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15:1 Then Moses sang, and the sons of Israel, this song to the Lord; and they said, Sing we to the Lord, for he is magnified gloriously; he hath cast down the horse and the horseman into the sea. (Then Moses, and the Israelites, sang this song to the Lord; Sing we to the Lord, for he is gloriously magnified; he hath thrown down the horse and the rider into the sea.)

15:2 My strength and my praising is the Lord; and he is made to me into health. This is my God, and I shall glorify him; the God of my father, and I shall enhance him. (The Lord is my strength, and my praise; yea, he is my salvation. This is my God, and I shall glorify him; the God of my father, and I shall exult him.)

15:3 The Lord is a man-fighter, his name is Almighty; (The Lord is a fighter, and his name is The Almighty;)

15:4 he casted down into the sea the chariots of Pharaoh, and his host (he threw down Pharaoh's chariots, and his army, into the sea). His chosen princes were drowned in the Red Sea;

15:5 the deep waters covered them; they went down into the depth as a stone (they went down into the depths like a stone).

15:6 Lord, thy right hand is magnified in strength; Lord, thy right hand smote the enemy.

15:7 And in the multitude of thy glory, thou hast put down all thine adversaries; thou sentest thine ire, that devoured them as stubble (thou sentest out thy anger, that devoured them like stubble).

15:8 And (the) waters were gathered [together] in the spirit of thy strong vengeance (And the waters were gathered together with the blast of thy strong vengeance); [the] flowing water stood, [the] deep waters were gathered [together] in the midst of the sea.

15:9 The enemy said, I shall pursue (them), and I shall (over)take (them); I shall part (the) spoils, (and) my soul, that is, (my) will, shall be fulfilled. I shall draw out my sword; mine hand shall slay them.

15:10 Thy spirit blew (Thou blewest with thy breath), and the sea covered them; they were drowned as lead in (the) great waters.

15:11 Lord, who is like thee in strong men, who is like thee? thou art a great doer in holiness; fearful, and praiseable, and doing miracles. (Lord, who is like thee among the strong, yea, who is like thee? thou art a great doer of holiness; fearful, and worthy of praise, and doing miracles.)

15:12 Thou heldest forth thine hand (Thou hast stretched forth thy right hand), and the earth devoured them;

15:13 thou were leader in thy mercy to thy people, which thou again-boughtest; and thou hast borne him in thy strength to thine holy dwelling place. (in thy mercy thou were the leader of thy people, whom thou boughtest back, or ransomed, and thou hast carried them by thy strength to thy holy dwelling place.)

15:14 Peoples went up, and were wroth; sorrows held the dwellers of Philistia. (The nations heard, and trembled in fear; sorrows held the people of Palestina.)

15:15 Then the princes of Edom were troubled; trembling held the strong men of Moab. All the dwellers of Canaan dreaded, or were encumbered (All the people of Canaan were in fear);

15:16 inward dread fall on them, and outward dread in the greatness of thine arm. Be they made unmoveable as a stone, till thy people pass, Lord; till thy people pass, whom thou wieldedest. (inward fear fell upon them, and outward fear of the greatness of thy power. They were made immovable like a stone, until thy people passed by, Lord; until thy people passed by, whom thou possessest.)

15:17 Thou shalt bring them in, and thou shalt plant them in the hill of thine heritage; in the most steadfast dwelling place which thou hast wrought, Lord; Lord, (in) thy saintuary, which thine hands made steadfast. (Thou bringest them in, and thou hast planted them on the mountain of thy inheritance; in the most steadfast dwelling place which thou hast wrought, Lord; yea, in thy sanctuary, Lord, which thy hands have made firm.)

15:18 The Lord shall reign without end, and over all thing(s).

15:19 Forsooth Pharaoh, on horse, entered with his chariots and [his] horsemen into the sea, and the Lord brought the waters of the sea on them; soothly the sons of Israel went by the dry place (but the Israelites went on dry ground), in [the] midst of the sea.

15:20 Therefore Marie (And Miriam), the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a tympan in her hand, and all the women went out after her with tympans and companies;

15:21 to which she sang before, and said, Sing we to the Lord, for he is magnified gloriously; he hath cast down into the sea the horse and the rider of him. (and she sang before them, Sing we to the Lord, for he is gloriously magnified; he hath thrown down the horse and his rider into the sea.)

15:22 Forsooth Moses took Israel from the Red Sea, and they went out into the desert of Shur; and they went three days by the wilderness, and they found not water (and they went three days in the wilderness, but found no water).

15:23 And they came into Marah, and they might not drink the waters of Marah, for they were bitter; wherefore he putted a covenable name to the place, and called it Marah, that is, bitterness. (And they came to Marah, but they could not drink the water there, for it was bitter; so they put a suitable name to that place, and called it Marah, that is, Bitterness.)

15:24 And the people grouched against Moses (And the people grumbled against Moses), and said, What shall we drink?

15:25 And Moses cried to the Lord, which showed to him a tree; and when he had put that tree into the waters, those (waters) were turned into sweetness. There the Lord ordained commandments and dooms to the people, and there he assayed the people (There the Lord ordained commandments and judgements for the people, and he tested, or proved, the people there),

15:26 and (he) said, If thou shalt hear the voice of thy Lord God, and shalt do that that is rightful before him, and shalt obey to his commandments, and shalt keep all his behests, I shall not bring in on thee all the sickness, which I have put in Egypt, for I am thy Lord Saviour (then I shall not bring in on thee all the sickness, which I have put on Egypt, for I am the Lord thy Saviour).

15:27 Forsooth the sons of Israel came into Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and seventy palm trees, and they setted tents beside the waters. (And the Israelites came to Elim, where there were twelve wells of water, and seventy palm trees, and they pitched their tents beside the waters.)

Wycliffe's Bible

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