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Horoscope for 2020 Major Trends


There are two major headlines in your Horoscope this year. The first is the enormous power in your 9th house – three long-term planets are there for most of the year. The second is Uranus in your own sign. This began last year in March and will continue for many more to come.

The power in your 9th house is a positive thing. The 9th house is very beneficent. It is so beneficent that even maleficent planets that occupy or pass through there become kinder. So this is a year for making religious and philosophical breakthroughs. It is a year for travelling and expanding your horizons. It is especially good for students either in college or applying to college and it indicates success in their studies. Focus tends to bring success. It is a year where a deep theological discussion or the visit of a minister or guru is more interesting than a night out on the town. It is a year for going deeper into the meaning of life and your personal philosophy of life.

The Uranus transit is a mixed picture. All of you will feel it, but especially those of you with birthdays from April 21 to May 1. Uranus will range through 2 to 11 degrees of your sign this year. Life becomes exciting and unpredictable. Anything can happen at any time – things you never even imagined. It brings sudden and dramatic changes to your life. Excitement, unpredictability and change are not Taurean favourites. Taurus is adept at creating comfort and ease on the material plane. You have your comfort zone – your groove – and don’t like to be taken out of there. Yet, this is what’s going on. Never mind that many of the sudden changes will be good changes, it is the discomfort of being taken out of your comfort zone that is disturbing. So there are many life lessons to be learned. The primary one is to embrace change and be comfortable with it. Change is really your friend.

The love life seems much better this year than in 2019. Saturn is still near your love planet Pluto, showing caution and delays, but benevolent Jupiter will also be travelling with Pluto. This will bring serious love opportunities for singles. Marriage might not happen, but love is there. More on this later.

Health looks good this year, especially until December. At the end of the year it becomes more delicate, but there’s not anything to worry about. More details later.

The career will be excellent all year, but especially from December 20 onwards. More on this later.

Your areas of greatest interest this year will be the body and image; religion, philosophy, theology and foreign travel; career (from March 23 to July 1 and from December 20 onwards); and friends, groups and group activities.

Your paths of greatest fulfilment will be intellectual pursuits and interests (until May 6); home and family (after May 6); religion, philosophy, foreign travel and theology (until December 20); and career (from December 20 onwards).

Your Personal Horoscope 2020

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