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Birthdays from
21st March to
20th April
Personality Profile
Element – Fire
Ruling Planet – Mars
Career Planet – Saturn
Love Planet – Venus
Money Planet – Venus
Planet of Fun, Entertainment, Creativity and Speculations – Sun
Planet of Health and Work – Mercury
Planet of Home and Family Life – Moon
Planet of Spirituality – Neptune
Planet of Travel, Education, Religion and Philosophy – Jupiter
Colours – carmine, red, scarlet
Colours that promote love, romance and social harmony – green, jade green
Colour that promotes earning power – green
Gem – amethyst
Metals – iron, steel
Scent – honeysuckle
Quality – cardinal (= activity)
Quality most needed for balance – caution
Strongest virtues – abundant physical energy, courage, honesty, independence, self-reliance
Deepest need – action
Characteristics to avoid – haste, impetuousness, over-aggression, rashness
Signs of greatest overall compatibility – Leo, Sagittarius
Signs of greatest overall incompatibility – Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
Sign most helpful to career – Capricorn
Sign most helpful for emotional support – Cancer
Sign most helpful financially – Taurus
Sign best for marriage and/or partnerships – Libra
Sign most helpful for creative projects – Leo
Best Sign to have fun with – Leo
Signs most helpful in spiritual matters – Sagittarius, Pisces
Best day of the week – Tuesday
Understanding an Aries
Aries is the activist par excellence of the zodiac. The Aries need for action is almost an addiction, and those who do not really understand the Aries personality would probably use this hard word to describe it. In reality ‘action’ is the essence of the Aries psychology – the more direct, blunt and to-the-point the action, the better. When you think about it, this is the ideal psychological makeup for the warrior, the pioneer, the athlete or the manager.
Aries likes to get things done, and in their passion and zeal often lose sight of the consequences for themselves and others. Yes, they often try to be diplomatic and tactful, but it is hard for them. When they do so they feel that they are being dishonest and phony. It is hard for them even to understand the mindset of the diplomat, the consensus builder, the front office executive. These people are involved in endless meetings, discussions, talks and negotiations – all of which seem a great waste of time when there is so much work to be done, so many real achievements to be gained. An Aries can understand, once it is explained, that talks and negotiations – the social graces – lead ultimately to better, more effective actions. The interesting thing is that an Aries is rarely malicious or spiteful – even when waging war. Aries people fight without hate for their opponents. To them it is all good-natured fun, a grand adventure, a game.
When confronted with a problem many people will say, ‘Well, let’s think about it, let’s analyse the situation.’ But not an Aries. An Aries will think, ‘Something must be done. Let’s get on with it.’ Of course neither response is the total answer. Sometimes action is called for, sometimes cool thought. But an Aries tends to err on the side of action.
Action and thought are radically different principles. Physical activity is the use of brute force. Thinking and deliberating require one not to use force – to be still. It is not good for the athlete to be deliberating the next move; this will only slow down his or her reaction time. The athlete must act instinctively and instantly. This is how Aries people tend to behave in life. They are quick, instinctive decision-makers and their decisions tend to be translated into action almost immediately. When their intuition is sharp and well tuned, their actions are powerful and successful. When their intuition is off, their actions can be disastrous.
Do not think this will scare an Aries. Just as a good warrior knows that in the course of combat he or she might acquire a few wounds, so too does an Aries realize – somewhere deep down – that in the course of being true to yourself you might get embroiled in a disaster or two. It is all part of the game. An Aries feels strong enough to weather any storm.
There are many Aries people who are intellectual. They make powerful and creative thinkers. But even in this realm they tend to be pioneers – outspoken and blunt. These types of Aries tend to elevate (or sublimate) their desire for physical combat in favour of intellectual, mental combat. And they are indeed powerful.
In general, Aries people have a faith in themselves that others could learn from. This basic, rock-solid faith carries them through the most tumultuous situations of life. Their courage and self-confidence make them natural leaders. Their leadership is more by way of example than by actually controlling others.
Aries people often excel as builders or estate agents. Money in and of itself is not as important as are other things – action, adventure, sport, etc. They are motivated by the need to support and be well-thought-of by their partners. Money as a way of attaining pleasure is another important motivation. Aries function best in their own businesses or as managers of their own departments within a large business or corporation. The fewer orders they have to take from higher up, the better. They also function better out in the field rather than behind a desk.
Aries people are hard workers with a lot of endurance; they can earn large sums of money due to the strength of their sheer physical energy.
Venus is their money planet, which means that Aries need to develop more of the social graces in order to realize their full earning potential. Just getting the job done – which is what an Aries excels at – is not enough to create financial success. The co-operation of others needs to be attained. Customers, clients and co-workers need to be made to feel comfortable; many people need to be treated properly in order for success to happen. When Aries people develop these abilities – or hire someone to do this for them – their financial potential is unlimited.
Career and Public Image
One would think that a pioneering type would want to break with the social and political conventions of society. But this is not so with the Aries-born. They are pioneers within conventional limits, in the sense that they like to start their own businesses within an established industry.
Capricorn is on the 10th house (career) cusp of Aries’ Solar horoscope. Saturn is the planet that rules their life’s work and professional aspirations. This tells us some interesting things about the Aries character. First off, it shows that, in order for Aries people to reach their full career potential, they need to develop some qualities that are a bit alien to their basic nature: they need to become better administrators and organizers; they need to be able to handle details better and to take a long-range view of their projects and their careers in general. No one can beat an Aries when it comes to achieving short-range objectives, but a career is long term, built over time. You cannot take a ‘quickie’ approach to it.
Some Aries people find it difficult to stick with a project until the end. Since they get bored quickly and are in constant pursuit of new adventures, they prefer to pass an old project or task on to somebody else in order to start something new. Those Aries who learn how to put off the search for something new until the old is completed will achieve great success in their careers and professional lives.
In general, Aries people like society to judge them on their own merits, on their real and actual achievements. A reputation acquired by ‘hype’ feels false to them.
Love and Relationships
In marriage and partnerships Aries like those who are more passive, gentle, tactful and diplomatic – people who have the social grace and skills they sometimes lack. Our partners always represent a hidden part of ourselves – a self that we cannot express personally.
An Aries tends to go after what he or she likes aggressively. The tendency is to jump into relationships and marriages. This is especially true if Venus is in Aries as well as the Sun. If an Aries likes you, he or she will have a hard time taking no for an answer; many attempts will be made to sweep you off your feet.
