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Birthdays from
21st March to
20th April
Personality Profile
Element: Fire
Ruling Planet: Mars
Career Planet: Saturn
Love Planet:Venus
Money Planet: Venus
Planet of Fun, Entertainment, Creativity and Speculations: Sun
Planet of Health and Work: Mercury
Planet of Home and Family Life: Moon
Planet of Spirituality: Neptune
Planet of Travel, Education, Religion and Philosophy: Jupiter
Colours: carmine, red, scarlet
Colours that promote love, romance and social harmony: green, jade green
Colour that promotes earning power: green
Gem: amethyst
Metals: iron, steel
Scent: honeysuckle
Quality: cardinal (= activity)
Quality most needed for balance: caution
Strongest virtues: abundant physical energy, courage, honesty, independence, self-reliance
Deepest need: action
Characteristics to avoid: haste, impetuousness, over-aggression, rashness
Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Leo, Sagittarius
Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
Sign most helpful to career: Capricorn
Sign most helpful for emotional support: Cancer
Sign most helpful financially: Taurus
Sign best for marriage and/or partnerships: Libra
Sign most helpful for creative projects: Leo
Best Sign to have fun with: Leo
Signs most helpful in spiritual matters: Sagittarius, Pisces
Best day of the week: Tuesday
Understanding an Aries
Aries is the activist par excellence of the zodiac. The Aries need for action is almost an addiction, and those who do not really understand the Aries personality would probably use this hard word to describe it. In reality ‘action’ is the essence of the Aries psychology – the more direct, blunt and to-the-point the action, the better. When you think about it, this is the ideal psychological makeup for the warrior, the pioneer, the athlete or the manager.
Aries likes to get things done, and in their passion and zeal often lose sight of the consequences for themselves and others. Yes, they often try to be diplomatic and tactful, but it is hard for them. When they do so they feel that they are being dishonest and phony. It is hard for them even to understand the mindset of the diplomat, the consensus builder, the front office executive. These people are involved in endless meetings, discussions, talks and negotiations – all of which seem a great waste of time when there is so much work to be done, so many real achievements to be gained. An Aries can understand, once it is explained, that talks and negotiations – the social graces – lead ultimately to better, more effective actions. The interesting thing is that an Aries is rarely malicious or spiteful – even when waging war. Aries people fight without hate for their opponents. To them it is all good-natured fun, a grand adventure, a game.
When confronted with a problem many people will say, ‘Well, let’s think about it, let’s analyse the situation.’ But not an Aries. An Aries will think, ‘Something must be done. Let’s get on with it.’ Of course neither response is the total answer. Sometimes action is called for, sometimes cool thought. But an Aries tends to err on the side of action.
Action and thought are radically different principles. Physical activity is the use of brute force. Thinking and deliberating require one not to use force – to be still. It is not good for the athlete to be deliberating the next move; this will only slow down his or her reaction time. The athlete must act instinctively and instantly. This is how Aries people tend to behave in life. They are quick, instinctive decision-makers and their decisions tend to be translated into action almost immediately. When their intuition is sharp and well tuned, their actions are powerful and successful. When their intuition is off, their actions can be disastrous.
Do not think this will scare an Aries. Just as a good warrior knows that in the course of combat he or she might acquire a few wounds, so too does an Aries realize – somewhere deep down – that in the course of being true to yourself you might get embroiled in a disaster or two. It is all part of the game. An Aries feels strong enough to weather any storm.
There are many Aries people who are intellectual. They make powerful and creative thinkers. But even in this realm they tend to be pioneers – outspoken and blunt. These types of Aries tend to elevate (or sublimate) their desire for physical combat in favour of intellectual, mental combat. And they are indeed powerful.
In general, Aries people have a faith in themselves that others could learn from. This basic, rock-solid faith carries them through the most tumultuous situations of life. Their courage and self-confidence make them natural leaders. Their leadership is more by way of example than by actually controlling others.
Aries people often excel as builders or estate agents. Money in and of itself is not as important as are other things – action, adventure, sport, etc. They are motivated by the need to support and be well-thought-of by their partners. Money as a way of attaining pleasure is another important motivation. Aries function best in their own businesses or as managers of their own departments within a large business or corporation. The fewer orders they have to take from higher up, the better. They also function better out in the field rather than behind a desk.
Aries people are hard workers with a lot of endurance; they can earn large sums of money due to the strength of their sheer physical energy.
Venus is their money planet, which means that Aries need to develop more of the social graces in order to realize their full earning potential. Just getting the job done – which is what an Aries excels at – is not enough to create financial success. The co-operation of others needs to be attained. Customers, clients and co-workers need to be made to feel comfortable; many people need to be treated properly in order for success to happen. When Aries people develop these abilities – or hire someone to do this for them – their financial potential is unlimited.
Career and Public Image
One would think that a pioneering type would want to break with the social and political conventions of society. But this is not so with the Aries-born. They are pioneers within conventional limits, in the sense that they like to start their own businesses within an established industry.
Capricorn is on the 10th house (career) cusp of Aries’ Solar horoscope. Saturn is the planet that rules their life’s work and professional aspirations. This tells us some interesting things about the Aries character. First off, it shows that, in order for Aries people to reach their full career potential, they need to develop some qualities that are a bit alien to their basic nature: they need to become better administrators and organizers; they need to be able to handle details better and to take a long-range view of their projects and their careers in general. No one can beat an Aries when it comes to achieving short-range objectives, but a career is long term, built over time. You cannot take a ‘quickie’ approach to it.
Some Aries people find it difficult to stick with a project until the end. Since they get bored quickly and are in constant pursuit of new adventures, they prefer to pass an old project or task on to somebody else in order to start something new. Those Aries who learn how to put off the search for something new until the old is completed will achieve great success in their careers and professional lives.
In general, Aries people like society to judge them on their own merits, on their real and actual achievements. A reputation acquired by ‘hype’ feels false to them.
