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Birthdays from

21st May to

20th June

Personality Profile


Element – Air

Ruling Planet – Mercury

Career Planet – Neptune

Love Planet – Jupiter

Money Planet – Moon

Planet of Health and Work – Pluto

Planet of Home and Family Life – Mercury

Colours – blue, yellow, yellow–orange

Colour that promotes love, romance and social harmony – sky blue

Colours that promote earning power – grey, silver

Gems – agate, aquamarine

Metal – quicksilver

Scents – lavender, lilac, lily of the valley, storax

Quality – mutable (= flexibility)

Quality most needed for balance – thought that is deep rather than superficial

Strongest virtues – great communication skills, quickness and agility of thought, ability to learn quickly

Deepest need – communication

Characteristics to avoid – gossiping, hurting others with harsh speech, superficiality, using words to mislead or misinform

Signs of greatest overall compatibility – Libra, Aquarius

Signs of greatest overall incompatibility – Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

Sign most helpful to career – Pisces

Sign most helpful for emotional support – Virgo

Sign most helpful financially – Cancer

Sign best for marriage and/or partnerships – Sagittarius

Sign most helpful for creative projects – Libra

Best Sign to have fun with – Libra

Signs most helpful in spiritual matters – Taurus, Aquarius

Best day of the week – Wednesday

Understanding a Gemini

Gemini is to society what the nervous system is to the body. It does not introduce any new information but is a vital transmitter of impulses from the senses to the brain and vice versa. The nervous system does not judge or weigh these impulses – it only conveys information. And it does so perfectly.

This analogy should give you an indication of a Gemini’s role in society. Geminis are the communicators and conveyors of information. To Geminis the truth or falsehood of information is irrelevant, they only transmit what they see, hear or read about. Thus they are capable of spreading the most outrageous rumours as well as conveying truth and light. Geminis sometimes tend to be unscrupulous in their communications and can do both great good or great evil with their power. This is why the sign of Gemini is symbolized by twins: Geminis have a dual nature.

Their ability to convey a message – to communicate with such ease – makes Geminis ideal teachers, writers and media and marketing people. This is helped by the fact that Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini, also rules these activities.

Geminis have the gift of the gab. And what a gift this is! They can make conversation about anything, anywhere, at any time. There is almost nothing that is more fun to Geminis than a good conversation – especially if they can learn something new as well. They love to learn and they love to teach. To deprive a Gemini of conversation, or of books and magazines, is cruel and unusual punishment.

Geminis are almost always excellent students and take well to education. Their minds are generally stocked with all kinds of information, trivia, anecdotes, stories, news items, rarities, facts and statistics. Thus they can support any intellectual position that they care to take. They are awesome debaters and, if involved in politics, make good orators. Geminis are so verbally smooth that even if they do not know what they are talking about, they can make you think that they do. They will always dazzle you with their brilliance.


Geminis tend to be more concerned with the wealth of learning and ideas than with actual material wealth. As mentioned, they excel in professions that involve writing, teaching, sales and journalism – and not all of these professions pay very well. But to sacrifice intellectual needs merely for money is unthinkable to a Gemini. Geminis strive to combine the two. Cancer is on Gemini’s solar 2nd house (of money) cusp, which indicates that Geminis can earn extra income (in a harmonious and natural way) from investments in residential property, restaurants and hotels. Given their verbal skills, Geminis love to bargain and negotiate in any situation, and especially when it has to do with money.

The Moon rules Gemini’s 2nd solar house. The Moon is not only the fastest-moving planet in the zodiac but actually moves through every sign and house every 28 days. No other heavenly body matches the Moon for swiftness or the ability to change quickly. An analysis of the Moon – and lunar phenomena in general – describes Gemini’s financial attitudes very well. Geminis are financially versatile and flexible; they can earn money in many different ways. Their financial attitudes and needs seem to change daily. Their feelings about money change also: sometimes they are very enthusiastic about it, at other times they could not care less.