Though Aries can be exasperating in relationships – especially if they are not understood by their partners – they are never consciously or wilfully cruel or malicious. It is just that they are so independent and sure of themselves that they find it almost impossible to see somebody else’s viewpoint or position. This is why an Aries needs as a partner someone with lots of social graces.
On the plus side, an Aries is honest, someone you can lean on, someone with whom you will always know where you stand. What he or she lacks in diplomacy is made up for in integrity.
Home and Domestic Life
An Aries is of course the ruler at home – the Boss. The male will tend to delegate domestic matters to the female. The female Aries will want to rule the roost. Both tend to be handy round the house. Both like large families and both believe in the sanctity and importance of the family. An Aries is a good family person, although he or she does not especially like being at home a lot, preferring instead to be roaming about.
Considering that they are by nature so combative and wilful, Aries people can be surprisingly soft, gentle and even vulnerable with their children and partners. The sign of Cancer, ruled by the Moon, is on the cusp of their solar 4th house (home and family). When the Moon is well aspected – under favourable influences – in the birth chart, an Aries will be tender towards the family and want a family life that is nurturing and supportive. Aries likes to come home after a hard day on the battlefield of life to the understanding arms of their partner and the unconditional love and support of their family. An Aries feels that there is enough ‘war’ out in the world – and he or she enjoys participating in that. But when Aries comes home, comfort and nurturing are what’s needed.
Horoscope for 2012
Major Trends
For those of you born early in the sign of Aries (March 21–31), 2011 was no piece of cake. There were challenges galore, yet you overcame. You worked harder, perhaps longer hours, but you saw the fruits of your labour. In spite of all the challenges, you prospered. Prosperity is still strong in the year ahead as well. Things were not easy but they were good. (The really worthwhile things in life rarely come easily.) When Saturn leaves Libra on October 5, things start to get easier. Health and energy will improve. The love situation will also improve.
Those of you born later in the sign also had prosperity and the good life last year. But you are feeling the challenges more this year – and in future years.
The main theme of 2012 (actually it began in the spring/summer of 2010) is change. Uranus entered your sign in 2011 and will be there for many years to come. Many of you divorced in the past two years or broke up serious relationships and now you are exploring your personal freedom.
Many of you have been praying for change for some time now, and it is happening. Those of you born early in the sign are having it now. Those of you born later in the sign will have it in coming years. These changes are dramatic ones – not like changing your hairstyle or job. Uranus is saying to you, ‘Yes I will bring you the change that you are praying for, but in order to do so, you must allow me to shake things up a bit.’
Love, as we mentioned, has been challenging for the past two years, but should get easier later on in the year, after October (more on this later).
Your spiritual planet, Neptune, makes a major move this year. He moves from the sign of Aquarius, where he has been for 14 or 15 years, into his own sign of Pisces. This is showing shifts in your own spiritual life and a deepening of it.
Though the romantic life is challenging, friendships seem good. You have very devoted friends these days – friends who put your interests ahead of their own.
Jupiter will move into your 3rd house on June 11 and spend the rest of 2012 there. Thus this is a year for expanding the mind – for learning or teaching and for pursuing your intellectual interests. Many of you will get new cars and communication equipment as well.
Your most important interests in the year ahead are the body, the image and personal pleasure; finance; communication and intellectual interests; love, romance and social activities; sex, personal transformation and personal reinvention; and your career.
Your paths of greatest fulfillment this year are finance (until June 11); communication and intellectual interests (after June 11); foreign travel, higher education, religion, philosophy and theology (until August 31); sex, personal transformation and personal reinvention (after August 31).
(Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days of yore there was no difference: these perspectives were identical. But today there could be quite a difference. For a medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.)
Your 6th house of health is a ‘house of power’ for the first half of the year and this is good news. You are focused on health; it is a major priority – and it should be, as health is more delicate this year than usual. Three powerful long-term planets – Uranus, Pluto and Saturn – are affecting you, so overall energy is not what it should be. More attention to health is called for this year and you are responding.
There is much you can do to enhance your health and prevent problems from developing. Give more attention to the head, face and scalp (regular scalp and face massage will be especially powerful until July 3; craniosacral therapy is powerful too); the heart (avoid worry and anxiety, the spiritual root cause of heart problems); the adrenals (strong emotions such as fear and anger tend to knock out the adrenal glands: do your best to minimize this); and the small intestine.
Aries are lovers of physical exercise and athletics in general. But this year vigorous physical exercise is very good for the health. Good muscle tone is important. If the muscles lose their tone, the skeleton gets out of whack – the spinal vertebrae get misaligned and this can lead to hosts of other problems. A day at the gym is not only fun but will often do as much for you (if you feel under the weather) as a visit to the doctor.
With Mars, the ruler of your Horoscope, in your 6th house for the first half of the year, good health for you is not just ‘no symptoms’ or physical fitness, it also means ‘looking good’. There is a vanity component here. Good health will do more for your personal appearance than a host of beauty treatments. This vanity component can be used for healing as well. If you feel under the weather, buy a new outfit or have your hair or nails done – do something that improves your appearance, and chances are that you will feel ‘physically’ better as well.
Try to massage the whole foot on a regular basis, but pay extra attention to the points highlighted on the chart. When you massage, be aware of ‘sore spots’, as these need special attention. It’s also a good idea to massage the ankles and top side of the feet (see below).
Aries is always the daredevil. The more dangerous or adventurous a project or activity is, the better they like it. But this year, the tendency is even stronger. You are experimenting with the body, testing the limits. This is basically a good thing – the body can do much more than we think – however these experiments need to be done in a ‘mindful’ way, or injury can result. With Uranus in your 1st house I’d recommend exercises like yoga, tai chi or chi qong – these are safe ways to test the limits of the body.
Your health planet, Mercury, is a fast-moving planet. During the course of the year he will move through all the 12 signs and houses of your Horoscope. Thus there are many short-term health trends that are best discussed in the monthly reports.
As we mentioned, Saturn will move away from his stressful aspect on October 5, improving your health and energy tremendously. However, with Uranus and Pluto still affecting you, you still need to watch your health.
The most important times to rest and relax more this year are from January 1 to January 19; June 21 to July 22; September 22 to October 22; and December 21 to December 31.