Love and Relationships
In marriage and partnerships Aries like those who are more passive, gentle, tactful and diplomatic – people who have the social grace and skills they sometimes lack. Our partners always represent a hidden part of ourselves – a self that we cannot express personally.
An Aries tends to go after what he or she likes aggressively. The tendency is to jump into relationships and marriages. This is especially true if Venus is in Aries as well as the Sun. If an Aries likes you, he or she will have a hard time taking no for an answer; many attempts will be made to sweep you off your feet.
Though Aries can be exasperating in relationships – especially if they are not understood by their partners – they are never consciously or wilfully cruel or malicious. It is just that they are so independent and sure of themselves that they find it almost impossible to see somebody else’s viewpoint or position. This is why an Aries needs as a partner someone with lots of social graces.
On the plus side, an Aries is honest, someone you can lean on, someone with whom you will always know where you stand. What he or she lacks in diplomacy is made up for in integrity.
Home and Domestic Life
An Aries is of course the ruler at home – the Boss. The male will tend to delegate domestic matters to the female. The female Aries will want to rule the roost. Both tend to be handy round the house. Both like large families and both believe in the sanctity and importance of the family. An Aries is a good family person, although he or she does not especially like being at home a lot, preferring instead to be roaming about.
Considering that they are by nature so combative and wilful, Aries people can be surprisingly soft, gentle and even vulnerable with their children and partners. The sign of Cancer, ruled by the Moon, is on the cusp of their solar 4th house (home and family). When the Moon is well aspected – under favourable influences – in the birth chart, an Aries will be tender towards the family and want a family life that is nurturing and supportive. Aries likes to come home after a hard day on the battlefield of life to the understanding arms of their partner and the unconditional love and support of their family. An Aries feels that there is enough ‘war’ out in the world – and he or she enjoys participating in that. But when Aries comes home, comfort and nurturing are what’s needed.
Horoscope for 2013
Major Trends
Ever since Uranus, one of the most dynamic of planets, moved into your sign in March of 2011, change – sudden and dramatic – has been the theme of your life. By the time Uranus is finished with you in about five years’ time, you will be in radically different conditions and circumstances than you are now. All of you are feeling the changes, but those of you born early in the sign of Aries (March 20 to April 5) are feeling it the strongest. Part of this is not so pleasant. Sometimes we cling unconsciously to negative situations, relationships or mental patterns – we cling to a status quo that is actually destructive to us – and so Uranus has to take dramatic measures to release us from this bondage. Sometimes it is an earthquake, a tsunami, or some other natural disaster that does the trick. Sometimes other dramatic events happen. None of this is punishment, only liberation. With Uranus involved there is little we can do consciously to prevent the change; these things are not something you can plan for. The events are generally sudden and unexpected – things you wouldn’t dream of in a million years. With Uranus you can only expect the unexpected. But when the change happens, suddenly you are in a new life; suddenly you are free to follow the true desire of your heart. This is the blessing here.
The last two years were very challenging, filled with crises. Happily you got through; the worst is over with. Most of the long-term planets have moved from their stressful aspect to you, and there should be a tremendous increase in your health and energy in 2013. More on this later.
Saturn moved into your 8th house in October of 2012 – a very nice transit for you as it moved away from its stressful position. This year you need to scrutinize your sexual activity more closely. There is a need to focus more on quality than quantity. Saturn knows how to do this.
Last year, on February 4, Neptune made a major move out of your 11th house and into your spiritual 12th house. The spiritual life is much more emphasized than usual and this will be a long term trend.
Your main areas of interest in the year ahead are the body, the image and personal pleasure; communication and intellectual interests (until June 27); home and family (from June 27 onwards); sex, death and rebirth, reincarnation, past life regression, occult studies and personal reinvention; career; spirituality.
Your paths of greatest fulfilment in the year ahead are communication and intellectual interests (until June 27); home and family (from June 27 onwards); sex, death and rebirth, reincarnation, past life regression, occult studies and personal reinvention.
(Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days of yore there was no difference, these perspectives were identical. But now there could be quite a difference. For a medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.)
Health and energy is much, much improved over the past few years. If you got through 2011 and 2012, you will coast ahead this year; you will be stronger than ever. Your 6th house of health is basically empty this year, with no long-term planets there. The short-term planets will move through briefly, but these transits are temporary and not trends for the year. I count this empty 6th house as a positive for health. You don’t have much of a need to focus here as nothing is wrong. You can sort of take good health for granted.
Good though your health is, you can make it even better. Give more attention to the following organs: the head, face and scalp (regular scalp and face massage is always a powerful therapy for you, craniosacral therapy likewise – the bones in the skull sometimes get out of alignment and need to be re-aligned); the lungs, small intestine, arms, shoulders and respiratory system. Arms and shoulders should be regularly massaged, and air purity tends to be more important for Aries than for most. Since these are the most vulnerable areas keeping them healthy and fit is sound preventive medicine.
Uranus is in your own sign now for the long term. This tends to make you experimental with the body. You are into ‘testing’ its limits. Basically this is a good thing. This is how we learn about ourselves; this is how we expand our physical limits, expand athletic performance, expand physical strength and endurance. But this testing needs to be done in a mindful way; disciplines such as yoga, tai chi and other martial arts would be good. You can test the body and expand its limits but in a safe and controlled way. This trend is in effect for many more years.
Try to massage the whole foot on a regular basis, but pay extra attention to the points highlighted on the chart. When you massage, be aware of ‘sore spots’, as these need special attention. It’s also a good idea to massage the ankles and top side of the feet.
Mercury is your health planet (a great health planet to have by the way) and this is his natural domain. He is strong and powerful on your behalf. In the physical body he rules the lungs, small intestine, arms, shoulders and respiratory system – hence their importance in overall health. Our regular readers know that Mercury is a fast-moving planet. In the course of the year ahead he will move through all the signs and houses of your Horoscope. Thus, there are many short-term trends in health, depending on where Mercury is and the aspects he receives, that are best dealt with in the monthly reports.