For a Gemini, financial goals and money are often seen only as means of supporting a family; these things have little meaning otherwise.

The Moon, as Gemini’s money planet, has another important message for Gemini financially: in order for Geminis to realize their financial potential they need to develop more of an understanding of the emotional side of life. They need to combine their awesome powers of logic with an understanding of human psychology. Feelings have their own logic; Geminis need to learn this and apply it to financial matters.

Career and Public Image

Geminis know that they have been given the gift of communication for a reason, that it is a power that can achieve great good or cause unthinkable distress. They long to put this power at the service of the highest and most transcendental truths. This is their primary goal, to communicate the eternal verities and prove them logically. They look up to people who can transcend the intellect – to poets, artists, musicians and mystics. They may be awed by stories of religious saints and martyrs. A Gemini’s highest achievement is to teach the truth, whether it is scientific, inspirational or historical. Those who can transcend the intellect are Gemini’s natural superiors – and a Gemini realizes this.

The sign of Pisces is in Gemini’s solar 10th house of career. Neptune, the planet of spirituality and altruism, is Gemini’s career planet. If Geminis are to realize their highest career potential they need to develop their transcendental – their spiritual and altruistic – side. They need to understand the larger cosmic picture, the vast flow of human evolution – where it came from and where it is heading. Only then can a Gemini’s intellectual powers take their true position and he or she can become the ‘messenger of the gods’. Geminis need to cultivate a facility for ‘inspiration’, which is something that does not originate in the intellect but which comes through the intellect. This will further enrich and empower a Gemini’s mind.

Love and Relationships

Geminis bring their natural garrulousness and brilliance into their love life and social life as well. A good talk or a verbal joust is an interesting prelude to romance. Their only problem in love is that their intellect is too cool and passionless to incite ardour in others. Emotions sometimes disturb them, and their partners tend to complain about this. If you are in love with a Gemini you must understand why this is so. Geminis avoid deep passions because these would interfere with their ability to think and communicate. If they are cool towards you, understand that this is their nature.

Nevertheless, Geminis must understand that it is one thing to talk about love and another actually to love – to feel it and radiate it. Talking about love glibly will get them nowhere. They need to feel it and act on it. Love is not of the intellect but of the heart. If you want to know how a Gemini feels about love you should not listen to what he or she says, but rather, observe what he or she does. Geminis can be quite generous to those they love.

Geminis like their partners to be refined, well educated and well travelled. If their partners are more wealthy than they, that is all the better. If you are in love with a Gemini you had better be a good listener as well.

The ideal relationship for the Gemini is a relationship of the mind. They enjoy the physical and emotional aspects, of course, but if the intellectual communion is not there they will suffer.

Home and Domestic Life

At home the Gemini can be uncharacteristically neat and meticulous. They tend to want their children and partner to live up to their idealistic standards. When these standards are not met they moan and criticize. However, Geminis are good family people and like to serve their families in practical and useful ways.

The Gemini home is comfortable and pleasant. They like to invite people over and they make great hosts. Geminis are also good at repairs and improvements around the house – all fuelled by their need to stay active and occupied with something they like to do. Geminis have many hobbies and interests that keep them busy when they are home alone.

Geminis understand and get along well with their children, mainly because they are very youthful people themselves. As great communicators, Geminis know how to explain things to children; in this way they gain their children’s love and respect. Geminis also encourage children to be creative and talkative, just like they are.

Horoscope for 2012

Major Trends

From 2003 to 2011 your life has been a series of dramatic changes and upheavals. There have been career changes, dramas with the parent figures in your life, and many personal changes. It is safe to say that your personal circumstances are radically different now to what they were in 2003. In hindsight you can see that these upheavals have worked out for the best, and that you were being set free into new and better conditions and circumstances. For most of you the situation is much improved over these past nine years. Happily things are settling down. There is more peace and less drama in your life, and more stability.