Home and Family
Your 4th house of home and family is not a ‘house of power’ this year. Normally this would mean a status quo kind of year, with no major changes. But this year, with Uranus in your 1st house (especially for those of you born early in Aries) status quo is not in your lexicon. You are into change, change, change – the more the better!
Usually when Uranus occupies the 1st house (and this will be a trend for many more years) people become nomadic. They are restless. They might not formally move, but will travel around a lot and live in different places for long periods of time. They might have a home, but they behave as if they were ‘homeless’.
This also generates a ‘passion for personal freedom’. You don’t want any responsibility, and this can create problems with the family unit. Every family member has responsibilities, whether formal or unspoken, so this could create rifts with the family this year. (Those of you who have Aries people within your family need to give them as much latitude as possible – so long as it isn’t destructive. Aries children are more difficult to handle this year; they are more rebellious.)
The Moon is your family planet and she gets eclipsed twice this year – this is pretty normal. This means that twice every year (and sometimes more than twice) you get the opportunity to improve the home and the family relations. The cosmos forces you into it. Thus if there are flaws in the home, or hidden grudges with family members, these are the times when they surface so that they can be corrected. The two lunar eclipses this year are on June 4 and November 28. We will discuss them in more detail in the monthly reports.
We do see dramas with parents or parent figures this year. This began last year, but is more pronounced now. They can be having operations, near-death kinds of experiences and financial changes and shakeups. Like you, parents and parent figures need to watch their health more, especially their overall energy levels.
Siblings and sibling figures are having a very spiritual kind of period until June 11. There is much inner growth happening. After this date they enter a period of prosperity, with increased earnings, luck in speculations, travel and the good life. Siblings of an appropriate age are much more fertile than usual during this period too. There are probably major repairs going on in their homes early in the year.
Children of an appropriate age could have multiple moves this year, but they seem stressful. If they are going to move, it will be better to do it before October 5. Afterwards there are many delays and glitches involved. Grandchildren of appropriate age seem to have a status quo year as far as the home is concerned.
Finance and Career
In spite of all the challenges you’ve been facing, last year seems to have been prosperous and the trend continues in the year ahead. Expansive Jupiter – the planet of abundance – is still in your money house until June 11. By then, your financial goals will more or less be attained and your focus will be on other things.
Like last year, assets you already own tend to increase in value. Thus your net worth is increased regardless of your actual earnings. Jupiter is both the generic and actual ruler of your 9th house. Thus there are financial opportunities with foreign companies, or in foreign countries, or with foreigners in your own country.
With Jupiter, the planet of religion and philosophy, associated with wealth this year, it is very important to have a good personal philosophy of wealth: a good metaphysical understanding of what causes it and how to attain it. There is much more to it than just mere ‘hard work’ (although this is part of it). If there are flaws in your personal philosophy (i.e. if you believe that wealth is just material things), it can hamper your ability to earn.
There are a few complications though. Venus rules both your love life and financial life. Thus, for you, there is a powerful connection between love and money. When love is going well, finances tend to go well. When finances are going well, love tends to go well. Problems in love can cause problems in finance and vice versa. Thus, because the love life has been challenging, this could affect earning power. (In cases where couples are getting divorced or separating, there are often financial conflicts involved.) Love problems tend to be the root causes of financial problems in your Horoscope. If financial problems beset you, do your best to get the love life in order.
Venus is a very fast-moving planet. Like Mercury, sometimes she moves fast, sometimes slow, and sometimes she goes backwards (this year she retrogrades from May 15 to June 27). Thus there are many short-term trends in finance that are best dealt with in the monthly reports.
For the past two years your career planet Saturn has been in the sign of Libra. This is a nice position by the way: Saturn is exalted in Libra and your career energies are at their most ‘exalted’ status. This situation continues for most of the year ahead, until October 5. The career planet in Libra shows that you advance your career by social means – by attending or hosting the right kind of parties and through your social connections. Your friends (and spouse or current love) seem supportive, career-wise.
Pluto has been in your 10th house of career for some years now and will be there for many more years to come. There are great shakeups and upheavals in your company or industry. This trend accelerates after October 5 when your career planet enters Scorpio, the 8th house of your chart. The rules are changing. A detox is happening in your company and industry, and also within yourself. Your attitudes and approach to your career are getting purified, sometimes by dramatic means such as by ‘near-death’ kinds of career experiences – situations where you face apparent ruin. However, the career dramas you are facing are really the ‘birth pangs’ of something new and wonderful.
Love and Social
As we mentioned, the love and social life has been challenging for some years now. Saturn has been in your 7th house. There are many good things about this, but seldom is this transit pleasant. Singles are better off not marrying this year. We often get into relationships with a honeymoon mentality, but the honeymoon rarely lasts for long. After a while the burdens and responsibilities come in and we have to deal with them. The past two years – and most of the year ahead – is such a time. Many a love relationship has dissolved these past two years and many more will dissolve in the year ahead. Many of you even doubt that love exists, it all seems like a duty and burden. Even good relationships (especially if this is the first marriage) have become dull. The spark of love, the fire of romance, the spontaneity seems lacking. All of you will have to work harder to project love and warmth to others. On some unconscious level, you are projecting a ‘coldness’, a distance, an aloofness and others are picking up on this. So it is up to you, through your conscious effort, to project love and warmth to counteract these astrological tendencies.
The good part of this transit is that you will learn whether your love is real. We seldom know this when everything is going well. It is only in the tough times that we learn this. The other good thing here is that many of you are learning that duty and responsibility are another form of love. Doing your duty by the beloved, no matter how you feel or how onerous it is, is a form of love. And, in many cultures it is considered the highest form of love.
Aries people tend to jump into relationships much too quickly. They fall in love very quickly and often marry quickly. But now with Saturn in your 7th house the cosmos is cautioning you to go slow in love. Don’t rush things, let love develop as it will. There is a need for patience in love this year.
Singles are probably attracted to (and attracting) older lovers this year. Often under this aspect marriage is seen as a career move – a career like any other – and more like a business partnership than a romantic attachment. A person will marry for convenience rather than for romantic love.
Those of you into your first marriage are having the marriages tested right now. Good marriages will survive and get even better. But inherently flawed ones will probably dissolve. Those of you working on your second marriage have opportunities for business partnerships this year. But there are also good marriage opportunities in the first half of the year. Love opportunities happen as you pursue your financial goals and with people who are involved in your finances. Those working on their third marriage have excellent prospects and a third marriage is very likely. There’s not much you need to do – this person will find you.
