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Rubidium–strontium systematics


Several isotopes of the relatively rare element rubidium (Rb) exist; some 27% of these are radioactive87Rb. Most Rb+1 is concentrated in continental crust, especially in substitution for potassium ion (K+1) in potassium‐bearing minerals such as potassium feldspar, muscovite, biotite, sodic plagioclase, and amphibole. Radioactive87Rb is slowly (half‐life = 48.8 Ga) transformed by beta decay into strontium‐87 (87Sr). Unfortunately, the much smaller strontium ion (Sr+2) does not easily substitute for potassium ion (K+1) and therefore tends to migrate into minerals in the rock that contain calcium ion (Ca+2) for which strontium easily substitutes. This makes using87Rb/86Sr for age dating a much less accurate method than the U/Pb methods explained previously.

One basic concept behind rubidium–strontium dating is that the original rock has some initial amount of87Rb, some initial ratio of87Sr/86Sr and some initial ratio of87Rb/86Sr. These ratios evolve through time in a predictable manner. Over time, the amount of87Rb decreases and the amount of87Sr increases by radioactive decay so that the87Sr/86Sr ratio increases. At the same time, the87Rb/86Sr ratio decreases by an amount proportional to sample age. A second basic concept is that the initial amount of87Rb varies from mineral to mineral, being highest in potassium‐rich minerals. As a result, the rate at which the87Sr/86Sr ratio increases depends on the individual mineral. For example, in a potassium‐rich (rubidium‐rich) mineral, the87Sr/86Sr ratio will increase rapidly, whereas for a potassium‐poor mineral it will increase slowly. For a mineral with no87Rb substituting for K, the87Sr/86Sr ratio will not change; it will remain the initial87Sr/86Sr ratio. The87Rb/86Sr ratio of the whole rock however decreases at a constant rate that depends on the decay constant.

In a typical analysis, the amounts of87Rb,87Sr, and86Sr in the whole rock and in individual minerals are determined by mass spectrometry, and the87Rb/86Sr and87Sr/86Sr ratios are calculated for each. These are plotted on an87Sr/86Sr versus87Rb/86Sr diagram (Figure 3.15). At the time of formation, assuming no fractionation of strontium isotopes, the87Sr/86Sr in each mineral and in the whole rock was a constant initial value, while the87Rb/86Sr values varied from relatively high for rubidium‐rich minerals such as biotite and potassium feldspar to zero for minerals with no rubidium. These initial87Sr/86Sr and87Rb/86Sr values are shown by the horizontal line in Figure 3.15. As the rock ages,87Rb progressively decays to87Sr, which causes the87Sr/86Sr ratio to increase at rates proportional to the initial amount of87Rb, while the87Rb/86Sr ratio decreases at a constant rate. Over time, the87Sr/86Sr ratios and87Rb/86Sr ratios for each mineral and the whole rock evolve along paths shown by the arrowed lines in Figure 3.15. If each mineral acts as a closed system, points representing the current87Sr/86Sr versus87Rb/86Sr ratios will fall on a straight line whose slope increases through time (Figure 3.15). The slope of the best‐fit line, called an isochron (line of constant age), yields the age of the sample. The y‐intercept of any isochron yields the initial87Sr/86Sr ratio, which is unchanging for a theoretical sample that contains no87Rb. The initial87 Sr/86 Sr is especially important in identifying the source regions from which magmas are derived in the formation of igneous rocks (Chapter 8).

Earth Materials

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