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ОглавлениеTHE TWINS
Birthdays from
21st May to
20th June
Personality Profile
Element: Air
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Career Planet: Neptune
Love Planet: Jupiter
Money Planet: Moon
Planet of Health and Work: Pluto
Planet of Home and Family Life: Mercury
Colours: blue, yellow, yellow–orange
Colour that promotes love, romance and social harmony: sky blue
Colours that promote earning power: grey, silver
Gems: agate, aquamarine
Metal: quicksilver
Scents: lavender, lilac, lily of the valley, storax
Quality: mutable (= flexibility)
Quality most needed for balance: thought that is deep rather than superficial
Strongest virtues: great communication skills, quickness and agility of thought, ability to learn quickly
Deepest need: communication
Characteristics to avoid: gossiping, hurting others with harsh speech, superficiality, using words to mislead or misinform
Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Libra, Aquarius
Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces
Sign most helpful to career: Pisces
Sign most helpful for emotional support: Virgo
Sign most helpful financially: Cancer
Sign best for marriage and/or partnerships: Sagittarius
Sign most helpful for creative projects: Libra
Best Sign to have fun with: Libra
Signs most helpful in spiritual matters: Taurus, Aquarius
Best day of the week: Wednesday
Understanding a Gemini
Gemini is to society what the nervous system is to the body. It does not introduce any new information but is a vital transmitter of impulses from the senses to the brain and vice versa. The nervous system does not judge or weigh these impulses – it only conveys information. And it does so perfectly.
This analogy should give you an indication of a Gemini’s role in society. Geminis are the communicators and conveyors of information. To Geminis the truth or falsehood of information is irrelevant, they only transmit what they see, hear or read about. Thus they are capable of spreading the most outrageous rumours as well as conveying truth and light. Geminis sometimes tend to be unscrupulous in their communications and can do both great good or great evil with their power. This is why the sign of Gemini is symbolized by twins: Geminis have a dual nature.
Their ability to convey a message – to communicate with such ease – makes Geminis ideal teachers, writers and media and marketing people. This is helped by the fact that Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini, also rules these activities.
Geminis have the gift of the gab. And what a gift this is! They can make conversation about anything, anywhere, at any time. There is almost nothing that is more fun to Geminis than a good conversation – especially if they can learn something new as well. They love to learn and they love to teach. To deprive a Gemini of conversation, or of books and magazines, is cruel and unusual punishment.
Geminis are almost always excellent students and take well to education. Their minds are generally stocked with all kinds of information, trivia, anecdotes, stories, news items, rarities, facts and statistics. Thus they can support any intellectual position that they care to take. They are awesome debaters and, if involved in politics, make good orators. Geminis are so verbally smooth that even if they do not know what they are talking about, they can make you think that they do. They will always dazzle you with their brilliance.
Geminis tend to be more concerned with the wealth of learning and ideas than with actual material wealth. As mentioned, they excel in professions that involve writing, teaching, sales and journalism – and not all of these professions pay very well. But to sacrifice intellectual needs merely for money is unthinkable to a Gemini. Geminis strive to combine the two. Cancer is on Gemini’s solar 2nd house (of money) cusp, which indicates that Geminis can earn extra income (in a harmonious and natural way) from investments in residential property, restaurants and hotels. Given their verbal skills, Geminis love to bargain and negotiate in any situation, and especially when it has to do with money.
The Moon rules Gemini’s 2nd solar house. The Moon is not only the fastest-moving planet in the zodiac but actually moves through every sign and house every 28 days. No other heavenly body matches the Moon for swiftness or the ability to change quickly. An analysis of the Moon – and lunar phenomena in general – describes Gemini’s financial attitudes very well. Geminis are financially versatile and flexible; they can earn money in many different ways. Their financial attitudes and needs seem to change daily. Their feelings about money change also: sometimes they are very enthusiastic about it, at other times they could not care less.
For a Gemini, financial goals and money are often seen only as means of supporting a family; these things have little meaning otherwise.
The Moon, as Gemini’s money planet, has another important message for Gemini financially: in order for Geminis to realize their financial potential they need to develop more of an understanding of the emotional side of life. They need to combine their awesome powers of logic with an understanding of human psychology. Feelings have their own logic; Geminis need to learn this and apply it to financial matters.