Home and Family
Your 4th house of home and family becomes strong – and in a happy way – from June 27, as Jupiter moves into that house and stays there well into 2014. Jupiter moving through the 4th house brings good fortune in the purchase or sale of a home, and often it shows a move – a happy move to larger and better quarters. But one doesn’t need physically to move to achieve happiness and more space in the home. Often a renovation will do. Sometimes the addition of a new frill or accessory ‘expands’ the home and makes it different. Sometimes people buy additional homes or properties. However, whether you move or not, the opportunity to move will come to you – and when this happens you can decide what to do.
Jupiter in the 4th house shows happiness and pleasure from the family. There is good family support this year. You are generous with the family and vice versa. It brings prosperity to the family as a whole, but especially to one of the parents or parent figures in your life.
This aspect also shows the ‘expansion of the family unit’. Generally this happens through birth or marriage. Sometimes through meeting people who are ‘like’ family to you; people who support you unconditionally. Perhaps the best thing that happens is that the emotional life will be up and optimistic. Good moods draw good events.
Not everything is rosy with the family. In-laws are having a rough time with surgeries, perhaps near-death kinds of experiences and dramatic personal changes. But somehow the family bands together and stays optimistic. There is a ‘can do’ spirit in the family.
Aries of childbearing age are much more fertile than usual this period. This is so in 2014 as well.
You have the kind of chart of someone who hosts religious services, scripture studies, or prayer meetings at the home – especially after June 27. In fact the family as a whole seems more religion oriented.
If you’re planning renovations (and especially construction) any time after June 27 would be good, but July 13 to August 28 is best. If you’re beautifying the home, redecorating or repainting, June 3 to June 28 is good.
Siblings and sibling figures in your life are prospering this year. Overall they are having a good year, but don’t seem likely to move. If they have been single, they seem involved in a serious romance. Parent figures could be having cosmetic-type surgery (although this could have already happened). Children are not likely to move this year. They want to, but they are better off making better use of the space they have.
Finance and Career
Your 2nd house of finance is not a house of power this year. You are coming off a banner financial year in 2012 and seem more or less satisfied. This is a status quo kind of year. You have no special need to make dramatic changes. However, there is a Solar Eclipse on May 10 that occurs in your money house and this will create some change. This will be short term though.
Fast-moving Venus is your financial planet, thus there are all kinds of short-term trends depending on where she is and the aspects she receives. These are best dealt with in the monthly reports. In general though, money tends to come to you in a variety of ways, through a variety of people. You are very flexible when it comes to earnings.
With Venus as your love planet as well as your financial planet, your social connections are of utmost importance in finance. Basically Aries is an independent sort who likes to chart his or her own destiny, but when it comes to finance, they need others.
With Venus as the financial planet you can never measure the native’s wealth just by their financial statements. Their real wealth is in who they know, in the relationships that they have built up. In the corporate world they often place a monetary amount on this ‘goodwill’, above and beyond the actual physical assets that the company has.
Though the money house is empty this year there will be periods when the short-term planets move through there and activate it temporarily. These will be peak financial periods for the year. This year it happens from April 20 to May 31.
Your spouse, partner or current love is feeling financially stressed this year. They need to reorganize their finances. If they juggle things around a little, they will find that they have all the resources they need. Over the next two years they will become financially healthier; they’ll get rid of a lot of waste and learn to manage their money better. It’s not always pleasant but is really a cosmic workshop in financial management.
Career – professional status and prestige – is much more important than mere money this year. Money and career tend to be related, but not always. Many people will sacrifice earnings for a more prestigious position. Not everyone is like that but many are, and you are one of them.
Pluto the planet of transformation, death and rebirth, has been in your 10th house of career for some years now, while Saturn, your career planet, moved into your 8th house of transformation, death and rebirth in October 2012. So we have a double message here. Your company, your industry, your profession is undergoing deep transformation, being completely reformed. This process has been going on for some years but is accelerating now. In coming years these might not even be recognizable – it will be as if you were in a new company, industry or profession.
There are many scenarios as to how these things happen, too many to list here. But sometimes there are major leadership changes in your company or industry. Sometimes the top people have surgeries or near-death kinds of experiences. Sometimes there is a bankruptcy or near bankruptcy of the company. Sometimes the government creates new rules and regulations that reform an industry. We have mentioned only a few. But the stresses in the career are the birth pangs of something new and wonderful. Birth was never an easy or painless process.
Love and Social Life
Your 7th house of marriage and partnerships is not a house of power this year. This tends to the status quo, with nothing special happening in the love life. Singles will most likely stay single; married couples will most likely stay married. Sure, there will be periods in the year when the love life will be more active as the short-term planets activate this house, but these are short-term trends, not trends for the year. This year these periods will be from August 16 to October 23 and from December 7 to the end of the year.
Though your 7th house is empty, the social life in general seems much improved over the past two years. In 2009–2011 Saturn was moving through this house. Love was tested and there were many a divorce or separation. Serious relationships and friendships were also severely tested. The good ones survived – they always do – but the less than perfect, the ones that were flawed from the beginning didn’t survive. This is the purpose of these testings. If your marriage or relationship survived the past few years, it will probably survive anything. You’ve got something very special. The testing is over with and you can enjoy each other again. Those of you recovering from a divorce are probably not in the mood to marry so soon.
We have been speaking mainly of those in or working on the first or second marriages. Those working on the third marriage had romance last year and possibly even a marriage. The aspects look great in the year ahead too. There are tests and trials but they seem survivable. What I like here is that love is seeking you out. The beloved seems very devoted to you. There is a strong commitment here and this tends to survival.
Aries is in a season for exploring personal freedom. This is generally not so good for committed kinds of relationships. A committed relationship could work if freedom and change is allowed within the relationship. Those of you involved with an Aries in a romantic way need to understand this. Grant them as much freedom as possible so long as it isn’t destructive.
