:27 Also and thou shalt make twain other golden rings, that shall be set in ever either side of the cloak on the shoulder(s) beneath, that beholdeth against the face of the lower joining, that it may be set covenably with the cloak on the shoulder(s). (And thou shalt make two more gold rings, and fasten them to the lower part of the front of the two shoulder straps of the ephod, near the seam, and above the waistband.)

28:28 And the rational be bound by his rings with the rings of the cloak on the shoulder(s), with a lace of jacinth, that the joining made (may) craftily dwell, and that the rational and the cloak on the shoulder(s) may not be separated each from (the) other. (And the breast-piece shall be bound by its rings to the rings of the ephod with a lace of jacinth, so that the joining shall dwell secure, and the breast-piece and the ephod shall not separate from each other.)

28:29 And Aaron shall bear the names of the sons of Israel in the rational of doom on his breast, when he entereth into the saintuary, a memorial before the Lord [into] without end. (And so Aaron shall carry the names of the tribes of Israel on the breast-piece of judgement on his breast, when he entereth into the sanctuary, as a reminder before the Lord forevermore.)

28:30 Forsooth thou shalt set in the rational of doom, teaching and truth, which shall be in the breast of Aaron, when he entereth before the Lord; and he shall bear the doom of the sons of Israel in his breast in the sight of the Lord ever[more]. (And thou shalt put in the breast-piece of judgement the Urim and the Thummim, which shall be on Aaron's breast, when he entereth before the Lord; and he shall carry these symbols of the judgement of the Israelites upon his breast before the Lord forevermore.)

28:31 And thou shalt make the coat of the cloak on the shoulder(s) all of jacinth, (And thou shalt make the robe to wear under the ephod out of jacinth,)

28:32 in whose middle above shall be an hood, that is, an hole for the head, and a woven hem by compass thereof, as it is wont to be done in the hems of clothes, lest it be broken lightly. (in whose middle on top shall be a hole for the head, with a hem woven all around it, as it is wont to be done in the hems of clothes, lest it be easily broken.)

28:33 Forsooth beneath at the feet of the same coat, by compass, thou shalt make as pomegranates, of jacinth, and purple, and of red silk twice-dyed, and of bis folded again; (And beneath, all around on the lower hem of the robe, thou shalt put pomegranates made out of jacinth, and purple, and red silk twice-dyed, and finely woven linen;)

28:34 while small bells be meddled in the midst, so that a little gold bell be and a pomegranate, and again another little bell of gold and a pomegranate. (with little bells mixed, or mingled, in the midst thereof, so that there be a little gold bell and a pomegranate, and another little gold bell and a pomegranate, and so on, all around the hem.)

28:35 And Aaron shall be clothed with that coat, or alb, in the office of his service, that the sound be heard, when he entereth into the saintuary, and goeth out, in the sight of the Lord; and that he die not. (And Aaron shall be clothed with that robe, or that alb, when he ministereth, so that the sound can be heard when he entereth into the sanctuary before the Lord, and when he goeth out; and so that he shall not die/and so that he shall not be killed.)

28:36 And thou shalt make a plate (out) of purest gold, in which thou shalt grave by the work of a graver, The Holy to the Lord (on which thou shalt engrave by the work of an engraver, Holy to the Lord), that is, the name of the Lord, Tetragrammaton.

28:37 And thou shalt bind that plate with a lace of jacinth, and it shall be on the mitre, and it shall nigh [to] the forehead of the bishop. (And thou shalt tie that plate to the turban with a lace of jacinth, and it shall be on the forehead of the High Priest.)

28:38 And Aaron shall bear the wickednesses of those things that the sons of Israel shall offer, and hallow in all their gifts to God, and in their free gifts to men; and the plate shall ever[more] be in Aaron's forehead, that the Lord be pleased to them. (And Aaron shall bear the wickednesses done when the Israelites offer, and dedicate, all their gifts to the Lord; and the plate shall always be on his forehead, so that these gifts shall be acceptable to the Lord.)

28:39 And thou shalt bind the coat of bis, (that is, the linen cloth,) and the mitre of bis, and thou shalt make also a girdle, by embroidery work. (And thou shalt make the shirt, or the tunic, and the turban, and the sash out of fine linen, and the sash shall be embroidered.)

28:40 Forsooth thou shalt make ready to Aaron's sons linen coats, (that is, linen clothes,) and girdles, and mitres, into glory and fairness. (And thou also shalt make fine linen shirts, or tunics, and sashes, and peaked caps, for Aaron's sons, for their glory and beauty, or for their glory and grandeur.)

28:41 And thou shalt clothe Aaron, thy brother, with all these, and his sons with him. And thou shalt (anoint them, and make) sacred the hands of them all; and thou shalt hallow them, that they be set in priesthood to me. (And thou shalt clothe thy brother Aaron, and his sons, with all these things. And thou shalt anoint them, and consecrate them, and ordain, or install, them, so that they can serve as my priests.)

28:42 Also thou shalt make to them linen breeches, that they cover the flesh of their filth[hood], from the reins unto their hips. (And thou shalt make linen breeches for them, so that they cover their naked flesh, from their reins unto their hips.)

28:43 And Aaron and his sons shall use those breeches, when they shall enter into the tabernacle of witnessing, or when they nigh to the altar, that they minister in the saintuary, lest they be guilty of wickedness, and die; it shall be a lawful thing everlasting to Aaron, and to his seed after him. (And Aaron and his sons shall use those breeches, whenever they shall enter into the Tabernacle of the Witnessing, or when they approach the altar, to minister in the sanctuary, lest they be guilty of wickedness, and die; this shall be an everlasting law for Aaron, and for his descendants after him.)

Wycliffe's Bible

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