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Home and Family


Though you are probably travelling more and staying in various places for longer periods than usual, a permanent move is not likely this year. There’s nothing against it, but nothing that especially supports it either. Your empty 4th house (only short-term planets move through there) tends to the status quo. You seem basically satisfied with the current domestic arrangements and family situation and have no need to make major changes.

There are the usual two solar eclipses this year and, since the Sun is your family planet, these will bring some disruptions here. They will bring dramas in the lives of parents, parent figures and family members. Often unexpected repairs are needed to the home. But then the dust settles and things get back to normal.

As already mentioned, siblings and sibling figures in your life seem stressed out. Four lunar eclipses this year hit them twice as many times as usual. So, they will have personal dramas, a need to redefine themselves and create a new image for the world. This will go on all year. The two solar eclipses bring financial changes to siblings too. However, they don’t seem likely to move.

These four lunar eclipses will affect the neighbourhood where you live. There might be construction work or other disruptions there. Relations with your neighbours will need work.

Parents and parent figures could move this year, although there seem to be many delays and glitches indicated. Their marriages or current relationships get tested this year too. One of the parents or parent figures seems unusually devoted to you. Children and children figures in your life are not likely to move; if they do they will probably stay in the neighbourhood. Grandchildren (if you have them) are having a quiet domestic year.

If you’re planning any house renovations, July 22 to August 22 would be a good time. If you’re redecorating the house in a cosmetic kind of way, or if you’re buying objects of beauty for the home, September 6 to October 2 would be a good period.

Because your family planet, the Sun, is a fast-moving planet, moving through all the houses and signs of your Horoscope over the year, there are many short-term family trends that depend on where the Sun is and the aspects he receives. These are best dealt with in the monthly reports.

Your Personal Horoscope 2020

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