Saturn in your 7th house shows a need to pare down social activities. You need to focus on quality rather than quantity. In general you are mixing with people of high power and prestige, with people who can help you career-wise this year, as has been the case for the past two years. Many of you will be involved in the classic office romance, especially with superiors.
There have been many disappointments in love and with friends the past two years, and you are still not finished with this. So there is a need to avoid becoming embittered or vengeful. You can be carrying deep-seated grudges on an unconscious level. This is not constructive and will cause more problems in love and in other areas of life. So, learning and practising the art of forgiveness is very important this year.
Real forgiveness comes not just from the lips. It is an organic forgiveness – the hurt and pain are released from the very cells of the body. With real forgiveness you are able to think of the person who has hurt you without anger, pain, regret, sadness or any other negative emotion. You may not be passionately in love with the person who has wronged you, but at least you will not be emanating more negativity (and thus creating more negative experiences in your life). It might help you to understand that we never forgive the actions – only the people. The actions were wrong and there is no whitewashing these things. But these people’s actions were prompted by their own insecurities and errors and they may have had little control over what they did.
As we mentioned, Neptune, your spiritual planet (and also the generic spiritual planet) makes a major move into your 12th house this year on February 3. Thus spirituality is going to become important for many years to come. Now Aries are activists even in their spiritual life. They serve the Divine through the physical body, through being active in charities or causes. They like to express their spiritual ideals in a physical way. This is all well and good but now, with Neptune’s influence upon you, it might be good to also include the more contemplative, meditative paths. Yes, action is good, but stillness is also good. Stillness, silence, will lead to even more powerful actions – and it seems to me that this is the spiritual message for you. Before rushing into a worthy activity automatically, spend some time in the silence communing with the Divine. Then your actions will be more powerful and effective. This is a time in your life where you learn that non-action and action are two sides of the same coin; one gives birth to the other.
Uranus is in your 1st house for many years to come. Thus, as we mentioned, you are more experimental with the body, testing its limits. But along with this many of you will be more rebellious these days. Sometimes rebellion is called for – there are certain situations that we should not submit to. But sometimes people rebel for the sake of rebellion. Change is seen as good for its own sake, and this is not always the case. The positive way to rebel is to create something better than the thing that you are rebelling against. Find a way that really improves things and practise it. This will do more in the long run than a million temper tantrums.
Month-by-month Forecasts
Best Days Overall: 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 20, 28, 29
Most Stressful Days Overall: 8, 9, 14, 15, 21, 22
Best Days for Love: 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 17, 25, 26
Best Days for Money: 3, 4, 6, 7, 12, 16, 17, 21, 25, 26, 30, 31
Best Days for Career: 15, 21, 22
Your year begins with the planetary momentum overwhelmingly moving forward. Until the 24th all of the planets are moving forward (highly unusual), and after the 24th 90 per cent are going forward. Not only that, but the universal solar cycle is waxing. So this is a great month to start new projects or launch new products. Try to find days when the Moon is also waxing (from the 1st to the 9th and from the 23rd onwards) and you’ll have the best of the best days to start new projects.
Last month the planetary power shifted to the Eastern sector of your Horoscope, and this month the shift is even stronger. By the 8th 70 per cent (and sometimes 80 per cent) of the planets will be in the East. You are always an independent sort, but now even more so. This is a time to create your life circumstances, rather than to adapt to things. Your happiness is up to you. Other people are always important, but they will adapt themselves to you rather than vice versa.
Health needs more watching this month especially until the 20th. Energy and vitality are not up to their usual standards so rest and relax more and try to pace yourself better. Instead of a go-go-go rhythm, try a go-go-rest beat. Happily, you seem more focused on health this month and you will listen to your body. You can enhance your health by giving more attention to the liver and thighs (until the 8th) and to the spine, knees, teeth, bones, skin and overall skeletal alignment, afterwards. Fire therapies – heat-oriented therapies – are powerful until the 8th, after that earth-based therapies (mud bathing, soaking in mineral waters and the like) are strong. Your health planet Mercury travels with Pluto from the 12th to the 14th and thus detox regimes are especially powerful that period. Surgery could be recommended that period and you seem inclined to agree, but get second opinions. (Be careful driving that period too. Cars and communication equipment gets tested then and might need replacement.) Your health planet is in stressful aspect with Uranus from the 8th to the 10th – reinforcing the above, but also suggesting the avoidance of risky, daredevil types of behaviour.
Ever since Jupiter entered your money house in June of last year you have been in a prosperity cycle. This trend continues. Financial intuition seems unusually strong and good this month. Venus travels with Neptune from the 12th to the 15th and then enters mystical Pisces on the 24th. You can’t really make financial decisions based on logic alone as there is too much going on behind the scenes now so your premises and assumptions can be faulty. Intuition sees through all these things. Though you are materially minded these days, this is a good month to go deeper into the spiritual realities of wealth. The material thing is only the side effect of a spiritual reality. Spirit is the actual cause of wealth – the activities of the earth are merely effects.
You seem to give more to charity this month. This is good as it opens the doors to the spiritual supply. Involvement with non-profit organizations or altruistic causes brings both love and financial opportunity.
Best Days Overall: 7, 8, 15, 16, 24, 25
Most Stressful Days Overall: 4, 5, 11, 12, 17, 18
Best Days for Love: 5, 6, 11, 12, 15, 24, 25
Best Days for Money: 1, 5, 6, 9, 15, 17, 24, 25, 27, 28
Best Days for Career: 3, 12, 17, 18, 21
The planetary momentum is still mostly forward this month: until the 6th 90 per cent of the planets are going forward, after that 80 per cent. So this is still a good month for launching new products or starting new projects (and many of you are involved with new projects these days). The planetary power is also still in the East, so keep in mind our discussion of this last month.
The main headline this month is the power in your spiritual 12th house – it is easily the strongest house in the chart right now. Venus entered here last month, Neptune moves in on the 3rd, Mercury on the 14th and the Sun on the 19th. The new Moon of the 21st will also occur here. No question this is a spiritual month. It is normal to feel more reclusive under these transits, to crave solitude to get right with yourself and with the Divine. And, since you are approaching your personal new year (your solar return – your birthday) it is good now (and until your birthday) to review the past year, assess your progress or non-progress, atone for past mistakes, and set your course for the year ahead. These things can only be done in solitude and quiet.
