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Horoscope for 2018 Major Trends
ОглавлениеSometimes the best way out of a rut is not climbing out of it, but simply blasting the rut away. When the blast is over, you’ll find your path open. This is what is starting (and it is only the beginning) to happen this year, as Uranus enters your sign on May 16. This is a momentous transit that you will feel for the next seven years. Those of you born early in the sign of Taurus (April 20 to April 22) are going to feel this the most this year. But all of you will feel it in coming years.
The other major headline is the love life. The love life was good last year, but gets even better in the year ahead. Jupiter is firmly positioned in your 7th house of love almost all year – until November. For singles this brings romance and serious types of relationship. More on this later.
Jupiter will move into your 8th house on November 8. This will bring prosperity to the current love or spouse. He or she enters a peak prosperity period that will last well into 2019. It will also be a good time to pay off debt or attract outside investors. More on this later on.
Saturn moved into your 9th house late last year and will remain there for the next two years. This is basically a happy transit as Saturn makes harmonious aspects to you. You will be more disciplined and organized. For college students this is a difficult transit, however; it shows a need for more work, more effort, more discipline in the studies. You can’t coast this year. It is also challenging for those of you involved in legal issues. You can expect many delays and setbacks.
Pluto has been in your 9th house for many years now, and will be there for many more. This indicates that a cosmic detox is going on in your religious and philosophical life. This is a long-term process. Old beliefs – those that don’t belong in the mind – get flushed out so that a better, more realistic belief system can evolve.
Neptune has been in your 11th house for many years and, likewise, will be there for many more years to come. Neptune, like Pluto, is a very slow-moving planet. This transit is spiritualizing your friendships. You’re attracting more spiritual friends, and perhaps are more involved in spiritual types of organizations too.
Your most important interests this year will be the body and image (from May 16 to November 6); love and romance (until November 8); sex, occult studies and personal reinvention (after November 8); religion, philosophy, higher education and foreign travel; friendships, groups and group activities; and spirituality (from January 1 to May 16 and from November 6 onwards).
Your paths of greatest fulfilment this year will be home and family (until November 17); love, romance and social activities (until November 8); sex, occult studies and personal transformation (from November 8 onwards); and communication and intellectual interests (after November 17).