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The Coming of Oliver Cowdery


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Martin Harris was never permitted to act as scribe again. For a time the Prophet was without assistance. For several months he was under the necessity of “laboring with his hands” on his small farm in Harmony and otherwise seeking employment. The work of the Lord was lagging. He must be about his mission. He prayed to the Lord for help. On the 6th of April, 1829, a young school teacher, Oliver Cowdery, came to Harmony to inquire of Joseph Smith regarding his work. Oliver Cowdery had been teaching school near the home of the Smiths in Manchester, and part of the time boarded with that family. From them he learned of the Prophet’s vision, the coming of Moroni, and of the plates. He had a feeling that these stories were true and desired to investigate at close quarters. He was convinced of the truth of Joseph’s story, and two days after his arrival in Harmony commenced to write as the Prophet translated from the record. Later in the month of April the Lord gave to Oliver a revelation through Joseph Smith in which he was called to the work. In that revelation things were revealed that only Oliver Cowdery knew. From that time forth he continued to act as the amanuensis for Joseph Smith, until the Book of Mormon was finished.

Essentials in Church History

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