Late in 2011 Jupiter entered your 12th house of spirituality, so you have been in a period of internal, spiritual growth. Many of you travelled on pilgrimages of various types, and many of you had amazing spiritual experiences. And this trend continues in the year ahead, until June 11. Neptune, the most spiritual of all the planets, enters your 10th house this year; not only that but he will spend most of the year hovering near the Mid-heaven of the chart (another indication of spirituality). It is perhaps the most important thing in your life right now. This creates a few challenges for you – for spiritual values tend to conflict with worldly values – and following the spiritual path often entails various worldly kinds of sacrifice.

Jupiter will enter your 1st house on June 11 and stay there for the rest of the year. A very happy transit. It ushers in a period of prosperity that will last well into next year. You are travelling during this period, but this time more for pleasure than for some religious purpose. You will be enjoying the good life – good foods, wines, restaurants and all the pleasures of the physical body. You feel lucky and optimistic, and indeed you are. Love seems very happy this year too (more on this later).

Your areas of greatest interest in the year ahead are spirituality; the body, image and personal pleasure; home and family (until July 3); children and personal creativity (until October 5); health and work (from October 5 onwards); sex, personal transformation and reinvention, occult studies, death and rebirth, life after death; career; and friends, organizations, groups and group activities.

Your paths of greatest fulfilment this year are spirituality (especially until June 11); the body, image and personal pleasure (from June 11 onwards); love, romance and social activities (until August 31); health and work (after August 31).


(Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days of yore there was no difference: these perspectives were identical. But these days, there could be quite a difference. For a medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.)

Health looks good in the year ahead. Most of the long-term planets are either in harmonious aspect or leaving you alone. Only Neptune begins to make a stressful aspect (on February 3), and only by himself, so this is not a major concern. It is when the long-term planets start to gang up on you that we get concerned.

Good though your health is there will be periods in the year where health and energy are less easy than usual. This is also normal. These things come from the transits and are temporary, not trends for the year. When the stressful transits pass your natural good health and energy will return.


Try to massage the whole foot on a regular basis, but pay extra attention to the points highlighted on the chart. When you massage, be aware of ‘sore spots’, as these need special attention. It’s also a good idea to massage the ankles and top side of the feet (see below).

This year the most stressful health periods will tend to be from February 18 to March 20; August 22 to September 22; and November 22 to December 21. These are periods to rest and relax more and pay more attention to health.

Your 6th house of health is not a house of power for most of the year and so you are sort of taking good health for granted. But after October 5, it does become a house of power and you become more focused here.

Good though your health is, you can make it even better. Give more attention to the following organs: the lungs, respiratory system, arms and shoulders (arms and shoulders should be regularly massaged); the colon, bladder, gall bladder and sexual organs (safe sex and sexual moderation is very important); the spine, knees, teeth, bones, skin and overall skeletal alignment (important all year but especially after October 5). Regular visits to a chiropractor or osteopath would be a good idea – the vertebrae need to be kept in the correct alignment. And don’t forget regular dental checkups, so you can catch problems before they get too severe. Knees should be given more support when exercising, and regular back and knee massage will be powerful, as will therapies such as Alexander Technique or Feldenkrais.

Pluto is your health planet. In the physical body he rules the colon, bladder and sexual organs – hence their importance in overall health. He rules your health from the sign of Capricorn, which is associated with the spine, knees, teeth, bones, skin and overall skeletal alignment (hence the importance of these organs as well). Saturn, the planetary ruler of these organs, will move into your 6th House of health on October 5, reinforcing what we are saying here.

With your health planet in the conservative sign of Capricorn (and for many years to come) you seem more conservative and traditional when it comes to health. You might be avant-garde in many other areas of life, but not when it comes to your health. You want the tried and true therapies that are accepted and that have stood the test of time. Generally this shows a tendency to orthodox medicine, and even if you indulge in alternative therapies they will tend to be the ‘traditional’ ones that have been around a long time.

The good part here is that you want long-term cures and not short-term fixes. And this will tend to happen for you. Also you are more able – more inclined – to take on disciplined, rigorous (and even harsh) health regimes.