Whatever marriage you are working on this seems more of a ‘friendship’ year than a romantic one. Friends seek you out. Friends are devoted to you. Friends put your interests ahead of their own.
These are the general trends for the year. There will be many short-term love trends depending on where Venus is and the aspects she receives, but these are best dealt with in the monthly reports.
With Uranus in your sign for some years to come, there is a need to learn to cope with change. We may have mentioned this last year, but this lesson is still very much in effect. Change is the law of the universe. If you can learn to flow with the changes and not resist them, you will go through this very easily and harmoniously. If change is a law of the universe, then change actually – truly – is your friend, for the universe is for us, not against us. Change tends to bring insecurity and this is another area that needs to be dealt with. If the universe takes away one cherished toy, rest assured that it will replace it with a better toy. It is always working for our good.
With Uranus in the sign of Aries there is a mood of rebellion in the world. No one is feeling this more than Aries. Sometimes rebellion – especially against real oppression – is called for. But usually it is not. There are positive, constructive ways to change things. The positive way is to produce a better system, methodology, arrangement than what is current. It is not about loud yelling, bombast or violence. If you don’t like the way your company is run, create a better way on your own. Show it. Demonstrate it. If you are lucky enough to live in a democracy, exercise your rebellion with your vote and with political activism for what you do support.
The danger is that one can get into ‘blind rebellion’ – rebellion for the sake of rebellion. It doesn’t matter what the real issues are; authority is evil, merely because it is authority. This can have negative consequences both for the rebel and for the one he or she is rebelling against.
This mood will be especially prevalent with Aries children. They will be more difficult to handle. If you have Aries children the first step is to give them as much freedom as possible so long as it isn’t destructive. Encourage them to get into creative hobbies where they can express their originality and rebellious urges in safe, constructive ways. If you want them to do something avoid the ‘authoritarian’ approach. Let them know the logic, the rationale behind your request – and not just ‘because I said so’.
Month-by-month Forecasts
Best Days Overall: 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28
Most Stressful Days Overall: 4, 5, 10, 11, 24, 25, 31
Best Days for Love: 4, 5, 8, 9, 18, 19, 29, 30, 31
Best Days for Money: 4, 8, 9, 12, 18, 19, 20, 22, 29, 30, 31
Best Days for Career: 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 24, 25
You begin your year with 70 per cent and sometimes 80 per cent of the planets above the horizon in the upper part of the Horoscope. Your 10th career house is very powerful all month, but especially until the 19th. You are in the midst of a yearly career peak. You are in the noon time of your year. Focus on the career and your outer, worldly objectives. You can safely let go of home and family issues for a while. You can best serve your family by succeeding in the outer world. This is a month of great career progress: pay rises and promotions are likely.
Last month the planets began to shift from the Western, social, sector of your chart to the Eastern sector. This month, on the 19th, the shift is even stronger. The Eastern, independent, sector is now dominant. As our regular readers know, this is a time to take charge of your destiny, to shape conditions and circumstances the way you want them to be to create your personal nirvana. You have the power to do it now. Others will most likely go along with you, but if not, you can go it alone. After six or so months with the planets in the West, where you were forced to adapt to situations, you can readily see what needs changing and can now set about fixing things.
During this month 90 per cent of the planets are in forward motion, and by the end of the month ALL the planets will be forward. So this is a fast-paced kind of month and you should see rapid progress towards your goals.
This is a very good month for both love and money. Venus, both your financial planet and your love planet, is in Sagittarius until the 19th. This indicates increased earnings, luck in speculations and a generally upbeat attitude to finance. Sure, there are some problems, but you have the faith and the confidence to deal with them. After the 19th Venus crosses the Mid-heaven and moves into your 10th house of career. This shows pay raises. Financial opportunity comes from your good professional reputation and from the financial favour of bosses, elders and authority figures – perhaps even from the government. If you have issues with the government it might be advisable to handle them after the 19th. The financial planet in Capricorn after the 19th indicates a sound financial judgement, a good long-term perspective on finance. Before the 19th you are a free spender, perhaps an impulse spender. Afterwards you seem more responsible.
Your spouse or current love is making dramatic financial changes these days. He or she seems stressed. You seem the bigger earner right now. For singles there are love opportunities in foreign lands and in educational or religious-type settings. Until the 19th you are impulsive in love, but caution and perhaps testing will come after the 19th. The question is, can you restrain your ardour while your love planet is in Capricorn?
Health is good overall, but this is not one of your best months. Rest and relax more until the 19th. Happily you seem focused more on health this month and this is good news.
Best Days Overall: 5, 13, 14, 23, 24
Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28
Best Days for Love: 1, 9, 10, 18, 19, 27, 28
Best Days for Money: 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 27
Best Days for Career: 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 20, 21
Career is still successful and a major focus, but the interest is fading somewhat. Generally this is because many short-term goals have been achieved and it’s now time to focus on other things. Since the 19th of last month, your 11th house of friends has been powerful and this continues until the 18th of this month. You are in a strong social period, but it’s not necessarily a romantic period. It’s more about friendship and group activities. Your understanding of technology increases this month, and when Venus enters your 11th house on the 2nd, you seem to be spending on hi-tech gadgets.
The planetary momentum is overwhelmingly forward. Until the 18th all the planets are moving forward. Thus this is an excellent period for starting new projects or launching new products – the 10th to the 18th is the best time (the Moon will be in her waxing cycle).
On the 18th your career planet, Saturn, starts to retrograde. If you need to negotiate with bosses or the government or make other important career decisions, it’s best to do this before this date.
The finances of your spouse, partner or current love seem improved this month, but he or she is not out of the woods. There needs to be a re-organization and restructuring there.
