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Your spiritual life is one of the most exciting areas of life this year. Indeed, this has been so for some years now and will continue for a few more. You like to experiment here, as we have mentioned, and this is basically good. We learn what works for us through trial, error and experiment. There is no right or wrong spiritual path. Each person, ultimately, is their own path and this is discovered through experiment. This is so even in the mainstream religions. Each person practises their religion in a unique kind of way. (This is why there are so many sects within any given religion.)

One of the problems with Uranus being in your 12th house is that one can overdo a good thing. One can become a spiritual faddist, jumping from one teaching to the next, depending on the fashionable trends of the time. Thus, one never gets a chance to work a path and see the results. Experiment by all means, but allow time to see how it works out.

Neptune, the most spiritual of all the planets, has been in your 11th house of friends for some years now. This reinforces what we’ve been saying above. But it also shows that you are attracting spiritual-type friends and are involved in spiritual groups and organizations. Perhaps you think that there is some ‘mass’ way to salvation and enlightenment. This would be the tendency now. But in truth enlightenment and spiritual breakthroughs (and there will be many in the year ahead) are always solitary experiences. Even if you are in a group, sitting in a lecture with hundreds in attendance, your personal experience will be unique. No one else will have the same experience as you.

Spiritual compatibility seems the criteria for friendship this year. Those who are not on your spiritual path are not your friends. Someone who is on your path will become a friend even if you just meet him or her for a brief time. These relationships tend to endure.

Saturn, as we mentioned, will spend most of the year in your 8th house of sexuality. Thus the cosmos is putting this department of life in ‘right order’. If you have been irresponsible in this area, the bills come due in the next few years. But if you have been responsible, Saturn will show you how to enhance this area in healthy ways.

The sexual force is perhaps the most powerful in the universe. It can create or destroy. There is a right and wrong way to use this force and these are some of the lessons that are going to be learned in the coming years.

Your Personal Horoscope 2015: Month-by-month forecasts for every sign

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