Geminis of appropriate age are much more fertile this year than usual, especially after June 11. And, these days, with a range of fertility treatments available, even older Geminis will be more fertile.

Home and Family

Your 4th house of home and family is only temporarily strong this year. Mars spends an unusual amount of time in this house – more than six months from January 1 to July 3. This suggests various things. The most obvious is that there are heavy-duty repairs going on in the home, perhaps even the construction or reconstruction of a home. In all likelihood you are installing high-tech gadgetry in the home and in general being more experimental with your house.

However, there are other meanings here too. Family life can be quite stormy now. Passions run high within the family. Tempers are flaring. There can be conflicts between family members, and if you are not careful even violent behaviour. Your challenge will be to maintain some semblance of calm within the storm, to maintain your emotional equilibrium. This is easy to say but not so easy to do. You should strive not to make matters worse and avoid inflaming an already inflamed situation.

The house should be checked for dangerous items. Matches, knives, weapons or dangerous objects should be kept out of the reach of children. This is always a good policy, but especially so for the first six months of the year.

A friend seems to be staying at your home for a prolonged period. Friends are having many personal dramas this year and this could be the reason for it. A parent or parent figure could be having surgery. Also he or she is more impatient than usual, more in a rush, and this can lead to accidents. This person needs to slow down and watch their temper.

Another parent or parent figure enters a more spiritual kind of year. He or she seems more idealistic, looking for more meaning in life. If he or she is on a spiritual path, this will turn out very well; but if not, this search for meaning could lead to alcohol or drug abuse. This person is likely to move or renovate the home this year, or perhaps buy an additional home.

Children also seem to be doing renovations in the home. Grandchildren could have moved in the past year, but if not it can happen this year as well. Siblings or sibling figures are better off staying where they are, making better use of the space that they have.

Finance and Career

The year ahead is prosperous and you should see a natural increase in your wealth, in your earnings and in the value of assets that you already own. In the first half of the year you are getting prepared for it – the stage is being set. By June 11 it begins, and it continues well into next year.

When Jupiter moves into your sign at the beginning of June a great feeling of optimism sets in. And this innate optimism, this ‘happy go lucky’ spirit, helps you financially. Wealth is not really a sum of money, it is a lifestyle. People often confuse the two. It is not so much the money that we want, but what it can buy. Often these are tangible, material things, but quite often they are intangibles – a feeling of freedom, security, comfort, etc. Whether or not you have tangible cash assets, you will be living as if you had them. You will be living above your income level, travelling to exotic places, eating in the finer restaurants, wearing expensive clothing and accessories, and somehow (the cosmos arranges these things very individually) you will have the wherewithal for it.

There is a feeling of luck that comes to you too. And there is luck in speculations in the latter half of the year. No matter how grim a situation seems, you feel inside that you will get through and shine. Overcoming discouragement and setbacks is said to be 90 per cent of the art of success.

Jupiter also happens to be your love planet. So there is love in your life this year. From the financial perspective this would show a happy business partnership. In astrology the aspects for a business partnership and a marriage are the same: the same planets are involved. There is nothing much you need to do to make this happen. It will find you. Just go about your daily business.

Career though is more complicated. You always tend to be idealistic about your career, but now, with Neptune moving into your 10th house on February 3 and staying there for the long term, this idealism is greatly increased. Your career has to be meaningful. It has to be good for the planet. It has to be altruistic and spiritual. Any career path that violates your spiritual principles or ideals will not make you happy or last for too long. And it is not so easy to integrate spiritual values with worldly values – it can be done but it will take work and creativity on your part. Everyone finds their own way of doing things. Sometimes they enter a spiritual career such as the ministry, charity work, working for a non-profit organization, or missionary work (and this could happen). Sometimes people pursue a worldly career while doing much charitable work on the side.