For those of you on the spiritual path, this is a month for spiritual breakthroughs. When these things happen it is most rapturous. It changes the whole outlook on life.
Love has been stressful for some years. Marriages and serious relationships are getting tested. But this month we see some improvement. Venus crosses your Ascendant and enters your 1st house on the 8th. Your spouse, partner or current love seems more devoted to you, more on your side, and you are in a more romantic mood. Singles are not likely to marry this month, but there is love in your life – in fact it pursues you. Still, it is highly unstable and volatile (Venus is conjunct to Uranus from the 8th to the 10th). This means that sudden love can come to you but can also leave you just as quickly. Still it is exciting.
This is a nice aspect for finance too. Financial opportunity, and probably some windfalls, is coming to you. An opportunity for a great business partnership or joint venture occurs. But don’t jump into things too quickly. The staying power of this venture is in question. It seems that you are spending more on technology too from the 8th onwards, and it seems like a good investment.
Though health has been stressed for more than a year, this is one of your better health periods in the year. You can enhance your health even further by giving more attention to your ankles and calves (both should be regularly massaged) until the 14th and to the feet after the 14th. Your health planet moves into your spiritual 12th house on that date, so this is a month for going deeper into the spiritual dimensions of healing. Many of you will be involved in spiritual healing for others and this is a good ‘entry point’ to this vast subject.
Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24
Most Stressful Days Overall: 3, 4, 9, 10, 15, 16, 30, 31
Best Days for Love: 7, 9, 10, 15, 16, 25, 26
Best Days for Money: 7, 15, 16, 25, 26
Best Days for Career: 2, 10, 15, 16, 19, 29
The planets are now in their maximum Eastern position of the year. Personal independence is now at its strongest. This is a time for having your way in life and for creating your own happiness according to your personal specifications. You have the power and the support.
This month the planets make an important shift. For the first two months of the year, the upper hemisphere of your chart was the strongest. So ambitions and career were dominant interests. By the 20th, as the Sun crosses your Ascendant, the lower half of the Horoscope becomes dominant. You are in the dusk period of the year; night is falling. Outer career activities are less important for the next six or so months; instead family and emotional issues are more important. Sure you will deal with your career, but perhaps in a different, more ‘internal’ way. In winter, when everything is bleak and desolate and seemingly dead, nature is ‘dreaming and visualizing’ her future blossoms and fruits; nature is still alive, but in a more interior way. And when Spring comes, her dreams start to become real. So it is with you. Your outer ambitions are far from dead, but they need to be worked on in a different way. This is a trend for the next six months. Now your emotional harmony is very important. Without emotional harmony you won’t be effective in your ‘dreaming and visualizing’.
Your 12th house of spirituality is still strong until the 20th, so keep in mind our discussion of this last month. On the 20th the Sun enters your own sign and your 1st house. This is a very happy transit. You enter a yearly personal pleasure peak. You are in a period where the pleasures of the body are easily fulfilled. There is personal optimism and happiness. Health and energy (a problem for more than a year) is much improved now. Whatever your age, you are more the child this month – happy-go-lucky. You look younger too. Aries of appropriate age are more fertile this month. There is luck in speculations now too.
On the 5th, Venus enters your money house where she joins with Jupiter. The two benefactors of the zodiac are now occupying your money house, signalling a month of prosperity. Opportunities for business partnerships and joint ventures are also happening and these seem more stable and serious than last month.
Venus travels with Jupiter from the 11th to the 14th, a great period for both love and money. Singles are perhaps a bit too practical about love – perhaps a bit too materialistic – but they seem to get what they want. They find love opportunities as they pursue their normal financial goals and with people involved in the finances.
Best Days Overall: 1, 2, 10, 19, 20, 29, 30
Most Stressful Days Overall: 6, 12, 13, 26, 27
Best Days for Love: 5, 6, 14, 15, 24, 25
Best Days for Money: 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25
Best Days for Career: 6, 7, 12, 13, 15, 25
Your health planet was retrograde most of last month, and is retrograde until the 4th of this month. Health news that you’ve been receiving – test results and the like – is probably not what you think and perhaps is even amiss. This is a time for doing your homework – reviewing your health regime – rather than for making major changes; not until after the 4th is it safer to make changes. Until the 17th Mercury is still in your spiritual 12th house, so spiritual healing is still very powerful for you, and you respond well to it. Also give more attention to the feet. On the 17th Mercury moves into your own sign, therefore give more attention to the head, face and skull (areas that always need more attention anyway) and to the adrenals. Physical exercise is always good for you but now even more so. It seems that you are making important health changes from the 17th to the 20th. Be a more defensive driver that period as well.
There are job changes happening during that period too. In some cases it is within the same company, in other cases, it is with another company. If you employ others there is instability in the workforce over that period, perhaps employee turnover and dramas in the lives of employees. If you are looking for a job, job opportunities are seeking you out after the 17th. If you employ others, new employees are coming to you.
Last month was a prosperous month and the trend continues even more strongly. The Sun enters your money house on the 20th and you enter a yearly financial peak. This is one of your best financial months in a great financial year. Enjoy. What I like with this transit is that it shows ‘happy money’ – money that is earned in pleasurable and enjoyable ways, not through drudgery. Also, it shows that you are enjoying your wealth, spending it on leisure and fun kinds of things. There is luck in speculations from the 20th onwards too. Children in your life are also prospering and seem supportive financially. This works in many kinds of ways. Sometimes the support is in the form of actual money or financial opportunity (if they are of appropriate age), sometimes they have good financial ideas, or they inspire you to earn more. Your personal creativity also seems more marketable now.
Your love planet enters your 3rd house on the 3rd and spends the rest of the month there. Thus love opportunities occur in the neighbourhood and perhaps with neighbours. Love happens in educational-type settings – in school or lectures or seminars. Good communication turns you on. Mental sex is as important as physical sex.
Best Days Overall: 7, 8, 16, 17, 26, 27
Most Stressful Days Overall: 3, 4, 9, 10, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31
Best Days for Love: 3, 4, 11, 12, 21, 22, 30, 31
Best Days for Money: 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 29, 30, 31
Best Days for Career: 4, 9, 10, 12, 22, 31
Many of the trends of previous months are still in effect. Most of the planets are still in the East (though this is about to change), and most of them are still below the horizon of your Horoscope. Continue to create conditions as you see fit and pursue emotional harmony. With your career planet retrograde for the past few months you can safely downplay the career and focus on the home and family. Many career issues need time to resolve; there is no quick fix right now.