This month is a spiritual kind of month. Mars, your ruling planet, moves into your 12th house of spirituality on the 2nd. From the 3rd to the 5th it will travel (conjunct) with your spiritual planet Neptune. On the 5th, Mercury will move into the 12th house; on the 18th the Sun will move into this house, and on the 26th Venus will join the party. This is a month for spiritual-type breakthroughs. The invisible world is very close to you and unusually active in your affairs. This is a period for supernatural kinds of experiences – synchronicities, enhanced ESP and prophetic-type dreams. Those of you on a spiritual path will make great progress this month, and many of you will actually experience the things that you are reading about in books or hearing at the lectures or seminars.
When Mars is conjunct with Neptune (from the 3rd to the 5th), it’s best to avoid alcohol or drugs. You are naturally high that period and these things could put you over the edge. The intuition will be sharp all month, but especially that period.
The element of Water will be very strong all month, but especially after the 18th; 60 per cent and sometimes 70 per cent of the planets will be in water signs. Thus people around you will be much more sensitive than usual. They will react to seemingly insignificant things – voice tones, body language and facial expressions. Take more care with other people’s feelings now, especially those of children.
Best Days Overall: 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31
Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 6, 7, 20, 21, 27, 28
Best Days for Love: 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 21, 22, 27, 28, 31
Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 27, 28, 31
Best Days for Career: 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 20, 21, 29, 30
Many of the trends that we wrote of last month are still very much in effect. The Water element continues to be strong. Until the 20th, up to 70 per cent of the planets are in water signs. Keep in mind our previous discussion. When water is strong people tend to get depressed more easily. They view the world – the future – according to the mood of the moment. Logic is completely over-ridden. Understanding this – and this is what astrology is really all about – will help you to handle this better.
The planets are now at their maximum Eastern position in your chart, so your personal independence, your personal power, is at its maximum right now. Now it’s time to have life on your terms. Let the world adjust to you for a change. (Of course others are always to be treated with respect, but you can go your own way as long as you are not being destructive to others.)
Health and energy are excellent this month, and especially after the 20th as the Sun enters your sign. You have all the energy you need to achieve anything you set your mind to. You can enhance health even further by giving more attention to the feet; regular foot massages will be unusually powerful this month. Your health planet went retrograde on February 23 and will be retrograde until the 19th, so avoid making major dietary changes, or changes to the health regime, until after the 19th. Be more careful in communication as well. A thoughtless word can have all kinds of repercussions that you never imagined.
Your spiritual 12th house is still powerful until the 20th, so bear in mind last month’s discussion. Now would be an excellent time to review the past year, evaluate your progress (or lack of progress), correct mistakes, forgive those who need to be forgiven and set your goals for the year ahead. Your birthday is your personal new year and is a very important time astrologically speaking. You want to start your new year with a clean slate.
Mars will be conjunct to Uranus towards the end of the month, from the 27th to the 30th (although you will be feeling the effects before this). Avoid daredevil kinds of stunts and watch the temper. Aries children (who have been rebellious for a few years now) are more rebellious than usual. Avoid rush and impatience now, although it will be difficult – you are energetic and raring to go. Be more mindful on the physical plane.
Best Days Overall: 1, 9, 10, 19, 20, 27, 28
Most Stressful Days Overall: 2, 3, 16, 17, 23, 24, 29, 30
Best Days for Love: 1, 9, 10, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30
Best Days for Money: 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30
Best Days for Career: 2, 3, 6, 7, 16, 17, 25, 26, 29, 30
Since the Sun went into your sign on March 20, life has been good. You are having your way. You are strong. (Whatever your age or stage in life, you have more energy than usual.) The physical appearance shines. The libido roars. You do the work of ten people and in half the time. Love and financial opportunities are seeking you out. This has been the case since March 22 and will continue until the 15th of this month. No need to search far and wide for love – you can’t avoid it! There’s no need to indulge in all the stratagems that most people employ, you just need to show up. Just go about your daily routine. Love seems happy this month, and especially from the 5th to the 9th as Venus travels with Mars, your personal planet. For singles this shows an important love meeting. For the already attached it indicates a more romantic period with the beloved.
Health and energy are still very good. I would say they are at the maximum for the year ahead. So you have all the fire power to achieve whatever you want to achieve. Until the 14th enhance the health through foot massage. Spiritual techniques are very powerful during this period too. After the 14th you respond very well to scalp and face massage. Vigorous physical exercise (which you seem to be into anyway) also enhances the health. The main danger healthwise (as it was last month) is from accident or injury due to haste or impatience. When we rush we lose our awareness and thus become more vulnerable to these things.
The Sun is in Aries and the planetary momentum is overwhelmingly forward: 90 per cent of the planets are moving forward this month. Thus you are in the best ‘starting energy’ of your year. This is another good period to launch those new products or projects into the world. I especially like the 10th to the 19th – the Sun and Mars are in Aries and the Moon is waxing.
On the 19th the Sun enters your money house and you begin a yearly financial peak. Mars will enter this house a day later on the 20th. So you are in a period of peak earnings. You are focused here and we tend to get what we focus on. Now is the time to build up the bank balance and investment portfolio. There is luck in speculations, but also other lucky breaks in your financial life as well. Your spouse, partner or current love (and your social circle in general) is supportive of your financial goals. You manage to combine business and pleasure this period. You socialize with the people you do business with and do business with friends. After the 20th, your spouse, partner or current love’s finances also improve. There are still many changes going on but this period is a ‘respite’, a financial vacation.
There is a Lunar Eclipse on the 25th. Take things nice and easy during that period. Avoid speculations and be more patient with children and children figures in your life. Family members should also avoid risky kinds of activities.