On a more mundane level, with Neptune in your 10th house there is much non-disclosure in career matters, much behind-the-scenes activity and manipulation, and so you need to do your homework before making important decisions. Often there are scandals or unpleasant revelations regarding the authority figures in your life (bosses, parents, parent figures, elders). On a personal level you need to stay ‘squeaky clean’ in your career. Don’t do things that you don’t want to see on the evening news or ‘twittered’ all over the Internet.

Love and Social Life

Though your 7th house of love and marriage is not strong, other indicators in your Horoscope are showing a very strong love and social year. Love is definitely in the air. And it seems happy.

Two important trends are happening this year. The first, as we mentioned, is that your love planet (Jupiter) is crossing your Ascendant and entering the 1st house on June 11. It will be in your 1st house for the balance of the year. This is a powerful love indicator. Secondly, Venus, the generic love planet of the zodiac, will spend an unusual amount of time in your own sign. Now normally Venus will spend about one month in a sign. Here she is sort of camping out in your sign from April 3 to August 7. This too is a positive love indicator. Indeed, from June 11 to August 7 the two love planets in your Horoscope will be in your own sign.

Love will certainly happen and perhaps even marriage as well. The beauty of these transits is that you don’t need to do anything special. Love will find you. Just go about your normal business and it will happen. What I also like here is that you have love on your terms. The lover puts your interests way ahead of his or her own interests. You come first. You have your way.

The same applies to social matters. New friends – and devoted ones – are coming into the picture this year. Existing friends are more devoted than usual as well. You don’t need to run around searching for social opportunities; again, they will come to you.

The two love planets in your own sign show that your personal appearance shines; regardless of your age or stage in life, it is better than usual. You exude more grace and charm. You dress more beautifully and stylishly. You have an excellent sense of beauty these days. The opposite sex will certainly take notice.

The above is true for all Geminis but especially those working on the first and second marriages. If you are already married, your spouse is paying more attention and is much more supportive than usual. Those of you working on your third marriage are probably better off not marrying, just dating. Love seems too unstable this year (and for years to come). But those working on the fourth marriage have a wonderful opportunity, and a marriage is likely.

Siblings have a more or less status quo kind of love year. If they are single there is good opportunity after June 11. Children are having their marriages and relationships tested this year, and break-ups are likely. Grandchildren of marriageable age have a status quo kind of year. Singles will tend to stay single; marrieds will tend to stay married.


With Neptune on your Mid-heaven all year and Jupiter in your spiritual 12th house until June 11, you are in a very strong spiritual period, as we mentioned. The invisible world is letting you know that it is around. This is a year (and especially the first part of the year) for all kinds of supernatural kinds of experiences, for an active and prophetic dream life and all kinds of synchronistic experiences. The spiritual world – and the world at large – is waiting for you to step into your real work, your real mission.

Your spiritual life will become the main mission in life for many of you. As you change your own energy field, the energy fields of those you come in contact with will also change. Your individual work will change families, communities and even the country at large.

In June and July you will face one of the classic spiritual conflicts that many people face. Jupiter and Neptune are in stressful aspect with each other. Thus there is a feeling that if you follow your true mission there is some love or social sacrifice involved, and this is always difficult. The so-called sacrifice is only ‘apparent’ and not real, but it is a good test of your commitment. If you pass the test, love (the equivalent or better) will be restored to you.

Also, your spouse or current love, while very devoted to you personally, is not very supportive of your career, Perhaps they feel a bit jealous about this, and this will need some effort on your part to work out.

Uranus in your 11th house indicates much instability with friends. It shows many dramas in their personal lives and this could impact on your relationship. While you are socially successful this year, you find it difficult to make long-term social plans as you never know who is available when. Being comfortable with social change is one of the main lessons of the year and for years to come.

Month-by-month Forecasts


Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 23, 24

Most Stressful Days Overall: 12, 13, 19, 20, 25, 26

Best Days for Love: 3, 4, 6, 7, 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 27, 28, 30

Best Days for Money: 3, 4, 8, 9, 12, 13, 21, 23, 24, 30

Best Days for Career: 7, 15, 24, 25, 26

You begin your year on a happy note. Your benevolent 9th house is strong from the 20th onwards. Very unusually, all of the planets are moving forwards (until the 24th), bringing rapid progress and achievement. So this is a happy and successful month. You cover a lot of territory and do it well.