Career and Public Image
Geminis know that they have been given the gift of communication for a reason, that it is a power that can achieve great good or cause unthinkable distress. They long to put this power at the service of the highest and most transcendental truths. This is their primary goal, to communicate the eternal verities and prove them logically. They look up to people who can transcend the intellect – to poets, artists, musicians and mystics. They may be awed by stories of religious saints and martyrs. A Gemini’s highest achievement is to teach the truth, whether it is scientific, inspirational or historical. Those who can transcend the intellect are Gemini’s natural superiors – and a Gemini realizes this.
The sign of Pisces is in Gemini’s solar 10th house of career. Neptune, the planet of spirituality and altruism, is Gemini’s career planet. If Geminis are to realize their highest career potential they need to develop their transcendental – their spiritual and altruistic – side. They need to understand the larger cosmic picture, the vast flow of human evolution – where it came from and where it is heading. Only then can a Gemini’s intellectual powers take their true position and he or she can become the ‘messenger of the gods’. Geminis need to cultivate a facility for ‘inspiration’, which is something that does not originate in the intellect but which comes through the intellect. This will further enrich and empower a Gemini’s mind.
Love and Relationships
Geminis bring their natural garrulousness and brilliance into their love life and social life as well. A good talk or a verbal joust is an interesting prelude to romance. Their only problem in love is that their intellect is too cool and passionless to incite ardour in others. Emotions sometimes disturb them, and their partners tend to complain about this. If you are in love with a Gemini you must understand why this is so. Geminis avoid deep passions because these would interfere with their ability to think and communicate. If they are cool towards you, understand that this is their nature.
Nevertheless, Geminis must understand that it is one thing to talk about love and another actually to love – to feel it and radiate it. Talking about love glibly will get them nowhere. They need to feel it and act on it. Love is not of the intellect but of the heart. If you want to know how a Gemini feels about love you should not listen to what he or she says, but rather, observe what he or she does. Geminis can be quite generous to those they love.
Geminis like their partners to be refined, well educated and well travelled. If their partners are more wealthy than they, that is all the better. If you are in love with a Gemini you had better be a good listener as well.
The ideal relationship for the Gemini is a relationship of the mind. They enjoy the physical and emotional aspects, of course, but if the intellectual communion is not there they will suffer.
Home and Domestic Life
At home the Gemini can be uncharacteristically neat and meticulous. They tend to want their children and partner to live up to their idealistic standards. When these standards are not met they moan and criticize. However, Geminis are good family people and like to serve their families in practical and useful ways.
The Gemini home is comfortable and pleasant. They like to invite people over and they make great hosts. Geminis are also good at repairs and improvements around the house – all fuelled by their need to stay active and occupied with something they like to do. Geminis have many hobbies and interests that keep them busy when they are home alone.
Geminis understand and get along well with their children, mainly because they are very youthful people themselves. As great communicators, Geminis know how to explain things to children; in this way they gain their children’s love and respect. Geminis also encourage children to be creative and talkative, just like they are.
Horoscope for 2013
Major Trends
You’ve had many years of sudden, dramatic changes. One minute things are a certain way and then, all of a sudden, life is completely different. Many have experienced these kinds of things, but for you it has been non-stop. Things have settled down a bit the past two years – Uranus has moved away from its stressful aspect to you – but you’ve learned by now how to live with insecurity, and this was the whole point. Nothing on this earthly plane is ever permanent and we need to learn how to handle impermanence.
Last year two important transits happened. Neptune made a major move from your 9th house into your 10th house of career, and Jupiter moved into your own sign. Both of these affect finance and career. Jupiter’s move into Gemini in June 2012 initiated a two-year cycle of prosperity. So the year ahead is prosperous. Neptune’s move into your career house indicates more idealism in career matters. You tend to be idealistic about your career anyway, but now even more so. You will be known more for your charitable activities, your spiritual attainments, than for your outer career achievements. There are more details about this later.
Saturn moved into your 6th house of health and work last year and will be there for another two years. It indicates a need to work harder and in a more disciplined kind of way. The job situation seems difficult to handle, and many of you have changed jobs. This also had an impact on your health and health regime. More on this later.