Best Days Overall: 6, 7, 16, 17, 25, 26
Most Stressful Days Overall: 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 27, 28
Best Days for Love: 10, 11, 21, 22, 29, 30
Best Days for Money: 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 21, 22, 29, 30
Best Days for Career: 4, 13, 14, 23, 27, 28, 31
On March 20 the planets began to shift from the upper to the lower half of your Horoscope. Last month the shift got even stronger. This month 60 per cent and sometimes 70 per cent of the planets are below the horizon of your chart. Your career goals have more or less been attained and now it is time to focus more on the home and family and to get this area of life in order. Career is still very important but you can shift some attention to the home and to your emotional life. There is a need now to find (and function from) your personal point of emotional harmony. When this is found, the career will go well in very natural ways. If you’ve been ignoring the family recently now is the time to start mending fences and restoring harmony.
You are still very much into a yearly financial peak until May 20. Prosperity is happening but there are some bumps along the way. A Solar Eclipse on the 10th occurs in your money house, and this indicates dramatic financial changes. These changes probably needed to be made long ago but now the eclipse forces the issue. The changes seem good in the long term, but in the short term they are not comfortable.
Health and energy are still very good, but it won’t hurt to reduce your schedule during the eclipse period. This Solar Eclipse also affects children or children figures in your life. Often it brings life-changing kinds of events in their lives. They are forced now to redefine their image, their personality and the way they think of themselves. Generally this leads to wardrobe changes – changes in hair style, hair colour and overall presentation.
There is a Lunar Eclipse on the 25th in your 9th house. Though the eclipse is basically benign to you, it won’t hurt to take things easier. Like every Lunar Eclipse the home and family are affected (so it is good that you are focusing more here). Family members can be more temperamental, so more patience is needed. Often there is a need for repairs in the home as hidden flaws come out. Students seem affected strongly by this. There can be changes of school or changes in courses or educational plans. There will be dramatic, life-changing kinds of events with the people at your place of worship or with a religious organization you belong to.
On the whole though, the month ahead looks good. Venus will be travelling with Jupiter towards the end of the month (from the 27th to the 29th); this indicates a nice payday, a nice financial windfall or opportunity. For singles this shows a happy love meeting. For those who are married it indicates more romance with the present partner.
Best Days Overall: 2, 3, 12, 13, 21, 22, 30, 31
Most Stressful Days Overall: 10, 11, 17, 18, 23, 24
Best Days for Love: 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28
Best Days for Money: 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28
Best Days for Career: 1, 10, 19, 23, 24, 27
The planets are now at their maximum lowest position in the chart. You are in the ‘midnight hour’ of your year, which is considered a very ‘magical’ hour of the day. The old day is over with and a new day has begun – only it is not yet apparent to the senses. Midnight is not for outer kinds of activities but for the activities of the night: sleep, and the collecting of forces for the new day. This is the time to work on your outer goals by ‘interior’ methods – though dreaming, visualizing and entering into the ‘inner condition’ of what you want or where you want to be. This is the necessary prelude for attaining any goal. You are like a seed germinating in the ground. Mighty things are happening, only they cannot be seen. But when the daytime of your year comes around (in a few months’ time) they will be seen. The seedling will burst from the earth and flower in visible, tangible reality.
Early in the month the focus is on communication and intellectual interests. A good time to catch up on those letters, emails and phone calls you owe, and great for taking courses in subjects that interest you – for expanding your knowledge base and exercising the mind. But after the 21st, the Sun enters Cancer, your 4th house of home and family. Jupiter will enter here on the 27th too. Now is the time for focusing on the family.
This is a month for making psychological kinds of breakthroughs. You will tend to be more nostalgic this period, to reminisce more. Often people from your past come back into the life and jog the memory. You will have a greater interest in history as well; not just your personal history but history in general.
Though career is not that important right now, much career progress is happening. Your career planet, Saturn, is receiving beautiful aspects. There is much success – and perhaps promotion and pay rises – happening, only it will manifest later on. Your career planet is retrograde.
Neptune, your spiritual planet, is also receiving very beautiful aspects. So, for those on the spiritual path there are important breakthroughs happening, revelations from on high. Your intuition is super.
Health needs more watching after the 21st. As always, rest and relax more: avoid burning the candle at both ends. Enhance the health through a right diet and give more attention to the stomach. Women should give more attention to the breasts. Emotional health is very important this month. Avoid depression like the plague. Keep the moods peaceful and constructive.
Love and money are close to home. Family connections play an important role in both. Family seems very supportive these days. A parent figure enters a two-year cycle of prosperity.
Best Days Overall: 1, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 27, 28
Most Stressful Days Overall: 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22
Best Days for Love: 1, 10, 11, 14, 15, 19, 20, 29, 30
Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, 16, 17, 19, 20, 25, 29, 30
Best Days for Career: 7, 16, 17, 21, 22, 25
Many of the trends we wrote of last month are still very much in effect. So review our discussion of last month.
Last month, on the 21st, the planetary power shifted from the East to the West. This month, on the 18th, Mars, your ruling planet, also shifts to the West. The social, Western sector is now dominant for the next five or six months. Hopefully, you have already made the personal changes that you needed to make. Hopefully, you have already created the conditions that you wanted to create. Now, it is time to live with your creation. If you have created wisely, it is a time to enjoy it. If you have made mistakes, well, now you experience the consequences of the mistakes. It’s not so easy as it was to have your way. Now you have to adapt to situations as best you can and cultivate your social skills. The good graces of others are the most vital thing right now, in finance, love and career.
Health still needs watching until the 23rd. We don’t see major problems here, but this is not your best health period. Energy is not up to its usual standard and thus you are more vulnerable to problems. Enhance the health in the ways mentioned last month. Your health planet Mercury is retrograde until the 21st, so avoid making major changes to the health regime without more research. Diet is important now, but study the matter thoroughly before making changes. Health and vitality will return after the 23rd.
Like last month career is not that important, but in spite of this many wonderful, behind-the-scenes things are happening. On the 8th your career planet starts to move forward, and thus there is more clarity about the career.
The spiritual life is also satisfying and successful. The spiritual faculties – ESP, intuition, etc. – are very much enhanced.