Retrograde activity increases compared with previous months; after the 15th 30 per cent of the planets are in retrograde motion. The pace of life slows down a bit. The most important retrogrades affecting you now are those of Saturn (your career planet) and Venus (your love and financial planet). Three important areas of life are being affected, and so your financial and social judgements are not up to their usual standard; important decisions ought not to be taken. Big purchases, big investments, big changes need serious thought. (Venus is retrograde from the 15th of this month until June 26.)
Love is more complicated now, maybe going backwards instead of forwards. Perhaps your spouse, partner or current love is ‘back tracking’, or perhaps you are. This is all part of the cosmic agenda to get you to review your love life, your romantic relationship, and see where improvements can be made. Sometimes the way forward is backwards: sometimes the review will lead to greater forward progress in the future. Avoid important love decisions now. Singles should let love develop as it will without trying to force things (this is hard for an Aries).
Your love planet goes retrograde in the sign of Gemini and in your 3rd house. The message here is that you need to be more careful when communicating to your spouse or current love. Don’t take things for granted. Make sure you get their message and that they get yours. Many of the problems now come from miscommunication and misunderstanding. A little more care in the beginning can save a lot of heartache later on.
You are still in a very prosperous period – a yearly financial peak. This continues until the 20th. The retrograde of your financial planet will not stop your prosperity, but will perhaps slow it down a little, giving you a bit more breathing room. It is a pause that refreshes, as the saying goes.
There is a solar eclipse this month on the 20th – right on the cusp of your 2nd and 3rd houses. Thus the affairs of both these houses are affected. You will have to make important financial changes in coming months (but take your time and study things carefully). Avoid speculations during the eclipse period. Your spiritual life seems very affected as this eclipse impacts on Neptune. Probably you are changing teachers, practices and the overall regime. Children should avoid risk-taking kinds of activity during the eclipse period. Cars and communication equipment get tested now and it is likely that some of these things will have to be replaced. There are dramas in the lives of siblings, sibling figures and neighbours.
Best Days Overall: 3, 4, 12, 13, 22, 23
Most Stressful Days Overall: 5, 6, 20, 21, 27, 28
Best Days for Love: 8, 9, 17, 18, 27, 28
Best Days for Money: 5, 6, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28
Best Days for Career: 5, 6, 9, 18, 28
Retrograde activity increases further this month. Until the 25th, 40 per cent of the planets are in retrograde motion – a high percentage. The pace of life in the world slows down and this is so on a personal level as well. Patience, patience, patience: this is the watchword. It is a difficult lesson for Aries, but it will do no good to try to circumvent things.
This month the planets are starting to shift to the Western sector of your Horoscope. This is the social sector, the sector of other people. This shift will be more complete next month, but you are starting to feel it now. Over the past five or so months you have created conditions as you wanted them – you have had your way in life. Now, it is time to road test your creation, to enjoy it (if you have built well) or to suffer the discomforts of it (if you have built unwisely). It is more difficult to change things now. You are more dependent on others and their good graces now, and it is best to adapt to things as best you can. Later, towards the end of the year, you will again enter a cycle of independence and will be able to make any changes desired. Now, however, is the time to hone the social skills and gain your way through co-operation with others, rather than on your own. The social side of your nature is being developed this period.
Jupiter is making an important move into your 3rd house on the 11th. For the past year he has been in your money house. By now you have achieved your financial goals and are ready to explore new areas of interest: learning and the expansion of the mind. This is an excellent transit for students, whether pre-college or in college, and there is success in your studies. Learning is easier and more fun. Many of you are taking important tests and exams in coming months and this transit brings good fortune (although you still have to study!). Those of you who are college-bound seem fortunate in this area. (A lunar eclipse on the 4th will create a few bumps on the road, but even the bumps are positive.) Those of you in the workforce will enjoy taking courses, seminars and attending lectures. The mind is hungry and wants to be fed. New and upgraded communication equipment is coming to you, and perhaps a nice car too (looks like an expensive one!).
Siblings and sibling figures in your life are prospering and entering into serious love relationships now.
The lunar eclipse on the 4th will affect you strongly. It not only impacts on the Moon, your family planet, but on your ruling planet Mars as well. So reduce your schedule for a few days before and after the event. Avoid daredevil, risky kinds of activities, and avoid testing the limits of the body – you will have many other opportunities in the next six years to do this in a safer way. This eclipse brings dramas in the lives of family members and perhaps in the physical home as well. If there are hidden flaws there, now is the time you find out about them and take the steps to correct them.
Students can have abrupt changes in school, college or in their choice of studies now. But this will work out in a good way.
Best Days Overall: 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29
Most Stressful Days Overall: 3, 4, 17, 18, 24, 25, 30, 31
Best Days for Love: 5, 6, 15, 24, 25
Best Days for Money: 5, 6, 12, 13, 15, 16, 24, 25
Best Days for Career: 3, 4, 5, 6, 15, 16, 24, 25, 30, 31
Retrograde activity is still strong this month. The players in the drama change, but the overall percentages are still high. Pluto and Neptune are retrograde all month. On the 13th Uranus will start many months retrograde and on the 15th Mercury will also start to move backwards. From the 15th onwards 40 per cent of the planets are in retrograde motion. Like last month, the lesson is patience. Hurry and rush will not achieve anything, and short cuts will actually create more delays. Take your time and be perfect in all that you do – this is the best way to handle these retrogrades.
Mars, the ruler of your Horoscope and a very important planet in your chart, makes dynamic aspects to both Uranus and Pluto from the 15th to the 21st. You will probably feel the effects even earlier and for a few days later, but this is when the aspect is most exact. Don’t be afraid, but be more careful and mindful when driving or when handling sharp or dangerous objects or electrical instruments. Avoid confrontations and risky activities. Listen to your body more. If you are working out and you feel a pain, stop. If you are engaged in sports and start to feel a pain, again stop. This is not a time to be testing your body’s limits. Your friends should also be more careful then too. Relations with friends seem tense this period: try not to make matters worse. The tension will pass.
In general, health needs more watching this month, especially until the 22nd. Try to rest and relax more. Now is a good time to go on a nice relaxed holiday – and with so many retrogrades, you probably won’t be missing much. The heart, which is important all year, is especially important this month and needs more attention. Sunshine and heatoriented therapies will be powerful. Your health planet goes retrograde on the 15th so avoid making dramatic changes to your diet or health regime then. Study things further.
