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But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

—Matthew 6:33 KJV

It is God's will to give us the desires of our hearts. But your desires must first be in line with His Word. When you are committed to Him, you know His Word. You will never ask Him for something outside of His Word. His Word is His will, and His will is His Word.

I often tell people that God's Word is like a menu. I can order anything on that menu. Sometimes I can super-size my order, because He will exceed abundantly above all I can ask or think. That's why when I pray, I want to pray right. I want to be in agreement with my mate so that our destiny comes to pass. The word of God must be my primary source. It is my frame of reference when asking for the desires of my heart.

I've resolved that many prayers go unanswered because our priorities aren't aligned with God's will (Matthew 6:33). Like me, I'm sure you've heard many people say, "I'm believing God"—for a better job or a better spouse or more money. As we begin our day, let'sevaluate whether or not our desires are "in sync" with the Father's. The exhortation today is to ask ourselves the question, Are my desires in sync with God's?

Take a moment and make a list of three things you desire and find scriptures to support them. If you can't find scriptures to support them, remove them from your list of expectations. As a couple of destiny, share your list with each other and make one list for both of you. Write it down and pray over it. Remind yourself about what you are believing God for. Spend time together delighting in the Lord. Worship together. Read His Word together. Pray together. Pray that God will give you similar passion for Jesus Christ. Inevitably you will do His will and it will manifest what He promised.

LET'S PRAY Help us align our desires with what You desire for us. Father, in Jesus' name, we simply pray today that Your will become our will today and always. Amen.

Date with Destiny Devotional

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