Mars travels with Jupiter from the 18th to the 24th, which is a very happy transit. A foreign trip is happening. Students have success in their studies or in getting into a good school or college. A nice financial windfall or opportunity comes, and people in authority look upon you with favour.
Love is happy this period. Singles are meeting people they can have fun with, rather than making serious commitments. Until the 23rd you seem to ‘leap before you look’ – you are a ‘love at first sight’ kind of person. But after that date you become more cautious (and rightfully so). Venus in Virgo from the 23rd onwards is not one of her favourite positions. She becomes too analytical – and romance is to do with the heart, not the head. You will have to exert more effort in showing love and warmth to others after the 23rd.
Best Days Overall: 6, 7, 15, 16, 23, 24
Most Stressful Days Overall: 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 30, 31
Best Days for Love: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 25, 26
Best Days for Money: 3, 8, 9, 13, 14, 19, 21, 22, 25, 26, 30, 31
Best Days for Career: 3, 13, 17, 18, 21, 30
Last month on the 22nd you entered a yearly personal pleasure peak, which is still in effect for the rest of the month ahead. Enjoy. This is a time for exploring the joys of life, for leisure-type activities and recreation. Aries of childbearing age have been fertile since last month, and now even more so. Enjoy your life, but don’t get too carried away by ‘irrational exuberance’ – especially on the 1st and 2nd. Drive more carefully, try to avoid risky kinds of activities and watch the temper. If you read the newspapers on those days you’ll understand what we’re referring to.
The element of Water is still very strong this month, so be more mindful of other people’s feelings. Everyone is more sensitive these days.
This is a time of year when people like to travel abroad, but this doesn’t seem advisable this period. Try especially to avoid foreign travel from the 18th to the 25th. The journeys that are favourable now are ‘interior’ ones into your past or past lives; emotional and mental journeys rather than actual physical ones. Legal issues can take a surprising turn from the 18th to the 25th. Students make changes to educational plans this period.
Venus is still in Virgo until the 16th. This is not the best aspect for love. Like last month you will have to work harder to project warmth and love to others. You (or the people you attract) can be overly perfectionist in love, overly critical and analytical. This attitude will kill romantic moments and opportunities. It is good to want perfection in love – you deserve it – but you need to go about it in the right way, in a constructive way.
Love will be much happier when Venus moves into her own sign of Libra on the 16th. Here she is strong on your behalf. The social magnetism will be stronger than usual. You are in a more romantic mood. You attract more romantic kinds of people. A serious relationship is not indicated here – you are in a fun-loving mood – but the opportunities for it are there.
Until the 16th, money is earned the old-fashioned way, through work and practical service to others. After the 16th, the social dimension (always important for you) becomes even more important in finances. Social connections and your ability to get on with others improve the bottom line. Job seekers have good fortune this month. Your 6th house of work becomes powerful after the 22nd. Those who employ others will find suitable employees if they need them.
Health is good all month.
Best Days Overall: 2, 3, 11, 12, 20, 21, 29, 30
Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 7, 8, 13, 14, 27, 28
Best Days for Love: 7, 8, 17, 18, 27, 28
Best Days for Money: 1, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 27, 28
Best Days for Career: 1, 9, 10, 13, 14, 18, 27
The planetary power makes an important shift this month. By the 22nd, the upper half of the Horoscope (the sector of career and outer activities) becomes stronger than the lower half (home, family and emotional issues). Dawn is breaking in your year. It is time to wake up and be about, time to work on your career and outer goals by the methods of day – through overt physical action. Family life will still be very important, but you can shift more attention to the career now. This is the best way to serve your family.
You are still very much in a creative, fun kind of period. But less so than last month. Work has been important since August 22. This is a time to be more productive at work, to handle all those boring, detail-oriented jobs like getting your accounts in order, proof-reading your letters or reports, getting your files in order – things of this nature. It is still a favourable time for job seekers and for those who employ others.
On the 22nd you enter your yearly social peak. Romance is on your mind. You are in the mood for it and opportunities are abundant. While a marriage is not likely, there are still happy romantic experiences and opportunities happening. In general, you are going out more, attending more parties and gatherings.
The month ahead seems hectic. You are trying to balance many, many conflicting interests: an active social life, the need for fun and entertainment, your spiritual life, home and career. You’ve got a full plate this month. Also it seems that you are involved in some major, complicated project – launching a new business or institution. These big projects always tend to be complicated. Thus, you need to rest and relax more and pay more attention to health. Until the 9th, health is enhanced by paying more attention to the small intestine. Right diet is still an issue for you. After the 9th, give more attention to the kidneys and hips. Regular hip massage will be wonderful. Discord in love or with friends can be a cause of health problems, so work to maintain harmony here. From the 29th onwards, give more attention to the colon, bladder and sexual organs. Safe sex and sexual moderation is important then.
In spite of all the stress the month ahead seems prosperous. Your spouse, partner or current love is having a good month, both personally and financially. There is still a financial re-organization going on but this month things seem easier. He or she seems more financially supportive as well. Friends in general are more financially supportive. There is a nice payday happening on the 27th–28th as Venus makes fabulous aspects to Jupiter. This also brings a very happy romantic meeting or social opportunity.
Best Days Overall: 1, 8, 9, 17, 18, 27, 28
Most Stressful Days Overall: 4, 5, 11, 12, 24, 25, 31
Best Days for Love: 4, 5, 7, 8, 17, 18, 27, 28, 31
Best Days for Money: 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 27, 28
Best Days for Career: 6, 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 24, 25
Like last month the pace of life is frenetic, and you are working hard to balance many competing interests. Continue to rest and relax more; it is difficult right now but if you shift the rhythm of life a bit you can do it. Instead of go-go-go, make it go-go-rest. Often we can maximize energy by letting go of trivial things and focusing on the essentials. Like last month you can enhance the health by giving more attention to the colon, bladder and sexual organs. Safe sex and sexual moderation continue to be important. The month ahead seems more sexually active than usual, but if you listen to your body (and not your mind) you will know when enough is enough. Mercury, your health planet, goes retrograde on the 21st, so avoid making major changes to the diet or health regime after that period. Health and vitality should improve after the 23rd.
