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Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 25

Most Stressful Days Overall: 3, 4, 9, 10, 16, 17

Best Days for Love: 2, 9, 10, 11, 21

Best Days for Money: 2, 5, 11, 12, 21, 22, 26, 27

Best Days for Career: 1, 9, 16, 17, 18, 28

Last month Uranus left your sign and this month, on the 10th, Jupiter follows. After the 10th there is almost no fire in the horoscope (only when the Moon moves through a fire sign temporarily). No more talk of global warming. The earth is colder now. It is at times like these that the world needs people like you, Aries–it needs your fire, your flame of passion and enthusiasm, your optimism and can-do attitude. Your natural leadership qualities get more respect. Yes, it is great to have good ideas and communication skills. Great to have a pragmatic attitude, but without the verve and energy of fire these things ring hollow. Without people like you to motivate others–to light a fire under them–they will just ‘go through the motions’.

Health still needs more watching–especially after the 23rd. Like last month, enhance your health by resting and relaxing more and working to a rhythm. Try to alternate your activities. Pay more attention to your heart and small intestine. Be more mindful on the 1st and drive defensively. Avoid risk-taking activities. Mind your temper.

Job-seekers had many opportunities last month and this trend continues in the month ahead. But last month your work planet went retrograde on the 20th and will be retrograde until the 12th of this month. Job opportunities need more study. Job changes as well. After the 12th judgement should be clearer about these things.

With Saturn camping out on an eclipse point all month there are changes in your career. Upheavals happening. There are shakeups in your corporate hierarchy and in your industry. Parents and parent figures are experiencing personal dramas, too. But these shakeups are helping you–opening doors for you. Be alert.

This month the planetary power shifts–and in a dramatic way–from the lower to the upper half of the horoscope. In fact, by the 23rd 90 per cent of the planets will be in the upper half–a huge percentage. This is the time to pursue your career goals. By now your family situation should be more stable, and you can serve them best by being successful in the world.

On the 23rd, as the Sun enters Libra, you enter a yearly social peak. For singles there are many love opportunities–more dating, parties and going out. Those already in a relationship are having their relationships tested. The best way to save a current marriage is to make it your number-one priority–almost your mission in life. Anything less will not do it.

Your Personal Horoscope 2010: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign

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