Geminis of child-bearing age are more fertile this year. Weight in general needs more attention. However, love is blooming this year. It was good last year too, but this year it is perhaps even better. See later for details.
Your most important interests in the year ahead are the body, image and personal pleasure (until June 27); finance (from June 27 onwards); health and work; sex, occult interests, personal reinvention, past lives, life after death; career; friends, groups, and group activities. You have many interests this year; be careful not to disperse your energies. Try to select the most important things and focus on them.
Your paths of greatest fulfilment this year are the body, image and personal pleasure (until June 27); finance (after June 27); health and work.
(Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days of yore there was no difference, these perspectives were identical. But now there could be quite a difference. For a medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.)
Health is vastly improved compared with the previous few years. This year, there is only one long-term planet stressing you out – Neptune – and this is not enough to cause major problems. Health should be good. Sure, there will be periods in the year when your health is less easy than usual, but these things are caused by short-term planetary transits, and these are temporary and not trends for the year; when they pass your normal good health and energy return.
Saturn in your house of health all year shows many things. One, you are more focused on health this year. You are willing to take on disciplined, tough health regimes. Since health looks good, I read this as working to maintain good health. It also indicates a need to give more attention to the spine, knees, teeth, bones, skin and overall skeletal alignment. Pluto, your health planet, is in the sign of Capricorn all year (and for many years to come) and Capricorn rules these same areas. Regular visits to a chiropractor or osteopath would be a good idea. The vertebrae need to be kept in right alignment. Yoga, Alexander Technique, Pilates and Feldenkrais are excellent for the spine; regular back massage would be wonderful too. Give the knees more support when exercising or playing sports. If you are out in the sun for a long time, use a strong sunscreen – your skin is more sensitive than usual.
Try to massage the whole foot on a regular basis, but pay extra attention to the points highlighted on the chart. When you massage, be aware of ‘sore spots’, as these need special attention. It’s also a good idea to massage the ankles and top side of the feet.
Saturn rules your 8th house of transformation, and Pluto, your health planet, rules surgery on a generic level. So surgery seems indicated in the year ahead, although it doesn’t seem for life-threatening kinds of things. It may be recommended to you and should you choose this route, it seems successful. However, you also benefit from detox regimes. Often these achieve the same ends as surgery, only they take longer.
There are two eclipses in your house of health this year. There is a Lunar Eclipse on April 25 and a Solar Eclipse on November 3. These will tend to produce health scares, but with your overall health so good, they are likely to be only scares and nothing more. Often these eclipses indicate important, fundamental changes in the health regime and diet, generally for the better. These changes have long needed to be made, but the eclipse gives the needed push.
With Jupiter in your 1st House since June 2012 you need to watch your weight, as we mentioned. Basically this is a happy transit. It brings sensual pleasures, the fulfilment of carnal fantasies and desires. The main danger healthwise is excess – too much of a good thing. Enjoy all the pleasures that Jupiter brings by all means, but try not to overdo it. There is a price to be paid for this. Listen to your body – it will tell you when enough is enough.
Your most vulnerable health periods this year will be from February 18 to March 20; August 23 to September 22; and November 22 to December 21. These are times to rest and relax more and in general pay more attention to your health.
Home and Family
Your 4th house of home and family is pretty much empty this year; it is not a house of power. Generally, as our regular readers know, this indicates a basic contentment with the status quo. You have more free will in this area than usual, but will you use it? Generally people do not.
A parent or parent figure is entering a very spiritual kind of period. The body is being refined and spiritualized. If they are not on a spiritual path they should embark on one. Sometimes this shows a tendency to abuse alcohol or drugs, but this should be avoided as the body can overreact to this. Exercises such as yoga and tai chi – spiritual kinds of exercises – are very good for this person. It will assist the process of elevating the body more than other kinds of exercises. This person is making very dramatic financial changes, perhaps involving new ventures or ‘start ups’. They are likely to move, renovate the existing home or acquire additional homes. (This could have happened last year too.) If the parents or parent figures are married, the relationship seems stable this year. There will be periods where it will be more stressful (when Mercury comes into stressful alignment with Neptune) and periods that are less stressful (when Mercury is in harmonious alignment with Neptune), but these are all short-term trends and they pass quickly.
