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Whether your camera is old or new, you will only take really good photographs if you know how to create strong images – the saying ‘cameras don’t take photographs, photographers do’ is right. You should certainly not get hung up on needing the latest camera on the market, especially in these digital days, when there will be an even newer one out next week.

We feel that the push for more megapixels and ever-bigger sensors is largely driven by the industry’s need to sell us more gear. All this technology is not going to make your pictures any more creative; many of our favourite pictures – those that inspired us to take up photography ourselves – were made on far less sophisticated cameras than even the average point and shoot camera that you can buy today. To quote the American photographer Chase Jarvis, ‘The best camera is the one you have with you.’

You will no doubt have read through your camera manual; if you had trouble understanding it, this chapter will help to make it clearer. If you still feel in need of more detail, you will find it in our first book, Collins Complete Photography Course (HarperCollins, 2008).

Although this book is more about pictures than equipment, it is essential that we photographers get to know our cameras like a best friend. Our aim is to show you how to take better pictures no matter what your camera may be, just using it as a tool with which to transform your creative ideas into exciting images.


Your camera manual is vital if you are to understand the controls and functions of your camera. Don’t be embarrassed about carrying it around with you – today’s cameras are so complicated that few people can remember everything they do.


Just before writing this book I bought a new camera because I was feeling the need to simplify my travel photography and lighten my load. I wrote a priority list of features that I regarded as essential in a new all-round camera and spent a great deal of time finding exactly the right camera for me. This list might be helpful to you when you are choosing your next camera.

 Size and weight: small enough to fit in a coat pocket, light enough to carry all day without causing fatigue.

 Instant focus without shutter delay, for people and action.

 A viewfinder – I don’t like trying to compose pictures on the LCD screen as I often can’t see the image when the light is bright.

 Improved performance at high ISO speeds.

 An articulated screen – I find it very useful for shooting above my head or from ground level, or for shooting people surreptitiously.

 Interchangeable lenses to give me more choices, with the addition of an adaptor ring so that I can use my beautiful analogue Nikon lenses, which are creatively interesting.

 The feel and balance of the camera – I need to regard it as a part of me and I want to enjoy shooting with it.

 A menu system that makes sense to me.


After weighing up all the pros and cons I decided on this interchangeable-lens lightweight mirrorless camera. It has a large APS-C sensor and an electronic viewfinder, making it easier to use than trying to compose on the screen. It will fit comfortably in my coat pocket and accompany me wherever I go. JG

Collins Complete Photography Projects

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