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Best Days Overall: 1, 9, 10, 17, 18, 27, 28

Most Stressful Days Overall: 7, 8, 13, 14, 20, 21

Best Days for Love: 3, 4, 13, 14, 22, 23

Best Days for Money: 2, 3, 9, 17, 27, 30, 31

Best Days for Career: 4, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22

Last month, on the 23rd, you entered another yearly personal pleasure peak and it is continuing this month as well (until the 23rd). A party period. You will be working hard as well–working hard and playing hard. On the 23rd, as the Sun enters your 6th house, you are more serious about things and focusing on health and work issues. The party is still happening but is more subdued–you are taking a work break.

The power in the fire element is dying down this month and levels will be more ‘normal’ (the way they have been for a few years) after the 23rd. The pace of events is slowing down. Add the fact that 40 per cent of the planets are in retrograde motion (and, after the 20th, 50 per cent) and the slow-down is even stronger. A good month for a holiday as nothing much is happening in the world anyway. Also good for learning patience–a general weakness in the Aries personality.

With so much retrograde activity, the cosmos is calling you to avoid shortcuts. Be slower but more perfect in what you do. Pay attention to the little details and get them right.

Health is more stressed this month as three planets in Libra are stressing you out. Happily you are more focused on health–making it a priority–and this is a help. Rest and relax more and pay more attention to your heart and small intestine. Earth-orientated therapies such as mud packs, mud baths and healing crystals are good now. If you feel under the weather, spend more time in the mountains or old forests or caves–places where the earth energy is strong–and you will feel much better.

The planetary power is now mostly in the Western, social sector of the chart (the sunset period of your year). Sunset is the time for lovers. You are more social now, but love–serious love–seems very complicated. You are no shrinking violet these days. You go after the person you want. You are popular–as you go out of your way for others and for your beloved–yet Saturn in your 7th house seems to deny romance. You have opportunities but feel blocked–inhibited. Perhaps there is some fear about love–some innate pessimism that needs to be looked at.

Mars, your ruling planet, travels with Saturn, your career planet, early in the month–this suggests romantic opportunities with older people, or people of high status and prestige. You are more involved with a parent or parent figure, too.

Love opportunities are there, but go slow and steady. No need to rush into anything.

A business partnership or joint venture seems in the making after the 7th.

Your Personal Horoscope 2010: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign

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