Health and energy improve dramatically after the 22nd as the Sun moves into Leo. You also enter into one of your yearly personal pleasure peaks. This is a time for enjoying your life. Though your overall energy is not up to its usual standards, there are still nice things happening. Venus is very near to Jupiter this month. The aspect is not exact, but it is still in effect; this brings prosperity and financial opportunity, and love opportunities too.
Like last month, love is close to home. Love happens in educational-type settings – in school, at lectures, seminars, at the library or bookshop.
Best Days Overall: 6, 7, 16, 17, 24, 25
Most Stressful Days Overall: 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 27, 28
Best Days for Love: 2, 3, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, 31
Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, 29, 30, 31
Best Days for Career: 1, 2, 11, 12, 20, 21, 27, 28, 29, 30
Retrograde activity among the planets is still strong but is less than last month. On the 8th Mercury starts moving forward and the retrograde percentage drops to 30 per cent. With Pluto retrograde, any surgery is better off delayed (unless it is an emergency). Elective surgeries need more research doing now. Friends seem to lack direction this month, they seem ‘up in the air’ (a trend for the next few months). Purchases of high-tech equipment and software need more homework too; a new and better version could be in the works, or new operating systems could make them obsolete as soon as you buy them. As we mentioned last month, avoid making important changes to the health regime or diet (or job) until after the 8th when Mercury starts moving forward again. Like last month, enhance your health by giving more attention to the heart.
Having said all this, the month ahead seems basically happy – a fun kind of month. (Having fun will tend to improve your health as well.) You are still in a yearly personal pleasure peak until the 23rd. Health and energy are much improved over last month too. Mars is making fabulous aspects to Jupiter from the 8th to the 21st, which is a very happy transit for you. It brings enjoyable travel opportunities. Students hear good news about school or tests. There are religious and philosophical breakthroughs happening and you have good relations with the academics and religious figures in your life. There is luck in speculations and a general feeling of optimism.
Venus, now moving firmly forward since June 27, moves into Cancer on the 8th. This shows many things. There is more socializing with the family and with those who are ‘like family’ to you. You are probably investing in the home, redecorating it, and spending on objects of beauty for the home. Family and family connections are important financially this period. And family members are playing cupid now. There are a few short-term financial and love upheavals after the 8th but they pass very quickly.
On the 23rd the Sun enters Virgo, your 6th house. This signals a more serious period. You are in the mood for work, and this is a nice transit for job seekers. Job seekers are not just looking for ‘a job’ – they want work that they will enjoy, and it seems they will be successful. Many of you will sacrifice pay for enjoyable work.
Children seem confused and lacking in direction from the 21st to the 24th – a bit dreamy and other worldly. But this will pass. Avoid speculations that period.
Best Days Overall: 2, 3, 12, 13, 21, 22, 29, 30
Most Stressful Days Overall: 10, 11, 16, 17, 23, 24
Best Days for Love: 1, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 29, 30
Best Days for Money: 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 25, 26, 29, 30
Best Days for Career: 8, 9, 17, 18, 23, 24, 26
Mars entered your 8th house of transformation on the 24th of last month and will be there for the entire month of September. There are many positives to this. It is a great period for detoxing the body and for losing weight (if you need to), and a good period for delving into the deeper things of life – past lives, reincarnation, occult studies, life after death, etc. Whatever your age or stage in life, libido will be stronger than usual, so it is a more sexually active kind of month too.
This celestial position tends to make a person more serious about life; they see beneath the surface of things, beneath all the façades that people put up. There is also more dealing with death, either physically or psychologically. There is a need to come to terms with death, to understand it properly. Mars in the 8th house intensifies the desires of nature. The desires can be good or ill, but they will be more intense than usual. Thus there is a greater likelihood of success. You go after what you want in a very fierce and single-minded way.
Health is good most of the month until the 23rd. After that you need to rest and relax more. Happily you are focused on health this month. You can enhance your health by giving more attention to the heart (all month but especially on the 1st); the small intestine (from the 2nd to the 17th); and the kidneys and hips (from the 17th onwards). Avoid alcohol and other drugs from the 1st to the 3rd. It is always good to keep harmony in your marriage or love relationship, but after the 17th it becomes an actual health issue. If problems arise (God forbid), examine this area and restore harmony as quickly as possible.
The love life has been stressful so far this year, but things are improving this month. Venus moves into Leo on the 7th so there is more joy in the current relationship and in general. You are more fun-loving in love, not as serious and pessimistic as in the past few years. Also, on the 23rd the Sun moves into your 7th house, initiating a yearly love and social peak. Singles have wonderful love opportunities now, but they don’t seem like serious ones – more like love affairs. Perhaps they can develop into something in the future, but for now they are just love affairs.
Avoid speculations from the 23rd to the 30th. (You are always a risk taker, but this month even more so than usual.) Children need to be more mindful when driving or handling electrical equipment or dangerous objects. They should avoid risky kinds of activities. If the children are very young, keep dangerous objects away from them. Children are prosperous this month, and there is good financial co-operation between you and them.
Best Days Overall: 1, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 27, 28
Most Stressful Days Overall: 7, 8, 14, 15, 20, 21
Best Days for Love: 1, 12, 14, 15, 21
Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 29, 30, 31
Best Days for Career: 7, 16, 20, 21, 24
Retrograde activity increases again this month: Jupiter moves backwards (for the rest of the year) on the 4th, meaning 30 per cent of the planets are retrograde this month from this date onwards. If you are involved in legal issues there are more glitches and complications these days. Take your time with these things. Students should be more cautious about making important educational changes now. Mars in your 9th house from the 7th onwards shows that foreign lands are calling to you; you have the travel itch now, but Jupiter’s retrograde motion shows that these trips need carefully planning.
Health still needs watching this month. You probably need more sleep than usual. You can enhance your health by giving more attention to the kidneys and hips (until the 5th); the colon, bladder and sexual organs (from the 5th to the 29th); and the liver and thighs (from the 29th onwards). The good news this month is that after the 23rd, your health and energy will dramatically improve. The short-term planets move away from their stressful aspect and, more importantly, after a two-year stay Saturn leaves his stressful aspect in Libra on the 5th. From that date onwards, for the next two years you will feel like a heavy weight has been lifted off your shoulders. If you have had health problems the past few years you should hear good news about it. Keep in mind though that there are still two long-term planets stressing you. So your health still needs monitoring.