Siblings and sibling figures are experiencing emotional volatility. They don’t seem happy with the home. They feel cramped and restricted. However a move this year is not advisable.
Children in your life are making excellent psychological progress. They are dealing with deep psychological issues and seem successful here. There are renovations going on in their room (if they live with you) or in their home (if they are of an appropriate age). Grandchildren of an appropriate age most likely moved last year. This year they seem content with the status quo.
If you are planning major repairs or renovations, October 15 to December 7 is a good time for this. If you are merely redecorating, making cosmetic kinds of changes or buying art objects for the home, July 22 to August 16 and August 23 to September 22 are good times.
Finance and Career
We mentioned earlier that ever since Jupiter moved into your sign in June of last year, you were in a cycle of prosperity. This year you are still in the early stages of the cycle, so wealth is increasing at a good pace. You are enjoying the good life, you are travelling more than usual, and basically you are optimistic about yourself and your future. And you have the wherewithal to enjoy all the carnal pleasures. Lady Luck has camped out in your aura and you are catching the lucky breaks. Often we see this in the little things as well as the big – you get an unexpectedly large tax refund; you get a bargain at the shops; gamblers discover that they are luckier at the casino; people win substantial sums on lotteries. These are the little signals that Jupiter is working his magic on you, that the heavenly doors of affluence are open.
Jupiter moving through your own sign until June 27 will also bring happy educational opportunities, and it seems wise to take them. Students should be successful in their studies. College applicants do very well – colleges are looking for you rather than vice versa.
On June 27 Jupiter enters your money house, bringing more prosperity. Stocks you own go up in value. Your home is probably worth more than you think. Your financial horizons get expanded. Your financial goals are bigger and you have more power to attain them. They are no longer beyond your reach. Happy financial opportunities come as well.
Jupiter is your love planet. Translated into financial terms this indicates a lucrative and happy business partnership or joint venture. Companies often merge or get sold under this aspect. Your spouse, partner or current love is financially supportive, much more than usual. Social connections are important financially. Friends seem rich and supportive as well. They bring happy financial opportunities. When the love planet is involved in finances we can never judge a person’s wealth by financial statements, or by merely looking at tangible assets. Geminis’ wealth these days is much more than this. Who they know is as important as how much they have. Wealth of friendships, as regular readers know, is a valid form of wealth.
When Jupiter moves into Cancer on June 27 it will start to make fabulous aspects to your career planet Neptune. This aspect is most exact in July, but is in effect afterwards too. This brings career elevation. Generally there are pay rises and promotions, but it also brings honours, recognition and an elevation of your status in your company, profession or industry. Your partner and friends are supportive of your career and bring opportunities. Your ability to get on with others seems to be a big factor in your success. When Jupiter moves into Cancer there will be a Grand Trine in the Water signs – and your career planet is involved with this. So the year ahead is successful careerwise.
With Neptune, your career planet, now in the spiritual sign of Pisces, you need a meaningful kind of career. It’s not just about making money and outer success. Your career has to have some spiritual value to it – it has to be something that truly benefits the world. This is your main challenge now and in the coming years. There’s more on this later.
Love and Social Life
Last year, and especially the second half of it, was a banner love year, and the trend continues perhaps even more strongly in 2013. Singles will not be single for too long. Perhaps they won’t actually marry, but it will be ‘as if’ they had married. They will be involved in a serious romantic relationship with strong marriage potential.
Jupiter, the love planet, is moving through your sign. Love is coming to you. You are not likely to escape it. It seems unavoidable. This person finds you, woos you, courts you. You are having love on your terms this year. The beloved caters to you, is devoted to you, is totally on your side. He or she puts your interests ahead of his or her own. You are the most important thing in their life. This kind of devotion is difficult to withstand.
You are lucky in finances this year, but perhaps even luckier in love.
This love will get tested later on in the year in August. Jupiter will move into Square aspect with Uranus, but this relationship seems to have a lot of cosmic help. I feel it can survive this.
