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(Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days of yore there was no difference, both of these perspectives were identical. But now there could be quite a difference. For a medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.)

Health should be good this year. There are only two long-term planets – Jupiter and Neptune – in stressful alignment with you, which is a big improvement over previous years. And by the end of the year, as Jupiter moves into Capricorn in December, there will be only one long-term planet stressing you. There is much improvement happening in health and energy. Furthermore, your empty 6th house indicates that you’re not that focused on health, which I read as a good sign. You have no need to concentrate on it – health is basically good.

Sure, there will be periods in the year where health is less easy than usual, and we will discuss this in the monthly reports, but these are temporary things caused by short-term transits. They are not trends for the year.

You can make your good health even better. Pay attention to the following – the vulnerable areas of your Horoscope (the reflexology points are shown in the chart above):

Important foot reflexology points for the year ahead

Try to massage all of the foot on a regular basis – the top of the foot as well as the bottom – but pay extra attention to the points highlighted on the chart. When you massage, be aware of ‘sore spots’ as these need special attention. It’s also a good idea to massage the ankles, and especially below them.

 The lungs, arms, shoulders and respiratory system. These are always important areas for you, Gemini. Regular arm and shoulder massage should be an integral part of your health regime. Tension tends to collect in the shoulders and needs to be released.

 The colon, bladder and sexual organs are also always important. There are some spiritual healers who say that all disease begins in the colon, so keeping it healthy is a very good idea. Herbal colonics would be good if you feel under the weather. Safe sex and sexual moderation are always important for you.

 The spine, knees, teeth, skin and overall skeletal alignment have become important in recent years, ever since Pluto, your health planet, moved into Capricorn, and this has been reinforced by Saturn (the planet that rules these areas) travelling with Pluto since last year. So regular back and knee massage is good. If you’re out in the sun use a good sunscreen. Get regular dental check-ups. Give the knees more support when you exercise.

 The gall bladder, which has only become important in recent years.

Your health planet Pluto rules surgery generically, and has been in your 8th house of surgery for many years now. Not only that, the planet that actually rules surgery in your chart – Saturn – is also there, travelling next to Pluto. So you have probably had some surgery in recent years. There is a strong tendency to it, and it will probably be recommended to you. Sometimes these things are necessary. But it is good to explore detox regimes too – these same planets signal that you respond well to them. In many cases detox will do the same thing, but it will take longer.

Your health planet in the conservative sign of Capricorn shows that in health matters you’re conservative. You gravitate to orthodox medicine. And, even if you opt for alternative therapies, you tend to choose old and established therapies – the ones that have stood the test of time.

Saturn and Pluto both rule sex in your Horoscope. (Pluto is the generic ruler; Saturn is your actual ruler.) The presence of both in the sign of Capricorn, your 8th house, suggests a need to reduce extraneous sex – to focus more on quality rather than quantity. Less but of a higher quality is preferable to more of lesser quality. If you stay alert to your body you will know when enough is enough.

Your Personal Horoscope 2019

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