Last month was a sexually active month. Now with Saturn in your 8th house for the next two years, you need to be more ‘choosy’ about sex. Sexual activity will probably be reduced and there is a need to focus on ‘quality’ rather than ‘quantity’.
Last month was also good for detoxing, slimming down, personal transformation, occult studies and gaining a deeper understanding of death. Likewise this month, especially after the 23rd.
If you are involved in estate, tax or insurance issues, you need more patience. There are many delays here. Things will work out in these affairs, but slowly. Your spouse, partner or current love might feel financially squeezed, but the resources needed are there. He or she just needs to reorganize things a little.
Until the 23rd you are still in a yearly love and social peak. Singles are dating more and have more opportunities for love. For the past two to three years, the social circle was slimmed down, but now it can start to expand again in a healthier way. With Saturn leaving your 7th house this month, a current marriage or love relationship has either healed or broken up. One way or another you are in a new and better social condition.
Best Days Overall: 6, 7, 14, 15, 23, 24
Most Stressful Days Overall: 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 16, 17
Best Days for Love: 1, 10, 11, 20
Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 11, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28, 29
Best Days for Career: 3, 12, 16, 17, 21
On September 23 the planetary power started to shift from the lower to the upper half of the Horoscope. Last month the shift got stronger, and now 70 per cent (and sometimes 80 per cent) of the planets are now in the upper half – the career half – of your chart. You are in the daytime of your year once again. Enough dreaming and visualizing, now is the time for action towards your career goals, for making your dreams manifest on the physical plane. If you worked properly during your night period, these actions will be very natural and spontaneous. You will expend energy but it won’t be stressful: it will just be ‘physical follow through’ of inner realities. You can safely de-emphasize home and family issues and focus on your career. Mars, the ruler of your Horoscope, enters your 10th house of career on the 17th – reinforcing this message.
Your career planet is now in your 8th house and the ruler of the 8th house is in your house of career (technically these two planets are in ‘mutual reception’ – they are co-operating with each other – a positive aspect for your career). Your physical body has been detoxing over the past few months (and it’s still going on), but your career is also undergoing a detox. You are forced to look at ‘near-death’ career scenarios and somehow see past them. Many of you are actually changing your career. With the 8th house of transformation so involved in career, activities such as surgery, psychology, money management, insurance, banking and brokerage, and ‘intelligence’ are favoured. (This is a long-term trend.) There are many shake-ups happening in your company and industry. The old guard is perhaps dying off (not necessarily physically, but perhaps through resignations and reassignments), and the rules of the game are changing.
There are two eclipses this month, which guarantees that the month ahead will be turbulent and full of change. Happily both seem relatively benign to you, but it won’t hurt to take things easier at those times.
The solar eclipse of November 13 occurs in your 8th house. Thus your spouse or partner has some financial shake-ups and dramatic changes. Children need to reduce their schedules and avoid risky kinds of activities. They seem emotionally volatile and temperamental that period. Surgery could be recommended to you (or to children) but get a second opinion. There are also encounters with death (generally on a psychological level). Children are redefining their image and personalities now, and for the next six months or so. They might be going through detoxes of the body as well.
The lunar eclipse of the 28th occurs in your 3rd house, and it is the turn of siblings and sibling figures to have financial shake-ups and to make dramatic changes. This eclipse ‘sideswipes’ Neptune, your spiritual planet, thus you are making important changes in your spiritual regime and practice. There are shake-ups in charitable or spiritual organizations that you are involved with. If there are flaws in the home, now you find out about them and can correct them. Communication equipment will get tested.
Best Days Overall: 3, 4, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31
Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 2, 8, 9, 14, 15, 28, 29
Best Days for Love: 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 20, 31
Best Days for Money: 1, 8, 10, 11, 16, 20, 23, 24, 25, 31
Best Days for Career: 1, 10, 14, 15, 18, 28
Between 70 and 80 per cent of the planets are still above the horizon of your chart and the ruler of your Horoscope is still in the 10th house of career until the 26th. On the 21st the Sun also enters your 10th house of career, initiating a yearly career peak. There is a very clear message here: focus on the career and let go of home and family issues. This is a very powerful career month and much progress will be made.
Retrograde activity lessens this month, and the planetary momentum is overwhelmingly forward; by the 13th 90 per cent of the planets are moving forward. Add to this the power of fire in this month’s Horoscope and you have a recipe for fast progress and success. The pace of life is quick now – just the way you like it.
Health and energy are even better than last month. Enjoy. With energy all kinds of new opportunities present themselves to you. Doors that were formerly closed are now open. Things that seemed impossible are now eminently possible. You do need to watch your energy more after the 21st, as the Sun enters Capricorn, but this period will not be nearly as stressful as July or October. Until the 11th you can make your good health even better by giving more attention to the colon, bladder and sexual organs. From the 11th onwards you can enhance health and energy by paying attention to the liver and thighs. Water therapies, soaking in a tub, whirlpool or natural spring, are powerful until the 11th, and detoxes as well. Fire therapies – heat, saunas, steam baths, hot baths and sunshine – are powerful after the 11th.
Your 9th house was powerful last month and is powerful this month too. By the way, the 9th house is considered the most fortunate of houses by the Hindu astrologers. This is a happy-go-lucky kind of period. Students should succeed in their studies. There are religious and philosophical breakthroughs for those who are interested in these things (and you will tend to have a greater interest this month). There are happy travel opportunities. But like last month, Jupiter is retrograde, so give these things careful study and analysis. Allow more time for your trips. Plans could change and change again and again.
Finances seem strong this month. Early in the month you have the support of the ‘higher ups’ in your life – bosses, authority figures, parents, parent figures and elders. Your good professional reputation seems very important. Pay rises and promotions are likely. You seem more cautious in finance until the 16th, which is probably a good thing. After the 16th you spend more freely, but you also earn more. You seem very involved in the earnings of your spouse, partner or current love until that date. Be careful of overspending.
Sexual magnetism seems the most important thing in love until the 16th. Good sex will cover many sins in a relationship or marriage. However it is not enough to hold things together. After the 16th there are love opportunities in foreign lands, with foreigners and in religious or educational-type settings. You crave philosophical compatibility in your relationship.