What we said about love also applies to friendships. Friends – and happy social opportunities – seek you out, and you are in demand socially. We have often compared the effect of a planetary transit to the action of a drug. It is as if you have taken a cosmic aphrodisiac. You exude love and grace. You look good. You are always smart and intellectual, but now the love force emanates from you and people respond to this. This is a year of great popularity.
After June 27, as Jupiter moves into your money house, you are working to combine an active social life with an active financial life. You do business with your friends, the people that you socialize with, and you socialize with the people you do business with. You find love and social opportunity as you pursue your normal financial goals and with people who are involved in your finances.
Before June 27 it is the physical aspects of love that attract – the charms of the body, the right image, the right look. The beloved has to fit your image of love and vice versa. Love is expressed physically, not just through sex but through hugging, touching, massage and things of this nature. After the 27th wealth becomes an important attraction. You are attracted to the rich, the good providers, the people who can help you financially. Love is expressed in material ways, through material gifts or financial support. This is how you feel loved and this is how you express it.
Saturn, as we have mentioned, is now in your 6th house of health for the next two years. We discussed some of the physical aspects of this in the health section, but there is more to it.
Saturn in your 6th house shows that you gravitate to traditional, orthodox medicine. You want the therapies that have stood the test of time. Even those of you who like alternative therapies will probably gravitate to the very ancient systems – acupuncture, acupressure and so on. The new and the untried, no matter how trendy, are not for you.
The good point about this is that you are not into ‘quick fixes’ healthwise. You want long-term cures, long-term solutions. Generally this involves lifestyle changes, adopting a healthier type of life. You seem willing to do this now.
You are very prosperous in the year ahead. It could be that you are merely working harder, putting in more hours. You have good luck with you, but you are also putting in the work. Those of you who hire others are probably laying off people this year, making the workforce leaner but more productive. Those of you who work for others are probably seeing the same phenomenon in your own company. There are job changes in the year ahead, changes in working conditions and the workplace.
Neptune on the Mid-heaven makes you very idealistic about your career, as we mentioned. It also indicates a spiritual type of career for many of you. Those involved in a mundane worldly career (and there’s nothing wrong with this) might want to spend more time with charities and altruistic kinds of causes. It will not only give you much personal satisfaction, but will actually enhance your career and public image. Of course, you shouldn’t do this for personal benefit, but this will be the natural side effect.
In many case, spirituality itself will become the career. Spiritual development will be the mission (a valid one, by the way). Practices that seem solitary such as meditation, or breathing exercises, are really not solitary at all. They affect in a positive way everyone around you. Spiritual practice changes families, communities, and even the world.
Month-by-month Forecasts
Best Days Overall: 4, 5, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 31
Most Stressful Days Overall: 2, 3, 8, 9, 14, 15, 29, 30
Best Days for Love: 4, 8, 9, 12, 18, 19, 22, 29, 30, 31
Best Days for Money: 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31
Best Days for Career: 6, 14, 15, 24
You begin your year with most of the planets in the Western, social sector of your Horoscope. Relationships are important now. Your good (with the exception of romance) comes to you by the good graces of others and not so much because of your personal abilities or personal actions. Thus there is a need to cultivate the social skills and adapt more to situations. If conditions are not pleasant, make a note, and get ready to change them when you enter your period of personal independence. It is not yet time for forcing issues. Let others have their way, so long as it isn’t destructive.
The upper half of the Horoscope contains 70 and sometimes 80 per cent of the planets. So you are in a cycle where your career, your outer world objectives are dominant. You are focused here and thus success is more likely. We get what we focus on. Next month you will enter a yearly career peak and success will be even greater.
The planetary momentum is overwhelmingly forward at the moment – 90 per cent of the planets are moving forward and on the 30th all of them will be forward. This is an excellent time to launch new projects or products into the world. The 11th to the 27th is especially favourable for these launches.
Your 8th and 9th houses are the most powerful this month. Until the 19th, the 8th house of transformation is strong. Thus it is good for detox regimes on all levels, physical, emotional, mental and financial. Your efforts at personal transformation – creating the person that you want to be – will also go better. After the 19th, as the Sun moves into your 9th house, it is good for religious and metaphysical-type breakthroughs, and for scheduling foreign trips. Students should do better in school too. If you are involved in legal issues, try to schedule them after the 19th.