Your spouse, partner or current love is in a yearly financial peak from the 23rd onwards. But still there are many dramatic financial changes going on – it seems to me they are for the better though.
The work load is frenetic this month, but after the 15th, as Mars enters your 6th house, you have a strong work ethic and you seem able to handle it. Job opportunities need more research after the 21st. Read all the fine print in contracts. Ask questions. Resolve any doubts. Happy career opportunities are happening after the 23rd. Children or children figures also have career success during this period.
You are still in a yearly social peak until the 23rd. After then, your 8th house of transformation becomes powerful. The interests shift to personal transformation and reinvention, past lives and life after death. On the financial level, you are focused on debt and taxes.
A Lunar Eclipse on the 18th is strong in its effect on you, so reduce your schedule. Like every Lunar Eclipse the home and family are affected. If there are hidden problems in the home (or with family members) they come out now so that they can be dealt with. This eclipse occurs in your own sign. Those born later in the sign of Aries – April 13–20 – seem most affected. There is a redefinition of your image and personality happening. You are going to present a ‘new you’ to the public. Students make important changes in educational plans. Legal issues start to move forward, either positively or negatively (but the aspects seem mostly positive now).
Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 13, 14, 23, 24
Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29
Best Days for Love: 1, 7, 16, 17, 26, 27, 28, 29
Best Days for Money: 3, 4, 7, 11, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 26, 27, 30
Best Days for Career: 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 20, 21, 30
The Solar Eclipse on the 3rd is basically benign to you, but it won’t hurt to reduce your schedule anyway. It occurs in your 8th house of transformation, which often shows a need to deal with issues of death. Not necessarily personal physical death; sometimes it brings encounters with death or near-death kinds of experiences, and most of the time these encounters are on the psychological level. There is a need to overcome fears about it, to get a deeper understanding of it.
The eclipse also indicates more financial changes for the spouse, partner or current love. This has been going on all year, but now it is intensified. In general, though, this is a good financial month for this person. The Sun rules children generically. In your chart, as Lord of the 5th house, it is the actual ruler of children. So there are dramas, life-changing kinds of events, in the lives of the children (or children figures) in your life. These events need not necessarily be bad, but they are important and change your relationship with them. Those of you ready to give birth around this time (and many of you are) need to take care.
Health and energy are very good this month, and will get even better when the Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 22nd. You have all the energy you need to achieve your goals.
Love is happy but complicated this month. On the one hand, you are mixing with the high and mighty – people above you in status. You have a knack for meeting people socially who can help your career. Love is high on the agenda after the 5th and this focus leads to success. There are romantic opportunities with bosses and your superiors this month. The problem is that you seem too practical about love. It is more difficult to show your natural warmth to others. You seem slow and cautious about love and find it difficult to give your heart to another. Those involved with Aries romantically need to be more patient with them. From the 14th to the 16th Venus makes aspects to Pluto and Uranus, and this can shake things up a bit – a lover’s spat, a quarrel, or abrupt mood changes in love. This is short term and might even lead to good later on. The air gets cleared.
Finances are good this period. Bosses, elders, parents or parent figures are supportive financially. There could be pay rises (official or unofficial) happening. Sometimes the boss doesn’t give you an actual raise but instead arranges things so that you make more. You and your spouse, partner or current love seem in financial harmony and are cooperating with each other.
Best Days Overall: 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31
Most Stressful Days Overall: 4, 5, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26
Best Days for Love: 4, 5, 13, 14, 23, 24, 25, 26
Best Days for Money: 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 18, 19, 23, 24, 28, 29
Best Days for Career: 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 18, 19, 28, 29
A happy and successful month ahead. Until the 21st, your 9th house is powerful. Thus foreign lands call to you. Keep in mind though that Jupiter is retrograde, so foreign travel might not be so advisable. If you must travel, protect yourself. Insure your tickets and don’t schedule connecting flights too tightly. Allow more time to get to and from your destination. Religion, philosophy and higher education are important this month as well. Students at the college or postgraduate level should do well this month. Learning need not be a chore. It is actually one of the great pleasures of life, as you will learn this month.
Health is very good until the 21st. After the 5th give attention to the liver and thighs. Regular thigh massage is powerful. After the 24th, as Mercury moves into Capricorn, give more attention to the spine, knees and skin. Regular back massage will be powerful. If you feel under the weather a visit to the chiropractor or osteopath might be a good idea. Health becomes more delicate after the 21st. Try to rest and relax more. You seem very busy, more than usual, so this will be a challenge. However, if you drop the trivia from your life and focus on what is really important you will have all the energy you need to achieve your goals. In previous months you could afford to be profligate with your energy, but not now.
This month, on the 21st, the planets start to make an important shift from the Western sector to the Eastern sector of the chart. From this point onwards – well into next year – you will be becoming more independent day by day. You once again enter a cycle where you can have things your way. No need to compromise or ‘people please’; your destiny, your happiness is in your own hands.
On the 21st you enter a yearly career peak. Family is still important, but the main focus should be on the career. You owe it to your family to be successful. There is much success, much progress happening here.
Be patient with finances this month. Your financial planet Venus is in Capricorn, and so the financial trends that we wrote of last month are still in effect. Pay rises are still likely. But now you should take a long-term view of wealth. Avoid the ‘quick buck’. Build wealth methodically over time. This is a very good month to set up a financial plan, or long-term savings or investment plan. Your financial planet will go retrograde on the 21st, so avoid major purchases or important financial decisions after the 21st. Do your holiday shopping early this year!
Love is a mixed picture. On the one hand, you are active here – aggressive in love. You seem popular as well. Yet, you seem out of synch with the beloved. You will have to work harder to make things work. He or she seems on top right now, calling the shots, and this could be hard to handle.