Читать книгу Letters of a Radio-Engineer to His Son - John Mills - Страница 3

I One of the Lines of Towers at Radio Central Frontispiece
II Bird’s-Eye View of Radio Central 10
III Dry Battery for Use in Audion Circuits, and also Storage Battery 27
IV Radiotron 42
V Variometer and Variable Condenser of the General Radio Company. Voltmeter and Ammeter of the Weston Instrument Company 91
VI Low-Power Transmitting Tube, U V 202 106
VII Photographs of Vibrating Strings 155
VIII To Illustrate the Mechanism for the Production of the Human Voice 170
IX Western Electric Loud Speaking Receiver. Crystal Detector Set of the General Electric Co. Audibility Meter of General Radio Co. 203
X Audio-Frequency Transformer and Banked-Wound Coil 218
XI Broadcasting Equipment, Developed by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and the Western Electric Company 235
XII Broadcasting Station of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company on the Roof of the Walker-Lispenard Bldg. in New York City where the Long-distance Telephone Lines Terminate 250
Letters of a Radio-Engineer to His Son

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