Love is excellent all month, but especially after the 19th. This is a good period to schedule a wedding or other kind of party, and especially after the 30th.
Finances are reasonable this month; nothing special one way or the other. In general you should earn more from the 11th to the 27th. You have more financial energy and enthusiasm that period than either before or after.
Health is much improved over last month. The main danger is overindulgence. This can create weight problems. Enhance the health in the ways described in the yearly report.
Best Days Overall: 1, 9, 10, 18, 19, 27, 28
Most Stressful Days Overall: 5, 11, 12, 25, 26
Best Days for Love: 5, 9, 10, 18, 19, 27
Best Days for Money: 1, 9, 10, 18, 20, 21, 22, 27
Best Days for Career: 2, 11, 12, 20
Last month on the 19th you entered a mini love peak for the year. You have others coming later on, but this was one of them, and it continues until the 18th of this month. Most of you seem involved in some serious relationship, but if not, this is a period for meeting a special someone. Your love planet Jupiter was retrograde most of last month until the 30th. Now it is moving forward and so social confidence and judgement are good. Mental clarity on love issues is back, so it’s safe now to make important love decisions.
In most areas of life you need to compromise and adapt to others, but in love you are having things your way and on your terms. After the 5th be more patient with the beloved. You seem in some minor disagreement.
Until the 18th all the planets are moving forward. Thus you are in another good period for launching new projects or products into the world. The 10th to the 18th seem best. On the 18th (and you will begin to feel this earlier) you enter a yearly career peak. Career is active and successful and promotions now wouldn’t be a surprise. The 6th–7th, 11th–12th and the 19th–21st are especially successful. If you have issues with your boss or with the government, these are good times to deal with them.
Health and energy are wonderful until the 18th. After that, try to rest and relax more. With the career so active it will probably be difficult, but if you drop the trivia from your life you will find it easier. Enhance health in the ways mentioned in the yearly report and do whatever is possible to maintain high energy levels. Your health is basically good this year, but this is not one of your best periods.
The planetary power begins to shift from the West to the East, from the social sector to the personal sector, on the 18th. Thus you will start becoming more independent day by day. You will have the power to create what you desire in your life, to go your own way and to find your own happiness. Others will start to adapt to you.
Mars conjuncts your career planet Neptune from the 3rd to the 5th. A friend is very successful and supportive of you. Friends in general are opening career doors. Your high-tech expertise seems very important during this period.
Finances are strongest from the 11th to the 25th as the Moon is in her waxing phase, although finance doesn’t seem like a big deal this month. Status and prestige – being number one – seem more important.
Best Days Overall: 1, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 27, 28
Most Stressful Days Overall: 4, 5, 10, 11, 24, 25, 26, 31
Best Days for Love: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 21, 22, 27, 28, 31
Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 31
Best Days for Career: 1, 2, 10, 11, 20, 29
Mercury, the Lord of your Horoscope, and a very important planet in your life, went retrograde on February 23 and will be retrograde until the 17th of this month. You are successful but seem to lack direction. This is a period for gaining mental clarity about your personal goals and family issues. Perhaps you are not sure of the kind of image you want to project, so take the time to do homework on these things. Clarity will come after the 17th.
You are definitely in charge in the romance department. You seem above the beloved, calling the shots. Often this creates problems. It is wonderful to have authority, but if it is abused there will be love problems. Friends might not take too kindly to this either. The beloved (and friends in general) are in conflict with their families and this is adding to the stress. The love and social life improves dramatically after the 20th and next month will be even better.
The Sun will be in Aries from the 20th onwards. This is considered the best starting energy of the year. Spring is when the plants start to grow and nature resurrects. In addition the planetary momentum is overwhelmingly forward, especially after the 17th, so this is another great time to begin new ventures. The 20th to the 27th is the best time to begin things.
Your health still needs watching until the 20th. Review our discussion of this last month. Health and energy roar back after the 20th.
On the 20th your 11th house of friends becomes powerful. Thus it is a strong social period. You are involved with friends, groups, group activities and professional organizations. It is a very good time to upgrade your technology or to increase your general knowledge here. Foreign trips are also likely after the 20th as Uranus (your travel planet) gets intense stimulation. Group tours seem more favourable than solo travel.
