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27:1 Soothly the daughters of Zelophehad, the son of Hepher, son of Gilead, son of Machir, son of Manasseh, that was the son of Joseph, nighed (came near); of which daughters these be the names; Mahlah, and Noah, and Hoglah, and Milcah, and Tirzah.

27:2 And they stood before Moses, and Eleazar, the priest, and before all the princes of the people, at the door of the tabernacle of [the] bond of peace; and said, (And they stood before Moses, and Eleazar, the priest, and before all the leaders of the people, at the entrance to the Tabernacle of the Covenant; and they said,)

27:3 Our father was dead in the desert, neither he was in the rebelty that was raised against the Lord under Korah, but he was dead in his sin; he had no male sons [he had not male children]. (Our father died in the wilderness, and he was not in the rebellion that was raised against the Lord under Korah, but he died in his own sin; and he had no sons.)

27:4 Why is his name taken away from his family, for he hath no son? Give ye possession to us among our father's kinsmen. (But why should his name be done away from his family, simply because he hath no son? Give ye to us a possession, that is, some property, among our father's kinsmen.)

27:5 And Moses told their cause to the doom of the Lord; (And Moses brought their case to the judgement of the Lord;)

27:6 the which said to Moses, (and the Lord said to Moses,)

27:7 The daughters of Zelophehad ask a just thing; give thou possession to them among their father's kinsmen, and be they successors to him into heritage. (The daughters of Zelophehad ask for a just thing; give thou them some property among their father's kinsmen, and let them be the successors of his inheritance.)

27:8 Forsooth thou shalt speak these things to the sons of Israel, When a man is dead without son, the heritage shall go to his daughter; (And thou shalt speak these words to the Israelites, When a man is dead without a son, the inheritance shall go to his daughter;)

27:9 if he hath no daughter, he shall have (as) his heirs his brethren; (if he hath no daughter, his brothers shall be his heirs;)

27:10 that and if brethren be not, ye shall give the heritage to the brethren of his father; (and if he hath no brothers, ye shall give the inheritance to his father's brothers;)

27:11 soothly if he have no brethren of his father, the heritage shall be given to them that be next to him. And this shall be holy by everlasting law to the sons of Israel, as the Lord commanded to Moses. (and if his father hath no brothers, the inheritance shall be given to them who be next to him. And this shall be holy by an everlasting law to the Israelites, as the Lord commanded to Moses.)

27:12 Also the Lord said to Moses, Go (thou) up into this hill of Abarim, and behold thou from thence the land, which I shall give to the sons of Israel. (And then the Lord said to Moses, Go thou up onto this Mount Abarim, and from there behold thou the land, which I have given to the Israelites.)

27:13 And when thou hast seen it, also thou shalt go to thy people, as thy brother Aaron went; (And when thou hast seen it, then thou also shalt go to thy people, that is, thou shalt die, like thy brother Aaron did;)

27:14 for thou offendedest me in the desert of Zin, in the against-saying of the multitude, neither thou wouldest hallow me before the people, upon the waters. These be the waters of against-saying in Kadesh, in the desert of Zin. (for thou offendedest me in the wilderness of Zin, when the people spoke against me, and thou didest not uphold my holiness before the people, there at the waters. These be the waters of Meribah at Kadesh, in the wilderness of Zin.)

27:15 To whom Moses answered,

27:16 The Lord God of the spirits of all flesh, purvey a man, that he be on this multitude, (May the Lord God of the spirits of all people purvey a man who shall be over these people,)

27:17 and that may go out (and who can go out), and enter in before them, and lead them out, and lead them in, lest the people of the Lord be as sheep without (a) shepherd.

27:18 And the Lord said to Moses, Take thou Joshua, the son of Nun, a man in whom the spirit of God is (a man in whom is the spirit of God), and put thine hand upon him;

27:19 and he shall stand before Eleazar, the priest, and before all the multitude. And thou shalt give to him behests, in the sight of all men (And thou shalt give him his orders, or his commission, in the sight of all the people),

27:20 and a part of thy glory, that all the synagogue of the sons of Israel hear him. (and some of thy authority, so that all the congregation of the Israelites shall listen to him, and shall follow him.)

27:21 If anything shall be worthy to be done for this man, Joshua, Eleazar, the priest, shall counsel the Lord; he shall go out, and shall go in, at the word of Eleazar; he, and all the sons of Israel with him, and the tother multitude. (And if anything shall be worthy to be done for this man, Joshua, Eleazar, the priest, shall ask counsel from the Urim and the Thummim, before the Lord; he shall go out, and shall go in, at the word of Eleazar; he, and all the multitude of the Israelites.)

27:22 Moses did as the Lord commanded, and when he had taken Joshua, he set him before Eleazar, the priest; and before all the multitude of the people;

27:23 and when he had put his hands upon his head, he rehearsed all things that the Lord commanded. (and when he had laid his hands upon his head, he repeated all the things that the Lord had commanded.)

Wycliffe's Bible

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