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The Work and Glory of the Lord


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After this trying scene the Lord again spoke with Moses who was commissioned to deliver the people of Israel from bondage. His eyes were opened and he beheld many lands and their inhabitants without number. The Lord taught him, and explained that there were many heavens and many earths like this on which we stand. They are innumerable to man, yet the Lord knows them all and they are numbered unto him. These earths were peopled by his children, for his work and his glory are to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. Therefore, as one earth and its accompanying heaven shall pass away, having filled the measure of its creation, so shall others come. There is no end to the works and the words of the Father, for in this there is eternal progression. However, our knowledge, in the wisdom of the Lord, is, of necessity, limited to the earth on which we dwell.

Essentials in Church History

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