Pluto, your work planet, receives stressful aspects after the 20th and so there are probably job changes afoot. This could be with your present company or with another one. Also the conditions of work are changing. Those of you who employ others experience employee turnover and instability these days. You will also be making dramatic changes to the health regime and diet.
Best Days Overall: 4, 5, 14, 15, 23, 24
Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 6, 7, 8, 21, 22, 27, 28
Best Days for Love: 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30
Best Days for Money: 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 23, 24, 29, 30
Best Days for Career: 6, 7, 8, 16, 25
The Sun is in Aries and the planetary momentum is still overwhelmingly forward. If you have new products or projects to launch and you haven’t yet done so, this is still a great period to do it. The New Moon of the 10th is particularly good, but the 10th to the 25th – the waxing Moon period – is reasonable.
Pluto, your health planet, is receiving some stressful aspects until the 20th. Often this brings a health scare. However, overall health looks excellent this period (and for the year ahead) so this is likely to be nothing more than a scare. Like last month we see job changes and changes in the conditions of work. Employers are experiencing employee turnover. Job seekers need to be more patient this month. With Pluto going retrograde on the 12th, job opportunities need more research – not everything the recruiter says is actually so. Read the contract. Study the fine print. This applies to health insurance or health care plans as well.
A Lunar Eclipse on the 25th reinforces much of what we say above. It brings job changes, instability with employees and perhaps a health scare. It also shows dramatic financial changes.
Most of the planets are still above the horizon and your 10th career house is still powerful until the 14th, so keep your focus on the career. There is still much success and positive developments happening here. It is safe to downplay home and family issues now. In fact, the family seems very supportive of your career. The family as a whole seems elevated in status over the past few months, and a parent or parent figure seems very active on the social level.
The planetary power is approaching the maximum Eastern position this month (the absolute maximum occurs next month), so there is no need to compromise these days. Create your life – the conditions and circumstances – as you would like them to be. This is the time for having things your way. You need to decide your path of greatest happiness, not others. You are in a period where personal initiative and personal ability matter. Make the most of it. Later on in the year it will be more difficult to change conditions.
Your 11th house of friends is still powerful all month, so review our discussion of this from last month. Foreign travel, especially group travel, seems to be happening.
On the 19th, your 12th house of spirituality becomes powerful. This is a period for spiritual-type breakthroughs and for interior revelation. The growth that is happening now is interior, covert, behind the scenes, but the results will be clear next month. Every spiritual breakthrough leads inevitably to a physical or material breakthrough. Things always happen first in the spiritual world.
Finances are not that big of a deal, as has been the case since the beginning of the year. But earnings (and your mood for finance) will be stronger from the 10th to the 25th.
Love is still very happy, and a child in your life has a happy romantic experience from the 5th to the 9th.
Best Days Overall: 2, 3, 11, 12, 21, 22, 29, 30
Most Stressful Days Overall: 4, 5, 18, 19, 25, 26, 31
Best Days for Love: 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 21, 22, 26, 29, 30
Best Days for Money: 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 29, 30
Best Days for Career: 4, 5, 13, 23, 31
We have two eclipses this month, which ensures that the month ahead will be turbulent and full of change. If you read the newspapers this month you will see what I mean here. However, in spite of this, your life is going well. You will not be affected too much and you will be in a good position to help others through this period. Things might not be going so well for them.
The Lunar Eclipse of the 25th occurs in your 12th house of spirituality. This indicates changes in your spiritual practice and attitudes. Generally this comes as a result of interior revelation. People often change teachers, teachings and paths under this kind of eclipse. There will be shake-ups in a spiritual or charitable organization that you are involved with. The Moon is your financial planet, so every Lunar Eclipse brings dramatic financial changes. This one is no different. People seldom make necessary changes voluntarily; events have to force them, and this is the function of the eclipse. Generally we face some major ‘financial fear’ and need to overcome it. Cars and communication equipment will get tested – often they need replacement or repair. There are dramas in the lives of siblings or sibling figures. Friends, too, seem affected.