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Sidney Rigdon


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The first house at which they called, in Mentor, was the home of Sidney Rigdon. After the usual greetings, they presented Mr. Rigdon with a copy of the Book of Mormon, stating that it contained the record of the ancient people of America, and that the Lord had again established his Church in the earth with the authority of the Holy Priesthood. This was the first time Sidney Rigdon had heard of the Book of Mormon and of Joseph Smith. Replying to their statements, he said he had the Bible, which he believed to be the word of God; as for the Book of Mormon, he had considerable doubt of its divinity. He refused to argue with them, but promised to read the book. At their earnest solicitation Sidney Rigdon allowed the elders to hold meetings in his chapel. A large congregation assembled and gave close attention to the remarks of the elders. At the conclusion of the services Sidney Rigdon instructed the people to consider carefully the remarkable things they had heard, lest it should prove to be the truth. With deep and earnest study, he read the contents of the Book of Mormon, praying for divine guidance, and in the course of about two weeks, he received a manifestation so that he could say, “Flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto me, but my Father, which is in heaven.” He and his wife were then baptized and also many of his congregation.

In Kirtland the elders were also successful. The people besieged the missionaries both day and night, until they had very little time for rest. The greater number heard the tidings gladly, but some, there were, who came to dispute and oppose the work of the Lord. In a very short time branches of the Church were established numbering in all about one thousand souls.

Essentials in Church History

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