Your year begins with 70 per cent of the planets above the horizon. From the 18th onwards the percentage jumps to 80. You are in a very strong career period. Keep the focus on your outer goals. You can downplay home and family issues. You serve your family best, and attain emotional harmony, by being successful in the world. This is the time to attain to career goals through outer, overt, physical actions.

Most of the planets are in the social, Western sector of the Horoscope. This is soon to change but for now you are in a strong social cycle, where you develop your social and diplomatic skills and where you attain objectives through consensus and co-operation rather than through personal initiative. Uncomfortable conditions are more difficult to change right now; you have to adapt to them as best you can.

Your 8th house of transformation is very powerful until the 27th, which means this is a great period for losing weight, detoxing the body and getting rid of old and useless possessions. Clean up the house – not just the physical house but the mind and the emotions as well.

Health and energy are good this month, and will get even better after the 20th. Detox regimes go well as we mentioned, and especially between the 12th and 14th. You can enhance your health in the ways mentioned in the yearly report. This is also a sexually active month.

Mercury, the ruler of your Horoscope, squares Uranus from the 8th to the 10th, bringing a very dynamic aspect. Family members can be more temperamental. You should be more mindful on the physical plane, especially when driving or when handling dangerous objects.

Love is more challenging after the 20th but this is a short-term trend. Overall the love life looks good.

Venus travels with Neptune from the 12th to the 15th. You are getting spiritual messages either directly, through dreams and intuitions, or indirectly from psychics, channels, ministers, astrologers and the like about your career. The dream life is very active at this time too.


Best Days Overall: 2, 3, 11, 12, 19, 20, 29

Most Stressful Days Overall: 9, 10, 15, 16, 22, 23

Best Days for Love: 1, 5, 6, 9, 15, 16, 17, 24, 25, 27, 28

Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 17, 21, 22, 27, 28

Best Days for Career: 4, 13, 21, 22, 23

This month, the planetary power will shift from the Western Sector, where it has been for many months, to the East; 60 per cent (and sometimes 70 per cent) of the planets will be in the East. So you are entering a period of greater independence, greater personal power. You have greater power to create conditions as you like them and no longer have the need to adapt to things. You can have life on your terms. Hopefully you will not abuse this power – many people do. However, when the cycle for ‘paying karma’ comes – when the planets shift to the Western Sector again (in about six months’ time) – you will have to live with your creations, so build well. The main headline this month is your career. Half of the planets are either in or moving through your career house this month. This house is strong quantitatively and also qualitatively: two out of the three most important planets in your chart spend a lot of time there – the Sun and the ruler of your Horoscope. So you are in a period of great outward success. Pay rises, promotions, elevations (perhaps even honours) are happening now. If your career goals are ultra, ultra high you might not attain them this month, but you will see great progress happening there. Career is a life-long project – our life work – one month is not enough to attain these things. So long as we are making progress we can consider ourselves successful.

Family members are also outwardly successful and seem supportive of your career. You seem on very good terms with the authority figures in your life, your bosses, parents and elders. In fact, you yourself are an authority figure these days.

Health and energy are excellent until the 19th, after that you need to rest and relax more. Your career is busy and taxing, but without good health success is an empty shell. You are very busy this month, but you can delegate or outsource as much as possible. Focus on essentials and let lesser things go. People at the top – as you are this month (each on their own level) – are often targets for the venom and anger of those less blessed. This is another drain of energy. This is the price paid (one of them) for outward success. There are many ways to deal with this, but it is beyond the scope of this report.

Be more patient with children from the 8th to the 10th. Make sure they avoid dangerous and risky kinds of activities. They seem inclined to daredevil kinds of stunts.

Love seems happy this month and all year.


Best Days Overall: 1, 9, 10, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29

Most Stressful Days Overall: 7, 8, 13, 14, 20, 21

Best Days for Love: 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 25, 26

Best Days for Money: 3, 4, 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 22, 23, 25, 26, 30, 31

Best Days for Career: 2, 11, 20, 21, 30

Retrograde activity increases this month. Mars went retrograde on January 24 and will be retrograde all of this month, and so friends seem to lack direction these days. (Make sure you do your homework before buying new high-tech equipment and software, too; some of the claims are not what they seem.) Saturn went retrograde on the 7th of last month and will be retrograde for many more months. (The spouse, partner or current love needs to be doing a financial review now.) Mercury – and this is the most important one for you – goes retrograde on the 12th. You’ve had a period of great success and now it is time to take stock of where you stand. You seem unsure of what happens next or where you want to go, and so a period of review is in order. You need to gain some mental clarity now. The home and family situation also needs a review.

Retrogrades, when understood and used properly, are the ‘pauses that refresh’. They are no more a ‘setback’ than a good night’s sleep. This is when you gather forces for the next leap of forward progress. The glitches and setbacks that seem to happen come because we are not co-operating with the cosmic intent.

Be especially careful in communicating with family members from the 12th onwards. Don’t take things for granted. Much of the family drama and hurt feelings that happen come from miscommunication and misunderstanding. A little more care in the beginning will save much heartache later on.

Career is still very strong in your Horoscope until the 20th. You are in the midst of a yearly career peak now. Much of what we wrote of last month still applies.

Finance has not been a big issue so far this year. Your money house is basically empty (only the Moon visits there for a few days a month). Career, status, prestige, promotion seem much more important to you than money. I would read this as a good signal; you are basically content financially and have no need to make major changes. The Moon waxes from the 1st to the 8th and from the 22nd onwards, and these will be the times when your earning power is strongest.

The love life is getting even better than it has been this month. Venus, the planet of love, travels with your love planet Jupiter from the 11th to the 14th. For singles this shows a romantic meeting. For marrieds it shows more romance in the marriage and happy social experiences – invitations, social meetings, happiness from friends.

The Sun opposes Mars from the 1st to the 5th. Then it conjuncts Uranus from the 23rd to the 26th and squares Pluto from the 28th to the 31st. Be more careful driving during those periods, and avoid arguments where possible. Mercury, the ruler of your Horoscope, conjuncts Uranus twice this month (once moving forwards and once backwards); again, be careful driving and be more patient with family members.


Best Days Overall: 6, 14, 15, 24, 25

Most Stressful Days Overall: 4, 10, 16, 17

Best Days for Love: 4, 5, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25

Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27

Best Days for Career: 7, 16, 17, 26

Your 11th house of friends has been strong since last year. Last month, it got even stronger, and this trend continues until the 20th. This means you are more involved with friends, with groups and group activities and with trade or professional organizations. You are always a good networker, but especially so now. You are probably more involved than usual with online activities. You are personally more inventive and original these days, and perhaps a bit rebellious as well. You want to do unconventional kinds of things, and probably you will. The norm, the routine, seems boring.

On the 4th Mercury starts to move forward and thus you have more personal clarity and a sense of direction. Career goals have more or less been attained (although we never completely attain them, in essence they are infinite) and now your interests are social.

The month ahead is a very powerful social month, both romantically and in terms of friendship. On the 20th the Sun moves into Taurus and starts to have an impact on your love planet. The aspect will be more exact next month, but you will be feeling it after this date. Love is in the air, and this is serious kind of love. Singles might not marry, but they will meet people they would consider marriage material. This seems to be in happening in spiritual settings, such as the yoga studio, the prayer meeting, the meditation seminar or the charity event. It also seems to occur in the neighbourhood rather than far away. Siblings and sibling figures are playing cupid, and they too have romantic opportunity now and next month.

Your Personal Horoscope 2012: Month-by-month forecasts for every sign

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